Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Associated Press Release
Lindenwood Academy Lava Bears
Motto: “The World is YOURS”
Established: 2010
Endowment: 350 million
President: Philip H. Knight [NIKE]
Faculty: 450
Undergraduates: 180
Postgraduates: N/A
Location: Orlando,FL
Colors: Molten Red, Black and Lava Yellow
Nickname: Lava Bears
Mascot: “Bro The Bear” & "The Sacred Lava Tree"
Athletics: NCAA Division 1 Atlantic Coastal Conference (ACC)
Monday, June 21, 2010

- Press Release
Lindenwood Academy is pleased to announce their school paper "The Lindenwood Honeycomb." The Honeycomb will bring you the most exclusive stories, news, and rumors around campus. We will be following the Lava Bears as they try to maul their way into the National Championship picture. The man who will be in charge of the paper is as excited as anyone about this season. Brisco Kipp, a graduate in journalism from the University of Florida, said he will have the first story published soon. Lindenwood players are now starting to report for summer workouts.


By R.E. Porter
Orlando Sentinel - The Lindenwood Academy Lava Bears hire Ron English as Defensive Coordinator. English led Eastern Michigan to an 0-12 season last year before the school decided to drop the football program.


By Ivan Mateo
Orlando, FL - Goodbye Monday Nights! That is exactly what Jon Gruden told ESPN this morning. Jon Gruden, a former Monday Night Football analyst for ESPN/ABC, and Super Bowl Champion with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, has decided it was time to put the headset back on. Lindenwood Academy has decided not only to make Jon Gruden the first head coach in school history, but they decided to make him the highest paid coach as well. Mack Brown was the previous highest paid coach with a 5.1 million dollar contract. Gruden has reportedly signed an 7.5 million dollar deal with 1.5 million upfront. This makes Mack Brown's huge contract at one time look like peanuts.
When asked about his decision, Gruden said the following, “After my pre-draft QB clinic on ESPN with [Tim] Tebow, [Colt] McCoy, [Sam] Bradford and [Jimmy] Clausen, it made me want to coach again. It gave me the so called 'itch' back.” Gruden doesn't waste anytime either. After being appointed head coach only for few hours now, Gruden has already hired an offensive coordinator and he didn't have to look far. He hired brother and UFL's Florida Tuskers head coach, Jay Gruden. This isn't the first time they have worked together. From 2002 to 2008, Jay worked as an assistant with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. “I'm looking forward to working with Jon again and who better then my brother?” Jon Gruden also said that they will have their Defensive Coordinator by tonight. “Mr. Knight is finalizing the contract as we speak!” When I asked who that might be, Gruden gave me that smile that made him so famous and said...“You already know.” Ron English the former head coach at EMU? He continued to smile. By the sound of things, it looks like Ron English will be named the D-Coordinator who, before his head coaching duties at EMU, had the Michigan Wolverines run defense as one of the best in the country. There will be no coaching problems or finical problems here at Lindenwood Academy. So far, i see the program on the right path for success. At the same time, it could turn out to be one “HUGE” finical gamble! Only time will tell if this new type of "College" will work or not. We are still waiting on the schools official release with the school colors, mascot and logos. Gruden is also starting to finalize his staff and said he hoped to have all his coaches by the end of the month.


Orlando Sentinel reports Jon Gruden Hired as Lindenwood Academy's first head coach!......
Orlando Sentinel reports Jon Gruden Hired as Lindenwood Academy's first head coach!.......
Lindewood Academy is scheduled to hold a press conference later today.


