When UFC Undisputed 2009 was released last year, MMA fans were thrilled to have the opportunity to fight as their favorite mixed martial artists.
According to an ESPN interview with UFC producer Neven Dravinski, the game outsold both NBA games combined as well as the MLB games. In simpler words, the game was a hit.
However, the popularity of the game did not absolve it from criticism. The fun within the game soon went away for many gamers due to the lack of depth in the game. Other complaints involved the career mode feeling repetitive, and unless you had a friend to play with, the matches quickly felt the same as the last one. But with UFC Undisputed 2010 coming out at the end of the month, fans are about to get a fresh dose of UFC action (and at least have a demo now to play in the interim).
One of the biggest complaints about UFC 2009 was the lack of moves. Each fighter had the same moves, both punches and kicks, as well as the same takedowns. With UFC 2010, each fighter will have their own signature fighting style, which introduces hundreds of new moves and techniques. Along with those elements, fighters will have the option of being a southpaw and the ability to switch stances in the middle of a fight.
There is an array of new moves including signature moves for selected fighters.
Along with the new gameplay features comes a much deeper career mode. You will have the option to choose a fighter, there is over 100 on the roster, in the exhibition modes, but you will have to create your own fighter within the career mode. When you create your own fighter, he will start out in the World Fighting Alliance (WFA), one step below UFC. You will need to work your way up before you can start taking down the BJ Penns and Kimbo Slices of the world. And of course, if you manage to make it to UFC and suck it up, the WFA will be right there waiting.
In career mode there is a new feature called stat decay. It is not necessarily a feature that you can control, but it makes you pay more attention to your fighter’s ratings. What stat decay does is slowly takes away points from your fighter if you do not focus on that area in training, similar to the way Road to the Show works in MLB 10: The Show.
One feature that really grabbed my interest was the ability to create a rivalry with another fighter. During plenty of new cut scenes with weigh-ins, victory speeches and interviews, you will have a Mass Effect-type option to pick what you want to say to or about your opponent. The choices range from thanking the fans, respecting your opponent or the most intriguing option, disrespecting your opponent. Opponents will also be aware how often you punch and kick to the left or right. If you punch to the right side of the face often, your next opponent will be ready for it, which will force you to find a new strategy. This should also allow each fight to feel different.
As most die-hard MMA fans know, fighters train together and not on their own. In this year's title Fight Camps can be formed in online leagues. In these camps players from across the country can build up their camp's reputation by winning a match. It sounds like an interesting concept with all the potential in the world, but for being a brand new feature, it probably will not come without flaws.
UFC Undisputed 2010 is pumped up and ready to meet its lofty expectations.
Regardless of the flaws the online play may have, or even the ones that may be seen in career modes, UFC Undisputed 2010 is sure to be a hit once again. Though it may end up feeling very similar to last year’s game for some, the new features and enhanced career mode should keep most MMA fans coming back for more.