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nolan273's Blog
Are You Serious????? 
Posted on January 5, 2011 at 06:56 PM.
Monday night (1-3-11), I made my triumphant return to the hardwood. After 10 years or so of 'retirement', I joined the church league team. I figured it would be fun. All of us hold guys hoopin', talking trash. And it was fun... Until I went into the game.

With around 15 minutes remaining in the first half, I got the call. I was so excited, I nearly went in without checking in at the scorer's table. With the adrenaline pumping, I finally got into the game. Then disaster struck.

It was my second trip down the court on defense. My teammate had pinned the offensive guy to the baseline and I could tell the guy was gonna try some nutty shot, so I rotate over for the easy block. I jump, the shooter jumps. As he lands, I look down because with three sets of legs in that area, I didn't want to sprain an ankle. As I land, my knee contacts the shooters knee and I tumble. Thinking it just an innocent knee bump, I look at my knee and try to get up. What I saw was not pretty, but it didn't quite register until I realized I couldn't get up.

Ruptured patella tendon!!!!! The tendon was torn completely away from the patella. The surgeon said that you rarely ever see a complete separation like that... It was kind of like the perfect storm. The force of impact and the area of impact had to be just right.

So my 'retirement' is back on! LOL!!! I'm looking at 6 weeks in a brace, then several months (3 to 6) to regain full motion in my left knee.

And now I'm thinking of all the playground ball I played and the worst thing that ever happened was getting poked in the eye. Here I am, 37 years old and I blow my frickin knee playing ball!!! Are You Serious?!?!?!
# 1 onlybygrace @ Jan 5
Ouch, man. Sorry to hear that.

I came out of 'retirement' last season (I'm 31 this month) and played hockey for the first time in 6 years. I was a shell of my former self. Hockey started this year and things were better. However, I'm buying a house and as the sole provider, I have to give up the game. I have too much on my plate to have an injury stop me from going to work.

Sucks to grow up sometimes, eh?
# 2 nolan273 @ Jan 5
It does suck to grow up. I've been blessed to have a great boss, so we're gonna be okay, but I was so looking forward to getting out there having fun again, ya know?

Guess I'll stick to my PS3 when I get the urge to "lace 'em up" again.
# 3 CornerBlitz @ Jan 5
Aw man. Here's to a speedy recovery. I turned 30 this year, and while I've been fairly lucky to avoid major injuries playing flag football (albeit a bit more full-contact than most FF leagues), I do notice that I'm more sore for longer. I have a couple of friends who've decided to "hang 'em up" after injuries also...

...try as we might, we can't stop the inevitable. Thoughts and prayers to you...and remember Cadillac Williams. He's had two, and is still playing.
# 4 rspencer86 @ Jan 6
You and Greg Oden should hang out some time. You seem to have a lot in common.

# 5 oldman @ Jan 6
Dang that sucks! I stay active playing in a weekly pick up game and thankfully we haven't had anything worse than some ankle sprains. It is always something that crosses your mind though.
# 6 Uncle Stumpy @ Jan 6
Dude, that sucks. I haven't played competitive sports in about 10 years, and i miss it so frickin much. Working on getting myself back in to game shape now, hopefully I won't follow your lead on the injury front. I'll be 33 this year so I'm not too far behind you. Hopefully the muscles will co-operate.

Get better soon!
# 7 Uncle Stumpy @ Jan 6
On the plus side, you did it doing somethin you love, and not falling down stairs or something, amirite?
# 8 nolan273 @ Jan 6
You're right Stumpy. At the very least, I went down ballin!!!!
# 9 edaddy @ Jan 6
Man I feel for ya that is an awful injury..But in reality that injury can happen to anyone young or old..I have seen 20 yr olds rupture their patella well as assorted acl and achilles tears..and I have seen 50 yr olds balling without any injury..just terrible timing..Just FYI for anyone out there make sure you workout explosively and get in shape before you try playing footbal, bball,soccer etc..alot of times its just a matter of conditioning ..but hang tight man and make sure you rehab u r sstil a young man with plenty of athletics left in you..Take it from someone who is ballin in his late thirties,,lol
# 10 -ENiGMA724- @ Jan 8
here's to a speedy recover
# 11 DGuinta1 @ Jan 8
Wow sorry to hear that from a fellow ol' timer. I am 39.
# 12 wildinkc @ Jan 8
Hope you have a speedy recovery at least you had fun and took the risk on playing again. I would love to be able to play a competitive sport again but if I get injured I would be screwed at my job. Like some other people said it sucks sometimes to have to grow up.
# 13 enice128 @ Jan 9
Dude I know exactly how you feel! I'm 40 now & I've been playing organized baseball since I was 4 yrs old such as little league, traveling teams, pony leagues, high school & some college. I still play on at least 1-2 softball leagues every summer, some more serious than others since I'm very competitive but also like to have fun. One league i play in is 35 & over which tend to be the more serious of the two. You wouldn't believe the talent of most of these guys over 40! Anyway to make my point, towards the middle of each & every season you'll find me wearing all sorts of elbow, knee & shoulder braces or at least different types of creams & ointments. I've had no major surgeries in my life (knock on wood) but played thru all types of injuries along with a lot of therapy & rehab! We ain't getting any younger but I'd rather play thru pain than not play at all! Oh yeah, also a lot of gaming with my xbox & ps3!!!
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