Super Stickman Golf 2 Review (Android)

I'm usually quite hesitant about sports gaming apps when the words free and app come across my desk, mainly because those types of sports games are either quite poorly done or they are so full of needed and necessary DLC that it makes playing them a laborious and expensive process -- nothing is free after all.
Enter Super Stickman Golf 2, perhaps one of the finest mobile 'sports' games I have ever gotten to play. The concept is simple, you play a unique brand of golf that's actually as much a puzzle game as it is a golf game. You can play single player and try to earn gold stars for shooting 10 under, or you could play turn based multi-player against a friend on your device.
Your swings will defy gravity as sometimes you'll be shooting upside down or even sideways. To swing you simply aim your shot using an arrow, not unlike what you find in Angry Birds then you use a meter to match the right velocity you'd like to swing with. When you get on the green, you simply pick which way to putt and your Stick Man will give the putt a go based upon how strong you push the meter.
You are given twenty unique and compelling courses to work through, each with a sort of spin or style you have to adjust to: from magnets that repel your ball, to sticky walls that catch your shots, to portals which you have to work through to get your ball to the hole.
The courses are all nine holes and feature pars that are not quite what you are used to, as some are as high as 9 or even 10 strokes.
Each course oftentimes deals with you trying to hit the ball over and around obstacles, which can include water, lasers which destroy your ball, or just falling into infinity off of the platforms in the course. In short, the courses are a puzzle game of their own with golfing overtones.
You will never feel lost within the game, as there are in-game tutorials by way of sign-posts on your courses which allow you to stay ahead of exactly how to navigate the different courses and obstacles you'll experience within Super Stickman Golf 2.
The graphics are standard 2D side scrolling, with great backgrounds and good objects. The music is a throwback to the 8-bit midi days, and some of the tunes are incredibly catchy. I'm a fan.
Final Thoughts
While Super Stickman Golf 2 isn't a full fledged golfing sim by any stretch, it's an incredibly fun experience and at the low cost of free, it's an app worthy of an investment in both time and energy. If you let it, Super Stickman Golf 2 will reel you in with its charm and style, and you'll find yourself a convert into its amazing world. A highly recommended download.
Score: 8.5 (Great)