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Patrick Willlis vs. Clay Matthews? 
Posted on May 9, 2011 at 09:52 AM.
Who's the best linebacker in the NFL? Clay Matthews capped off a great year last year for Green Bay with a big win in the Super Bowl over the Steelers. Patrick Willis named by ESPN recently as the league's best overall linebacker performs well for the perpetually underachieving 49ers.

NFL fans, who would you take, Patrick Willis or Clay Matthews? Why?
# 1 inglip @ May 9
It's gotta be Willis, give Clay a few more years in the league and I might be saying him, but Willis is a freak, 240 pounds, 4.37 40 yard dash. You don't just see that everyday, and obviously Willis is the better overall linebacker, as well.
# 2 DGMikeBarker @ May 9
I have to say Willis. Clay is an excellent pass rusher and has a high motor, but Willis does it all. He's a great run stopper, good pass rusher, and can play in coverage pretty well. He's basically a faster Ray Lewis.
# 3 CJTHA1 @ May 9
Willis hands down is the better LB. He's the next great inside linebacker in the NFL. Clay is not even the best outside linebacker in the NFL because that title belongs too D.Ware
# 4 Joey Sauce @ May 9
Patrick Willis..he has been consistent since day 1 in the league and just missed the first game of his career week 17 of this past season and was pissed!. Dude played with a broken hand for weeks. He is a warrior..period
# 5 pittsburgher86 @ May 9
Who needs one of the best linebackers when you can have "super duper" great ones in James Harrison, LaMarr Woodley, Lawrence Timmons and James Farrior? (a la the Pittsburgh Steelers. But, in all seriousness I'd say Petrick Willis is better.

Also my top 5 linebackers would be:
1. Patrick Willis
2. James Harrison
3. Clay Matthews
4. Ray Lewis
5. DeMarcus Ware

Just some food for thought there.
# 6 patmaster7891 @ May 10
Jon beason
# 7 bmj2k7 @ May 10
I'd say Willis, you knew when mike singletary was there lb coach he wanted this guy and knew he was going to be one of the leagues best, he covers, stops the run and can just use his pure speed to force pressure on qbs and can run just about everyone down, Mathews is a great pass rusher, but not great in coverage, he actually remineds me of the old bears lbs, they couldnt cover anyone but they never asked thwm too, they just let them do what they do best, kill the Qb for 60= minutes
# 8 ridemooses @ May 10
Watching Clay play every week as a Packers fan you realize what a special player he really is, he makes all kinds of big plays and is never caught out of position. On the other hand Patrick Willis does everything Clay does and arguably more because he plays for a much worse defense and is forced to make up for a lot of other players mistakes. Right now I'll say Willis because he's the best all-around player on defense in the NFL. But when it's all said and done, Clay Matthews might have the most impact having lead the Packers to one title already, the sky is the limit in terms of what he can accomplish in the NFL.
# 9 rdelizo35 @ May 10
@Rylnner: I respect your opinion and you made some valid points. But all I wanted was to create some discussion. Let me ask you this: what kind of defense is better at getting at the QB and creating a good pass rush: 3-4 or 4-3?

What traits would you, as a coach, want in a linebacker?
# 10 Big_Mig_11 @ May 11
I am a huge fan of both. You'd be lucky to have either on your team. But Patrick Willis is the best LB in football. For this debate, he wins easily IMO. Any self respecting fan you claims to watch the NFL would feel the same. You can make the argument about they play different posiitions, and it is a valid argument. However, in my opinion, sack are a glorified stat. They are huge, no doubt, but you do not need the versitilaty of a MLB in the NFL now-a-day, especially in a 3-4. Matthews does everything well, but Willis does everything GREAT. He had 6 sacks last year and, i don't know how many times he blitz, but it was FAR less than an OLB in a 3-4 would in a season. He is the heart and soul of our D and changes the game schematically for opponents. As does clay, no doubt. But Willis is about to enter his prime and he has paved the way in 4 seasons for a HOF-esque career...cant say the same about Clay right NOW.
# 11 xITSxDAWKINSx @ May 13
for people who think patrick willis plays in a 4-3 dont know what their talking about. the niners play in a 3-4. pat is the best middle linebacker in the game to me the mlb is the key to the D. teams can just run away from clays side and hes out of the play most of the time. you can swap the outside backers from pitt to the the pack and there wouldnt be a drop off. ask gms around the nfl and how lbs are better the patrick. demarcuse ware, james harrison are better then clay, suggs and woodly are in clays class. there is no LB in pats class plus like i said the middle backer is more importent to a D. and pat is balling in a 3-4 enough said
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