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nzjase's Chalkboard
doctabre is offline
# 39
doctabre @ Jun 12, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Sure you can have either.
Thanks for the offer, but I think I may have jumped the gun a bit. I thought I had more credits than I did, and once I bought a assistant coach for my playoffs, I dropped just below the 5,000 mark. Thanks for you're generosity, but unfortunately it doesn't look like it'll work for me this time.
doctabre is offline
# 38
doctabre @ Jun 12, 2015
I saw your offer to give away star cards. If the offer is still on the table, I'd love to take you up on it. I could use the Harden or the Love. Thanks!
BlueJay7780 is offline
# 37
BlueJay7780 @ Jun 2, 2015
Hi, have a 3s PO Kobe to sell for 9k. He is level 47 but he will be fully trained by Thursday which is the day my season ends. Want him?
BlueJay7780 is offline
# 36
BlueJay7780 @ May 19, 2015

I have for training fodder Epics: 35/35 Michael Cooper, 0/35 Muggsy Bogues, 0/35 Peja, 0/35 Iguodala

And full trained Ultra Rare Cliff Robinson.

Im looking for a Legendary Moncrief to make pro version of him. So, if you have it, we can arange something if you buy first most of those suckers because I have only 20 credits, or I can buy any legendary or any star.
spinegrinder33 is offline
# 35
spinegrinder33 @ May 18, 2015

I have for training fodder fully trained Pro ultra rares: Rubio, Boozer (lakers), Havlicek, Pack,Buck Williams

And full trained Ultra Rares: Gortat, Butler, Kersey, Stoudemire, Cassell, Gerald Green, Laimbeer, Carter, Draymond Green, Nene, Louis Williams, Ariza, Lister, Cedric Maxwell, Antetokounmpo, Boozer (utah), Dieng, Divac, Garnett (brookyln), Eric Gordon, Hersey Hawkins, Hayward, George Hill, Lary Hughes, Iavaroni, Jennings, Joe Johnson (atlanta, 2008), Kukoc, Kevin Martin, Matthews, Vernon Maxwell, Rubio, Sanders, Byron Scott, Tegue, Nick Young, Baron Davis, Ehlo, Rashard Lewis, Mozgov, Cliff Robinson, Brandan Wright.

Im looking for legendary Chris Paul to make pro version of him. So, if you have it, we can arange something if you buy first five of those ultra rare suckers because I have only 500 credits.
Tifaes is offline
# 34
Tifaes @ May 8, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Yeah if you are about we can make the trade happy, the other guy is still short credits. So chuck up your Duncan, I will grab for 2500 then you grab my Teague for 5500 bid.

Let me know if still keen
Sorry man, already did another deal, so dont have the credits anymore. But thanks anyway
Tifaes is offline
# 33
Tifaes @ May 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Ok, makes sense. The deal sounds fine but I will give the other guy some time to come back to me as I need to make another 1-2 pros to get to PO seasons. If I don't hear from him in the next few hours we can do it mate.
Any more news?
Tifaes is offline
# 32
Tifaes @ May 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Mate, I have just had an offer to trade Teague for Pistol Pete. I need more star pros so I am going to see if I can make that work first. If not I will let you know. Cheers
Damn.. Ok let me know
Tifaes is offline
# 31
Tifaes @ May 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Ok let's do it. To confirm the 2500 buyback was on the BIN price of 6,000. So I BIN your Duncan for 2,500 you then BIN my Teague for 6000. Correct?
No sorry, i think i was not clear enough. Ill try to explain. You bin duncan (which is 2400), and i will put a BID on teague of 5500 (sorry made a typo in the previous message). Your profit is still pretty much the same (litte bit less but you get a duncan) and its better for me with taxes. Btw, i would not even be able to bin teaque for 6000 with 2500extra credits, minus the taxes i would still be 100 credits short Sorry for the confusion
Tifaes is offline
# 30
Tifaes @ May 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Sorry I will pass on that unless you have some feedback in the good transactions thread. Otherwise let me know when you have 5k and we can do it. Teague likely isn't going anywhere
Yea i can understand. I have 1 mention in the good transaction thread by ASB37. Really want to dupe my teague before rttc. Have a legendary duncan on AH now, maybe you can bin him and then ill put a bid on your teague of 2500. Win-win situation with low risk for you? Hou get a free fully trained duncan for trusting me, and even if i was a scammer, you can just sell the duncan. Let me know if this interests you. Otherwise we will just have to wait, but like i said, really need him this rttc to get the po card (hopefully)
Tifaes is offline
# 29
Tifaes @ May 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
1800 buyback off bid. Gives me the same profit
Have 4200 credits, if you are willing/able to buy first you have a deal. I did some other deals on here already and they were always smooth and swift.
Tifaes is offline
# 28
Tifaes @ May 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Off BIN, 2 slot, untrained
And off bid?
Tifaes is offline
# 27
Tifaes @ May 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
2500 buyback on Teague
Thats of bid, right? And how many slots and is he trained?
Tifaes is offline
# 26
Tifaes @ May 7, 2015
Whats your buyback for teague?
archmikey is offline
# 25
archmikey @ May 1, 2015
hey bro, i have a conley i can trade for your lopez. let me know if you're interested..

