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Broken.. (2K Next Gen) 
Posted on January 15, 2014 at 01:33 PM.

Like so many of my fellow OSers, I purchased NBA 2K14 current gen and was amazed at how polished the game play had gotten at the end of the generation. At the Gamestop Expo in Las Vegas, I spoke extensively with Ronnie2K and LD2K about all things related to video game basketball and even stretched the conversation over a light meal. I left that day with the understanding that current gen 2K14 would be awesome, but next gen would be a leap beyond any of our wildest expectations.

So when the first trailers were released, it reaffirmed the enormous assertions made at the Expo. I could not wait to get my hands on an extreme visual upgrade to one of the best on court basketball games that I’ve ever played. Up to this point I contemplated sitting out the release of next gen consoles because none of the games had that wow factor, but 2K had that and then some.

When I was finally able to get the game in my hand at the release of the Xbox One it did not disappoint. More than just the visuals, the actual game play had improved with better weight to player movement and foot planting. There were some issues that I noticed, but I managed to keep my expectations in the realms of reality, reminding myself that it was the first game on a new generation. Things like CPU cheese, cloud saves, no create a player/team, terrible online association and VC balance were all things I thought they could improve on in the years to come. I’ve been one of the rare voices on this board that hasn’t condemned 2K for their use of VC. I think the balance is off for how much some things cost against what you earn, but I’m not totally against its implementation. Many here have called it a game breaker, but I don’t think anyone could imagine what would happen next.

While at the height of the VC argument, 2K14 has become essentially broken for a majority, if not all Xbox One users. Some have been experiencing issues since launch, others since early December, but it seems most have been locked out of their saved games since the 3rd patch released. Not only does this restrict you from playing two of the top modes, a lot of people have lost hard earned VC and VC they spent money on.

Since the issue has occurred I’ve been keeping an eye on different forums and especially Twitter and it’s disgusting and disrespectful how 2K is handling this. In all of their official statements you’ll be hard pressed to find anything more than “dev is looking into it” every couple of days, as if this is a minor bug for a small amount of gamers, that doesn’t detract from playing the game. If you take a glance at their official Twitter mentions you will find it is heavily populated by gamers who have the same concern, filed the proper complaint with Support and are essentially being purposely ignored. The only response I’ve seen from 2K’s marketing guys is to scorn a gamer who has come up with an unofficial work around of the crashing issue.

Meanwhile, gamers from a whole system and part of the other are subjected to endless promotion of a broken product’s Park Mode in which most of the current owners can’t even play it. I’ve been reluctant to see and even admit that 2K has gone “corporate”, but they’ve put themselves in the air and kicked away the chair. The departure from the organic soundtracks, the courting of Jay-Z, the implementation of VC and now the ignoring of hardcore fans is enough slaps in the face that our bond is broken. The icing on the cake came yesterday when Ronnie tweeted out that they were meeting with Jordan to discuss 2K15. Not only did they take our money for two games this fall, they essentially don’t care about making things right with 2K14, because some of the focus is on going forward to next year. Here’s hoping that EA is ready to innovate and steal whatever they need from the fallen king, because this fall the crown is for the taking. To sell us a game, add ridiculous micro-transactions, the game breaks and you offer no apology or ETA on a fix all while you promote for more sells and move on to next year is WACK!! 2K, the trust you’ve built up with most gamers is now BROKEN!!
# 1 Jakeness23 @ Jan 15
Wow. Well said. I had issues with the gameplay for one, but I loathe the VC usage, I mean.. I play 2 or 3 games before I can even earn enough to change my rotation? Are you kidding me? VC, I believe, should be left strictly to MyCareer and ThePark or whatever. Leave it out of Association (which is what it should be with an option of starting off as a coach, GM, or owner). Also, let's keep the option to keep our career or association modes offline, we shell out the money, how about letting us play it the way we want?! If you force the online thing, people will begin to realize that once the servers are shut down, their game is useless because it will be unplayable and untradeable. I've had it with all of this greed in video gaming, it's getting way out of hand.
# 2 bumpyface @ Jan 16
All of this will mean nothing come October because everyone will have forgotten about this incident and will be in line waiting to give 2k their money. I seen the snake in 2k years ago and I too, have continued to line 2k's pockets with my hard earned cash. At this point, I am no longer willing to hand over my $65 to these arrogant bastards anymore. Yes it hurts that we don't have a quality basketball game to play, but all good things must come to an end. It would make me more than happy to see Live itterate some of the things that made 2k successful, while fixing or excluding the things that destroyed the franchise. I can't believe that 2k can get away with this highway robbery.
# 3 poloelite @ Jan 16
To me there's a difference between some bad practices/game play mistakes and the game just outright being broken. I don't think people will forget about a game they can't play come October. 2K will have to address this issue head on if they plan to get this crowd excited for 2K15.
# 4 tril @ Jan 16
part of the problem with some of these issues may also have to do with some comaptibality issues between NBA2k and the XBOX(micorsoft). it is a new system.
I dont think 2k has lost focus at all. Going corporate, well they are business, but again I dont think they lost focus. The gameplay is still solid.

I dont know how their business structure is set up, but maybe they should outsource their servers. let a third party develop and/or manage the servers.
I have no doubt that 2k is looking into these major issues. Again these issues are alkl possible compatibility;ty issues with a new technology. they probably didnt test enough.
The VC setup/structure, is a misstep and Im sure it will be revamped next year.
2k always deliver and I doubt next year will be any different.
# 5 WorkingILLINI @ Jan 17
I am sorry about all of the issues everyone is having with this game. I have not went up to next gen yet, and may not do so until these issues are fixed.
# 6 asu666 @ Jan 17
First of all, nice blog post. NBA 2K14 (i.e., PS4) was the game I wanted most at launch. I prepared myself to live with some areas that would need polish (e.g., no cheerleaders, warm ups, etc.); however, implementing VC into the single player experience (e.g., locking player rotations, etc.) went too far, but I struggled on. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was when I went to boot the game and realized I had to be connected to the 2K server to play. Long-story-short, I won't purchase another 2K basketball game unless offline single player returns. Until then, I've returned to playing NBA 2K13 on my Xbox 360.
# 7 Rewmac @ Jan 18
I've only read how broken it is, but I couldn't resist today I had to get my hands on it. I still kept 2K14 for the 360 so if this is broken I just go back playing that. I keep hoping fixes will be dropped.
# 8 poloelite @ Jan 18
Thanks asu666
# 9 poloelite @ Jan 18
Rewmac, the patch is on the way to fix everything. Let's hope new issues do not arise this time with the patch
# 10 poloelite @ Jan 19
I agree it's taking long, but I don't know if it's the norm. I've never anticipated the release of a patch like this one
# 11 shegotgame @ Jan 19
"Meanwhile, gamers from a whole system and part of the other are subjected to endless promotion of a broken product’s Park Mode in which most of the current owners can’t even play it."
This a million times over. It blows my mind that the marketing team is willfully (or is being instructed to) promoting their daily Park activities (i.e. Hey find me in the park I'm playing all night, etc). It shows a lack of sensitivity. I'm glad they're having fun on the virtual blacktop. Wish I could join in.
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