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rokky's Chalkboard
# 21
Dan13Marino @ Jul 18, 2015
you mailbox is full. If you have the credits to go first. I can send you Erickson for Derozen.
# 20
darkcatalyst08 @ Jul 4, 2015
# 19
yanf7 @ Jun 24, 2015
# 18
palitongo @ Jun 21, 2015
hi your inbox is full , im loaded of pg too , i can sell u jefferson 17/40 with a 900k bb , i got sam jones sg leg to sell to
# 17
waterloo24 @ Jun 19, 2015
# 16
waterloo24 @ Jun 19, 2015
# 15
waterloo24 @ Jun 19, 2015
# 14
waterloo24 @ Jun 19, 2015
everything is done! let me know if you need anything else again thanks
# 13
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
just contact me about the Oakley on Saturday if you still want him. Maybe i can take a few enhancements or if youd have a trained UR or Epic by then that would be great.
If none, what I can do is just give him to you if you could really use him, just pay the tax
# 12
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
(will wait for your reply now)
# 11
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
as soon as you bid let me know so i can buy it now your enhancements. (and so I can sleep after haha)
# 10
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
bid at Lance at 2000 (if u dont have the credits now we can do it tomorrow after we both get paid for the Duncan/epic pros)
i buy back from you 3 PM enhancements at 350 each and 1 REB enhancement at 350 so (350 x 4) = 1400.
What do you think? (wont post anything til we both get confirmation)
Or do you really want/need Oakley too?
# 9
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
let me ask you though, do you have any SR or UR enhancements youre willing to trade? if so, I need those too. let me know which u have
# 8
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
thanks again, from a fellow New Yorker haha
# 7
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
thanks! if I can help you with anything else let me know
# 6
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
ok just confirming I see your bid now. let me know the 2 epic pros Im buying from you at the min bid of 1800 each. thanks
also if either of us get outbid, since this is a bid trade. I dont mind since either way we both get paid. I'll post about this transaction in the good transactions thread
also if either of us get outbid, since this is a bid trade. I dont mind since either way we both get paid. I'll post about this transaction in the good transactions thread
# 5
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
My STAR Duncan is now listed for 12 hours BID 5000 BIN (buy it now) price is 6006 so its easy to search in the AH. I know youre just bidding at 5000. it's 2 slots untrained with a regular REB & ATH enhancements.
Once you've bid on my Duncan tell me the list details of your 2 epic pros so I can bid too. list for 12 hours as well so we both get paid faster thanks will wait for your reply now
# 4
doctabre @ Jun 18, 2015
# 3
waterloo24 @ Jun 18, 2015
I make 3500 after tax with a 5000 bid, so by buying 2 fully trained epic pros for you for a total of 3600 that is almost net of tax. let me know if that works for you or not
# 2
doctabre @ Jun 18, 2015
# 1
doctabre @ Jun 18, 2015
I have a Star Harden I would be willing to move in the right deal. What kind of deal are you looking for?
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