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Cleveland Cavs need patience 
Posted on July 21, 2014 at 04:26 AM.
Ok. After hearing all week long that Cleveland Cavs are looking at ways to get Kevin Love, I say they need to wait. I have followed basketball for about twenty years, Cleveland needs to sit back and see how their team is now before trying to pull off some sort of mega deal with acquiring Love. Now do not get me wrong Love is a good player, but look at what Cleveland has in assets. First they have a dynamic duo of a back court with Irving and Waiters then throw in James. The front court has tremendous upside with Thompson and Bennett to help with a sometimes fragile Varoajah. They want to trade Wiggins, Bennett, and a first round pick for Love, I say wait a minute that is a lot to give for one guy.

Let's look at this closer, Cleveland is on the verge of building something special with what they currently have. Not only that, they almost look like masters because they redeemed themselves by being to Lebron back. They took the last several seasons of stock piling and developing young talent a hard thing to do in the NBA. The team as it is right now kind of reminds me of a little bit of the Spurs but with a twist. Here is the twist I think the Cavs should consider, they have a lot of youngster that a huge upside including budding star Irving. These youngsters now get the opportunity to learn from and play with one of the best two players in the league with Lebron. It remains to be seen what kind of impact this is going to have on them, but considering how much he wants to win and the type of player he is, but it could be something we have seen in a LONG time. Reminds me of old Lakers with Jabbar and Magic era. Cleveland can win now and better be set up for major haul in championships years to come.

Here is how, first they have their big three set, something will be hard for teams to recreate. The big three are Irving, Waiters, and wait for it.......Lebron. If these can get chemistry early on this will be dynamic. We have not looked at the supporting cast which is the most special part. We so many young guys and none having more than just a couple of years experience that is going to massive. They will not have to have much demanded on them at first, just be able to contribute a little bit to help the big three. After this season is where it truly begins, I think after one season this supporting case will become special in their own right. But this only made possible with having the big three already set. We will then see the true talent of Wiggins, Bennett, and Thompson, and throw in that first round pick which will have gigantic wealth of talent to lean on for development.

Last item, in theory this sounded good, with the help from some in this community and my ability to get rosters that match how the landscape looks right in the NBA. I have started an association with this core of players with only exception being Mike Miller I did not have a way to get him on this team. As of right we three games into the season and one close loss at the Pacers. Seeing the big three in action has renewed my NBA 2k14, but when wiggins joins the mix it really becomes special. This team has fast break and defense it have yet to see anyone else to have. So I go back to my earlier statement Cavs need patience see how their roster works together because if what see so far in 2k in three gives any light into this team. Then it is fasten your seat belts this team is going to be fantastic. Please leave comments or have done this team let me know your achievements post here.
# 1 poulka @ Jul 21
@dukebeatsuncagain I think Love would be good fit for warriors. I think it could happen because warriors are full sg and sf of the same ability.

@therealhst Love is young, but can he adjust his game like Lebron and Wade did. Also keep in mind Wade and Lebron had post season experience before they committed together. Wiggins is unknown, but Love is kind of too because he used to being the man and has not reached playoffs. Good comments. Keep them coming.
# 2 maltliquor23 @ Jul 21
As a Cavs fan, its tough for me to say this. I don't know that you trade for Love until you see what you have half way through the season. If the Twolves get GS to give up Thompson (which I highly doubt) fine. If someone else makes a play fine. Giving up your #1 pick and 2 other first rounders and a future first rounder is not good for for the future or the present. What the Cavs become is a younger version of the heat and then handcuff themselves into mid-level exemptions, and ring chasers on the cheap. Thompson has this year left on his contract plus a qualifying offer for next year. The cavs will have 40 mil in cap space tied up in 2 players (James and Irving). All other contracts are team options. Love's at 7 years puts him at 19 mil a year. Likely a full cap of 64 or 65 mil next year it leaves no money for anything but Vet minimum players. They need to find a floor spacing 4 or run a small line up 1 Irving 2 Waiters 3 Wiggins 4 James 5 Varejao. It allows Thompson and Bennett and Haywood to come off the bench allows 1 3 and 4 to spell and rest separately. With Miller, Dellevadova, and Allen (if he decides not to retire and signs with Cleveland) to stretch the floor. Trading for Love Costs you Wiggins and likely another starter (Thompson and/or Bennett) to move leaving a gap at the 2 and no one to fill it. Lebron is going to Draw attention and get guys open looks.