Marc11915 is offline
# 24
Marc11915 @ Apr 30, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
I can give you one with a 900 buyback. So you BIN for 2,400 and I will then buy a card off you for 900
Sorry can't I have only 602 credits thanks anyways though
Marc11915 is offline
# 23
Marc11915 @ Apr 30, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
I have RttC Jameison if interested.
I need the rttc Jamison. How much is one?
Ballage is offline
# 22
Ballage @ Apr 15, 2015
Hi! I got Gasol, interested in Magic or Conley. I had a deal with Jimbarca before, ask him about me
EliGKStar is offline
# 21
EliGKStar @ Apr 15, 2015
ic you got those 3, which I don't need. anything else?
EliGKStar is offline
# 20
EliGKStar @ Apr 15, 2015
I got Gasol. what starts do you got?
Tendo Technique is offline
# 19
Tendo Technique @ Apr 9, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
OK, how many slots and what is the training of your Blake? Just asking so I can identify it when purchasing it. So I list my Conley for 6003 BIN (5123 BID). You buy it then list your Blake for 6003 BIN (5123 BID) and we are done and laughing. You ready to go now?
And blake is maxed with 2 slots
Tendo Technique is offline
# 18
Tendo Technique @ Apr 9, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
OK, how many slots and what is the training of your Blake? Just asking so I can identify it when purchasing it. So I list my Conley for 6003 BIN (5123 BID). You buy it then list your Blake for 6003 BIN (5123 BID) and we are done and laughing. You ready to go now?
I would love to but i only have 4k credits could you buy mine first?
Tendo Technique is offline
# 17
Tendo Technique @ Apr 9, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Great, do you want conley in return mate?
Yes that would be great
Tendo Technique is offline
# 16
Tendo Technique @ Apr 9, 2015
I have a blake im willin to trade
NoGameNoLife is offline
# 15
NoGameNoLife @ Apr 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
I don't need any. It is all sorted, dealt with, finshed - thanks.
Oh ok, dang was trying to get rid of my Urs haha
NoGameNoLife is offline
# 14
NoGameNoLife @ Apr 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
None, I am sorted thanks.
wait what? Sorry I don'y understand
NoGameNoLife is offline
# 13
NoGameNoLife @ Apr 7, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
I am sorted thanks
how many do you need?
NoGameNoLife is offline
# 12
NoGameNoLife @ Apr 7, 2015
Can't pm yet but I have some trained Urs for you if you still need them?
nmellor is offline
# 11
nmellor @ Apr 1, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
No problem, 5k bid placed on Griffin. Cheers for the trade.
I see the bid, we are good to go. If we trade again in the future, I promise to communicate better!
nmellor is offline
# 10
nmellor @ Apr 1, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Have you put your griffin up for 5k bid and 6004 buy now? This is different to whT you have said previously.... I don't want to bid 5k unless you confirm it is yours
So sorry for the confusion. Work got crazy and I wanted to get it up quick so you didn't think I was backing out. It is listed for 5,000 bid price and 6,004 BIN. 11 hours 40 minutes currently left on the auction
nmellor is offline
# 9
nmellor @ Apr 1, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Hey my common has been up for a few hours now, just checking we are still doing this mate. He is up for 3004 as discussed.

Chuck up your griffin once bought so I can finish the deal.

Sorry, I was offline. I just bought it and listed the Griffin!
nmellor is offline
# 8
nmellor @ Apr 1, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Keen for your Griffin at 2k but I only have 3k credits so need you to buy now my common for 3k first then I will bid on your Griffin for 5k.

That works. Let me know what common you are putting up and make the BIN price 3,004 so I know which one it is. I'll put the griffin up for a starting bid of 5,004 so you know which one it is
chamsdj is offline
# 7
chamsdj @ Apr 1, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
I missed this chalkboard (no pm makes trading hard ) and have committed to another deal. If it falls through I will message you to get Free. Cheers
ok no pb. pm it's not available for me
chamsdj is offline
# 6
chamsdj @ Apr 1, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
I have limited credits (3k). So if you buy my common for 3k I can then bid on your WBF for 5k.

Net purchase price is 2k. If you want 2.5k you will have to wait a couple of days while I try to sell some more epics, they don't move too well
Ok deal ;-) tell me when you're putting your common card
nmellor is offline
# 5
nmellor @ Apr 1, 2015
I have a star Blake that's only one slot, but I'll sell it for 2k if you want
chamsdj is offline
# 4
chamsdj @ Apr 1, 2015
Originally Posted by nzjase
Yeah I will buy your WBF.
How much ?
EliGKStar is offline
# 3
EliGKStar @ Mar 23, 2015
NP. got many legs, PM if you looking for one. gl with PROing this guy...
EliGKStar is offline
# 2
EliGKStar @ Mar 23, 2015
if you bid and wait 12 hours, I can sell in 2000 and buy uncommon in 900. if you want BIN, we'll need to think on a different values - this damm 30% tax...
EliGKStar is offline
# 1
EliGKStar @ Mar 23, 2015
Hi. can sell Malone Leg if you want
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