Hulk Hogan's Main Event is a gesture-based, Guitar Hero-style game that sees players creating a wrestler and taking him from the backyards to sold-out venues. Character customization includes millions of different equipment and appearance combinations, allowing for just about any wrestling persona you could possibly think of to be created.

Actual gameplay revolves around the player having to duplicate an on-screen move to pose during ring entrances, avoid debris being thrown by unruly fans, and then to do some actual wrasslin' (chair shots included). The Hulkster himself is in your corner throughout your career, teaching you new moves and rooting you on.
The accuracy with which you are able to pull off each pose in the game will give you a certain score, and a final star rating is given to you at the end of each match, complete with actual photos of you performing the moves. There will be no online component to the game or leaderboards, so each score is for personal bragging rights only. I was told the game includes a co-op tag team mode as well, but this was not demonstrated at the event.
Final Thoughts
If you have kids who are into wrestling around the ages of 5-10, I can see this game being a hit. Even pushing 30, I could not help but to enjoy the ability to look foolish and live out my wrestling dreams. Hulk Hogan's Main Event releases in October and as of E3 is exclusive for Kinect.