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pokerplaya's Blog
My first blog, and my *BIG* franchise story in the Dynasty HQ! 
Posted on June 11, 2012 at 01:28 AM.
Hadn't used the blog feature here on OS yet, as I've blogged on other sites in the past, and not usually about sports games. I saw something on here a few weeks ago about them looking for writers, but I lost the link and when I initially saw it -- I didn't have time before work to pursue it.

I love to write for fun anyway, so I'm going to start updating this blog with my gaming movements every so often, and I figured since I do love to write, I'd let you know another thing I'm writing: -- Here in the Operation Sports Dynasty HQ Forum! Playing every pitch for 10 seasons, figuring it will take probably 4-5 years, so please join me on the journey!

I'll be updating my team's progress in 10 team blocks (every 2 turns through the rotation) and it will be using screenshots, so it will be easy for me to post requested statistics for other players, standings, league leaders, and the like.

Glad that there is another place on OS that I can write, as those that follow my posts know I can write books when I have something to write about. See you on the forums (especially the MLB 2012 - The Show forum!) and hopefully see you in my FRANCHISE STORY!

Thanks as always for reading!
# 1 MLBGeek @ Jun 11
Are you using one of the Sony rosters or Operation Sports for your 10 year endeavor? I'm guessing you probably use an OS so you can develop your real prospects. Are you playing with Detroit? I am doing same with my beloved Tribe and its been a battle all the way with Tigers. KC starting to become pesky though too. Keep us all informed on your progress!
# 2 pokerplaya @ Jun 11
Yes, I am playing with the Tigers -- wow, can't believe I didn't mention that! And yes, I will absolutely keep everyone informed on how things are going! Thank you for your visit!
# 3 derelictojama @ Jun 18
Hey, happened to notice you're doing some blogging here... I was thinking of doing the same, to avoid off-topic posts, and as you said, I'm also known to produce walls of text that I don't nec. need to inflict on everyone; therefore, as I've done a blog post or two in my life (huge understatement!), I was thinking I might use this feature a bit, too, see where it goes. AND, this post of yours shows me exactly where to go to read about your 10 year project, which I definitely intend to follow! Yay pokerplaya! Yay OS!
# 4 pokerplaya @ Jun 18
Yes, I did post a bit here, and the franchise story will give me my own "corner" to discuss the happenings of my franchise.

To MLBGeek:

I didn't notice that I didn't specify -- but with the Tigers, I am using the OSFM Opening Day Rosters, but I did release Brandon Inge. Raburn is still doing well for me, actually been one of my better hitters in the early season.
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