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nyisles16's Blog
Being thankful... 
Posted on November 21, 2008 at 06:43 PM.
As the holidays approach, I am finding out what it truly means to be thankful. As some of you know, this past October (the 2nd, actually), I became a victim of the dreaded words "downsizing", or better yet "R.I.F.T-ed (reduction in force). Each day that passes, I seem to lose a little of what made me, well, me. Resumes get sent out, calls made -- all in the hopes of somehow landing a job that pays something as the economy slides into a deeper hole. I've fallen into a bad funk lately - it seems I fight with those near and dear to me, as well as my "internet/online" friends (and yes -I do consider them my friends as well - even if we never shall meet).

But as my funk goes on, I stop to pause and think about the things I am most grateful for. First and foremost is my family. Without their help and support, I think I would have been just moreso depressed and upset. They have been there for me, and I really can't think of any way to repay that. Secondly - my fiance. We've had our share of battles, but she has been there for me - and very understanding that a lot of things we used to be able to do are not there now. Thirdly - my friends. Whether it's a IM chat, a friendly online game of xbox live, or just simply "hanging out" to watch football, you cannot know how much it means to me. For those hours, my mind is taken off the focus of the job hunt - and onto actually having fun. Lastly - the lack of income is a little relief for me too. You sit and laugh, but it has taught me such a valuable lesson. Before, I used to go out and be a valuable asset to various businesses - Best Buy, GameStop, et al. But now, I've been saving money so I have something to fall back on.

As much as my life hurts right now, I realize I could be in a lot worse shape. This Thanksgiving, I will be very thankful for what I do have - which is a big change over what I used to be.
# 1 matt8204 @ Nov 21
Hang in there, man. Things will get better. I know how you feel. It especially sucks to be in a rut at this time of year when you're supposed to be feeling a lot of joy. But you're right; there are always things to be happy for and it could always be a lot worse. I happen to work for a company that's doing well right now, but losing my job still worries me. You just never know what's going to happen from day to day in this kind of economy. Plus, my 401k is in the ****ter. But I don't plan on retiring for a long time, so I'm not too worried about that. I actually like my job and could see myself doing it for a long time. I've found myself getting angrier at everything that's happening in the world, but you know something? It's not worth it. There's only so much in this world that you can control and I honestly believe in the old adage "What goes around comes around". People who have been dishonested, cheated, manipulated the system and screwed others will have their day of reckoning, trust me. Keep plugging away, keep sending out those resumes and keep living life the right way. You'll be rewarded for it. Love the picture of LaFontaine BTW. I'm a Devils fan, but he was always one of my favorite players. I'd play you in a little NHL, but I'm a PS3 man...sorry, lol. I couldn't deal with my 360 constantly breaking down anymore. Take care!
# 2 RogueHominid @ Nov 22
Man, do I feel you. These are tough, tough times. I have a wonderful wife and a little girl, and without them, tough times could become impossible times. It sounds like you have your priorities right, so keep your head up and just keep plugging away. This holiday season is gonna be a lean one materially, but the older I get, the more I realize that family and friends are worth more than any of the amenities we're so accustomed to having. Sounds like you've come to the same place, so enjoy your family and friends, and have a happy holiday.
# 3 Tomba @ Nov 22
It's very tough right now. only thing to do is plan to do something you love before the whole things goes up in ashes man...
# 4 nyisles16 @ Nov 22
Thanks guys..
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