My Online Franchise League...I am Cincinnati Bengals
Welcome to the XFA
From out of the ashes one of the most respected Madden online PC leagues, the XFA, returns and reinvents itself as an Xbox One league. We are recruiting for quality SIM GM's who are dedicated, mature, active players, who can handle losing, and play with respect!
We will advance 2 times a week. We are an extensive trading league, but there will be some form of salary cap (either EA's or one we create on our own).
The XFA is run by long time Madden players who have seen it all and just want to create an environment where friends can meet to play the game we love without all the drama of many other leagues out there. We have been running leagues since 2002, we know what it takes to make a GREAT LEAGUE!!!!
We are currently looking for new or past members to join our XFA family for our Madden 15 Xbox One league. We will start the 2nd week of Sept or after the first roster update from EA. (date to be determined). If you would like to join up you can message me, respond to this post or signup on our forums at
We are currently in the process of getting our Daddy leagues site set up and will announce when complete so new members can sign up there as well. There are some great teams still open so get in while you still can!