Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Posted on January 27, 2016 at 07:02 AM.
I have been doing a 100 team soccer tournament based off of 2015 club rankings. The tournament is in three parts, an 8 team starter tournament. Then a 32 team tournament in that includes the four semi finalist from the 8 team tournament. Then the final 64 team tournament. I will give progressions and results from matches.
Posted on August 14, 2015 at 07:31 PM.
For the past month I have been enjoying Madden 15 lately. I have come some nice roster sets from the Madden community. One roster has team changes and rookies for next year and the other has the roster from 1996. Between these roster files and my tweaked sliders I have had some amazing games.
I got to thinking hence the title to this blog. Madden needs what NBA 2k15 has with myLeague. Now I know it's too late for this year by far, but something that needs to be considered for ... Read More
Posted on July 21, 2014 at 05:26 AM.
Ok. After hearing all week long that Cleveland Cavs are looking at ways to get Kevin Love, I say they need to wait. I have followed basketball for about twenty years, Cleveland needs to sit back and see how their team is now before trying to pull off some sort of mega deal with acquiring Love. Now do not get me wrong Love is a good player, but look at what Cleveland has in assets. First they have a dynamic duo of a back court with Irving and Waiters then throw in James. The front court has ... Read More
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Posted on January 22, 2013 at 10:57 PM.
Seems to me that Tom Brady is getting a little over-rated here lately. Here is what I am looking at. His first triumphs (first three Super Bowl wins) were legit. But the last several years it is more of Tom Brady performing poorly than him beating a very good defense. When I look at the Giants (The last two Super Bowl defeats) they were a decent team, but not something that he shouldn't have been able to beat. These were Giants Teams that struggled with the Redskins (before RGIII) and a defense ... Read More
Monday, September 24, 2012
Posted on September 24, 2012 at 08:53 PM.
My wife is an diehard Patriots fan. What we both cannot understand is why they will not get a defensive coordinator. Now I know Bill Belichick is an excellent coach, but a great mind can always use another excellent mind to work with. The great Patriot teams of the earlier decade had far less athletic defenders. But they also had great defensive coordinators to take up the slack. When I look at their current defense I see potential greatness with great young talent. Talent that proved themselves ... Read More
Posted on June 26, 2012 at 12:18 AM.
You know what, I have been playing Madden 12 again lately. As I played this game I just started looking at everything involved in this game. After I finished playing, I reflected back on the old Madden games of 94 and 95. What I realized is that some of what I wished for back then is represented in this game of Madden 12.
I believe that as gamers we have been spoiled by some games or just want to believe that any game should have everything in it and cannot have any problems. But as ... Read More
Monday, November 21, 2011
Posted on November 21, 2011 at 12:19 PM.
I ask this question in relation to the College Hoops 2K12 mock review that was released last week. College Hoops was discontinued because the company wanted to down size. So I ask the following question, (based on trying to keep college hoops)
If you were 2K which of the following franchises would you eliminate and why:
NBA 2k
MLB 2k
Top Spin
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Posted on September 1, 2011 at 02:08 PM.
Madden has come a long way over the years. I first became acquainted with Madden in 1994 at my cousins house. I had seen it, but never played it until that day. From that day on I had every Madden until 06, on PS2. I became quite frustrated with Madden at the time at the lack of innovation on the previous generation consoles.
Now fast-forward to now. Madden 12, I have seen peoples complaints about Madden 12. Commentary being one of many reasons, the commentary is bad, but the ... Read More