Alot of what has been said about David Blatt is that he gameplans around his roster and can gameplan for every opponent separately. If this is the case i think he can use Lebron, Waiters, and Irving to drive and dish. What they have is strong enough from 12 to 15 feet to Spread the floor enough to make it work until they see what they have into January.
# 3 poulka @ Jul 22
@therealhst Love is good I don't question that, but how will he adjust his game is what I am concerned with. The last 3 years we had the big three. People think it is easy for superstars to adjust their roles for the better of the team. Love has always been the man for wolves, so is it possible for him to adjust.

@maltliquor. You bring the whole thing that have been trying to get people to understand. I don't mind Cavs getting Love, but not at such steep price. When I look back at all sports these trades that involve one player for many in return hardly work out. Like you said giving up all those pieces for one will leave many gaps in this lineup. That's why I said patience they were talking trade before realizing what they got. What did they get someone might ask:

Okay you have a team stocked with former number one picks, not first round, but number ones. Throw in that they already have experience so the learning curve has already started. Then throw in Lebron, so it is this year they get a number one Wiggins, and superstar Lebron, that alone is enough. Like you said they end up with a younger version of the Heat, but will be dynamic because instead of three this team could have potent six. Also consider we did not see the true Cavs last season because of injuries (major ones at that) so they need to wait. That brings my last point you get rid of all those pieces to get Love only to him or Lebron go down, who are you going to fall back on. Great comments guys keep them coming.
# 4 poulka @ Jul 22
A couple of things to add here. One has anyone questioned why Wolves are pushing for so much in return. I can tell you why, they realized what they. Issued out on when KG left. He basically got away without them getting hardly anything back some late first round picks that did not work out.

Second thing people say Love is great, but I beg the differ. Now I say he is good, but how many times has Minnesota made the playoffs while he was there. When KG was there by himself he carried that team to the postseason most years with less that what Love had. Some may say well the west was weaker then, but that is not true. Lakers dynasty was in full effect and the Spurs, Blazers, Jazz, and Mavs were all good teams back then.
# 5 maltliquor23 @ Jul 22
The question I truly have: is Love a Great player or a good player on a bad team? Is he collecting boards and buckets because no one else stands out? Will a trade to a contender serve that franchise a case of the Bosh-itis. Where his boards down 2.0 and points down 2.9 were dramatically down. Or more like lebron's in Miami which points were down .9 and boards were up .6 over his time with CLE. Love has been carrying a team just as Bosh was. Lastly is PER 21.3 to 19.4 between Toronto and Miami for bosh when 15 is average.
# 6 poulka @ Jul 22
@maltliquor23 that is a question I have too. Love's numbers seem to good to be true, which means you pair with some decent talent you easily lose him on the team as an effective factor. Also when look at their team something does not add up. For instance he has all those great numbers, then through in Brewer and Rubio and they cannot make the playoffs. I was Minnesota fan back in the 90's until KG left, and KG was on some pretty weak teams, but they made the playoffs. He carried them by himself, even when they had Anthony Peeler and company. The one season that they made the western conference finals was when they Szerbiak aka Wally World and Spree.
# 7 cincy14fan @ Jul 25
Cav's shouldn't go for Love, and I am a huge Cav's fan. At least not the price they are asking for.

Plus the starting five this year will be:
PG Irving
SG Wiggins/Waiters
SF LeBron
PF Thompson/Bennett (with Bennett being healthy and lost weight)
C Varejao

Waiters and Irving really don't get along, although I really like Waiters. Wiggins, while not the best shooter is a way better perimeter defender than Waiters. Which is why its a wash for the SG starting spot.

Same with PF Thompson is turning into a very solid player and Bennett as stated above is looking good in the D-League this summer. Yes I know its the D-League but looks completely different than the player last year.

If the Cav's are smart they will wait until about 3 weeks until the deadline to see if they should trade anyone. If they do I rather them part with Bennett and Waiters (and two first round picks) for Love.

Its all about what the Cav's identity is. If you want a good defense you keep the team the way it is, cause Love isn't the best defender. If you want to see a young exciting cast follow in the leader of LeBron this is the team too keep. Bennett was a flop last year but this year, even if LeBron wasn't here, would be a different person. If Irving could give in and play more defense, and he should since LeBron will take the burden off of him on the offense end to open up easier shots, then then Wiggins, Lebron, and Irving will make up defensively what Love would bring to the table.

They both have a shot to make the finals, odds in vegas already have the Cav's winning it all with Lebron the last time I checked, but with Love you are saying better make all your shots since any rebound will be ours with LeBron, Love, and Varejao there. Sure they will let outside shots go, but rebounding and Love picking for Lebron and rolling out for the three is all you are going to get there.
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