By Warren James
Who would have thought that the folding of the Eastern Michigan football program would cause this much chaos around the NCAA. The newest addition to the FBS and the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) is newly founded Lindenwood Academy. Linden what? ACC? How you ask? Since it was established, it left a lot of questions unanswered and now, we wait no more. The "WOOD” is how President Philip H. Knight refers to it. For those of you who been asleep for the past 40 years, Knight is one of the founders of a little company called NIKE. He went on to explain, "Here, coaches don't have to worry about their players running late or missing practices all together because of class and labs. Not here. Classes run from 8:00am -1:30pm Monday through Friday. The "WOOD" also offers 4 Undergraduate Degrees in Exercise Science, Athletic Training, Sports Business Management and Sociology. "Football is the only sport here, so all the money and time is being dedicated directly to the program." When Knight says "MONEY" he means it. 350 million to be exact. The biggest budget for all Athletic Programs in the country. It doubles the University of Texas budget. So just imagine how many different uniforms combinations and facilities they will have. "If it is needed...we will have it." Philip said. So I asked how does a school with only 180 or so students, and unknown academic standards, get in to a major conference like the ACC? Does it take a generous donation? He avoided the question. I think we can speculate with the money from Nike, anything possible. Just do it...right?
For the feminists out there saying that Lindenwood Academy is discriminating toward women, arguing the school going against Title IX, I do have to tell you that Lindenwood Academy is considered a privately funded, all male school. So Title IX doesn't apply here. I asked if he thought that would hurt recruiting, being an all male school. Knight responded "Its not like the players are not allowed to associate with them [girls]. They just don't attend school here. Look, we are in Orlando, Florida. Beaches, bikinis, sounds like a Mecca of women to me. You can't forget about Disney too." He chuckled. "Who in there right mind wouldn't come here? You receive a degree playing big time college football and we will produce professionally ready, young men. Whether that's in pursuing a career in the NFL or the field they chose to go into." I went on to ask him how competitive do you think you will be? "Next year? As a program? Both? I see lots of championships to come hopefully sooner then later. But I have important meeting to attend so i have to go". As my time ran out the CEO of Nike, who had more "important things" to be doing, then answering my questions. He did say before leaving the room that they will have a coach before the week is over. We do know that coach Ron English has interviewed with Knight. Also, Lindenwood Academy will be releasing the schools facts and logos sometime next week.


R.E. Porter
Associated Press- Boston College accepts the Big East Offer to rejoin the conference after 6 years in the ACC. Boston College spent 26 years in the Big East before leaving. The last time Boston College was in the Big East, they shared the regular season title.


By Ivan Mateo
Cleveland, OH – Just day's after the Eastern Michigan Athletic Director announced that there will be no more football, The MAC Conference found a replacement and it's not the rumored Syracuse Orangemen we all thought it to be. The commissioner of the MAC welcomes the former Big 10 Northwestern Wildcats. Northwestern will be also replaced by the Bearcats of Cincinnati, last years Big East Champs and Orange Bowl representative. When asked if he thought that the move would be a downgrade for Northwestern, James Phillips, the AD for Northwestern said, “Not at all. I see us being able to come in a compete for a conference championship right away. We like to win and I see it happing a lot in the MAC. We are excited for the new endeavor.” I also like the move for Northwestern even though they are leaving an automatic BCS bid. But lets be honest, they where many years away from seeing that happen. I see the Wildcats being very successful...but I can't say the same for the Bearcats. Cincinnati said they're very excited for their programs and they are more then ready for the challenge. The move from the Big East to the Big 10 is going to be an up-hill battle and they will need to bring their “A” game every Saturday with likes of Ohio State, MSU, Iowa and Wisconsin. I see them doing better then Northwestern, but only time will tell if both moves will pay off. The Big east is now looking for a school to fill the new void in their conference. There's also talks of a "Football Academy" starting up in Central Florida and former EMU's head coach Ron English said to be interviewing for the job.


By R.E. Porter
Ypsliant,MI - Today, Eastern Michigan University Athletic Director, Derrick Gragg, announced after 990 career football games played in EMU history, there will be no more. The Eagles, who went winless last season, failed to meet NCAA attendance requirements which also led to to the Athletic Department's financial woes this year. "Football is costing more then what we are capable of bringing in...We just cant keep up with it all the demands it has." Gragg also went on to mention that "We as athletic department will work on a successful plan where we would be able to bring a marketable and successful football program to the school in the future." It will remain to be seen. EMU has an overall win percentage of .456, which is sub-par for a D1 program. They were members of MAC West where they have won one championship (1987). Players will be able to transfer and not have to sit out a year. The NCAA transfer rule does not apply in this situation. For the players who choose to stay and graduate from EMU, the school will honor their scholarship. There is no word on who will fill the opening in the MAC but there have been talks of a Sun Belt team and possibly Syracuse, who has struggled as of late in the Big East. Coach Ron English, who went 0-12 in his first year with the Eagles, could not be reached for comment. According to his agent, he has a interview in Florida on Thursday. There is no information on where or what position he is interviewing for.
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