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Obama Declares NCAA Football Forum a Federal Disaster Area 
Posted on June 13, 2009 at 11:52 AM.
Obama Declares NCAA Football Forum a Federal Disaster Area
by Ryan Spencer
The Onion: OS

Earlier this morning, President Barack Obama officially declared the NCAA Football section of the Operation Sports forums a federal disaster area, clearing the way for significant aid for the much-maligned message board.

"I pledge to help the OS NCAA community in any way possible during its time of great need," President Obama said.

The boards have been hit by a salvo of crushing blows recently, as waves of bad news have left the community in shambles.

It began with the revelation that the rosters that will ship with the game are likely completely inaccurate, as some teams may not have any freshman.

The community was hit hard again when gameplay videos revealed NCAA Football 10 would essentially play the same problem-plagued way it has since 2007.

The early rebuilding efforts were setback when the news came that Teambuilder slots will only be provided to players who bought the game new, leaving gamers who rent the game or buy it used out in the cold.

The most recent – and most significant – blow came when it was learned that one of the "New Features" of the game was the ability to purchase dynasty boosts with real money, destroying all sense of hope that the community may have had left about the direction the development team was taking.

"We've lost everything," OS member Moostache said. "Our whole community lays in waste."

Obama is scheduled to tour the devastation by helicopter on Monday.
# 1 rudyjuly2 @ Jun 13
Get used to DLC. As more and more big box stores are profiting off used games, companies make nothing off it. Paying a teambuilder fee for used games, much like NBA Live's DNA is the new future.

I've been disappointed with quite a few things about NCAA 10 - largely because Madden is getting stuff that the NCAA game won't. But I don't think NCAA 10 will be the disaster people are making it out to be.
# 2 SHO @ Jun 13
# 3 stlstudios189 @ Jun 13
Too funny. but what's even funnier is the game will sell 5 million copies and we will be on these boards complaining about it.
# 4 boritter @ Jun 14
Good read. The NCAA forums are sad now. I want to cry every time I hear more about NCAA 10.
# 5 deaduck @ Jun 14
Frankly, I don't blame developers for trying to find a income that works outside the used game market. I worked at Gamestop and know clearly the revune gained in selling used games.
# 6 DubTrey1 @ Jun 14

# 4 stlstudios189 @ Jun 13 (1 Day Ago) Too funny. but what's even funnier is the game will sell 5 million copies and we will be on these boards complaining about it.

Could not be more right.....LOL!!!

# 7 Da_Czar @ Jun 15
LOL loved it. Nice work... I will pass yet again on this game this year.
# 8 cepwin @ Jun 15
LOL...does the NCAA 10 team get a federal bailout? Somehow if President Obama played a sports game I think it would be NBA Live.
# 9 jWILL253 @ Jun 16
I recently heard from close sources that Dick Cheney is gonna visit the forum for a sit in on Obama's visit to the forum. He's gonna be joined by Michael Steele, Sarah Palin, and John McCain, who recently advocated for NCAA Football 10, saying "it's a game that only true mavericks play."

# 10 asu666 @ Jun 16
Awesome, yet sad at the same time. I remember when NCAA was better than Madden, now I'm not sure it's better than the last Xbox version.
# 11 marcoyk @ Jun 16
Hahahaha that was hilarious. They're new online dynasty money-making idea hurt my soul. Great read.
# 12 Mr. Fascinating @ Jul 5
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