Monday, June 11, 2012

I love to write for fun anyway, so I'm going to start updating this blog with my gaming movements every so often, and I figured since I do love to write, I'd let you know another thing I'm writing: -- Here in the Operation Sports Dynasty HQ Forum! Playing every pitch for 10 seasons, figuring it will take probably 4-5 years, so please join me on the journey!
I'll be updating my team's progress in 10 team blocks (every 2 turns through the rotation) and it will be using screenshots, so it will be easy for me to post requested statistics for other players, standings, league leaders, and the like.
Glad that there is another place on OS that I can write, as those that follow my posts know I can write books when I have something to write about. See you on the forums (especially the MLB 2012 - The Show forum!) and hopefully see you in my FRANCHISE STORY!

Thanks as always for reading!
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