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Monday, June 21, 2010
Posted on June 21, 2010 at 10:54 PM.
Chapter V - Career Opener
Friday 15, Septeember, 2006 - Greenwich, Connecticut

“Its 10 percent luck, 20 skill, 15 percent concentrated power of will, 5 percent pleasure, 50 percent pain, an a hundred percent reason to remember the name…” (Fort Minor, Remember the Name)

“Come close, come close! Who are we?”






That’s how it was. The start of my first game. I had never been so nervous in my life. I could hear the cheering of our team. I heard the loud shouts coming from the stands. I knew that somewhere in those stands was Isabella, cheering for us. I ran onto the field, barely containing my screams. I was the third running back on the depth chart, especially because I didn’t know anything about the playbook. I had no idea which route was which, so putting e on the field was a definite stupidity.

The game started, we won the coin toss, and we elected to receive. The offense did well, but we had to finish the drive with a thirty seven yard field goal. This was a really tough match, the other team had also lost their first game, and they were as desperate for a win as us. They started strong, but thankfully, our free safety, Jim Barnley, picked the ball off in the end zone.

The game went on like that for the first quarter, as no team managed to score. Either the defenses were very good, or the offenses sucked. I think it was the latter one. It was late in the second quarter, on first and 5 after a penalty, when the coach called me.

“Martin, you are going in.”

“What! Coach, are you keeping in mind that I don’t know anything of the play book yet?”

“Look, this is what you have to do. We will fake an FB dive, and then Michael will pitch it to you. You are faster than any of our other half backs, and if we don’t get anything going now, then we might just never get something going.”

The play finished, Michael, our quarterback ran the option for four and a half yards, and it was second and inches.

I ran onto the field, and everyone, the fans and the other team included, were clearly surprised to see a 5’7 guy, the smallest of our team, who weighed no more than 150 pounds lining up at half back.

“Fake FB dive, HB pitch”

“Ok, hike on three, let’s go!

I lined up exactly in the place coach told me, about a foot and a half behind the fullback. I looked at the sky, and Michael snapped the ball.

“Freshman Martin Gomez is running onto the field now. What can you say about that?”

“Well, clearly the coach must have something in mind. This kid was put in the football list on Friday last week, half an hour before the list was due, but did not play on the first game.”

“Well, Jenkins snaps the ball, gives it to the fullback, no! It’s a fake! He pitches it to Gomez and he jukes the defender. Gomez on his first career carry has gotten 6 yards, and the first down!”

Michael pitched the ball to me, it wobbled a bit, but I managed to secure it. I looked around as I ran, and saw the nearest defender right in front of me. I easily juked him, but got tackled right after that by the cornerback.

I quickly left the field, as the coach had instructed me to do. I ran back to the sidelines, and received high fives from some of the defensive starters, as well as from the second half back, Jermaine Dawson.

“Kid, that was amazing. You need to learn the playbook faster so you can get more playing time.”

“Thanks coach.”

The game went on; we got another field goal, which put us up 6-0 going into half time.

“Martin, I need you on this play. What you have to do is to run to the side of the field, on a slant. If you are open, Michael will pass it to you."

There were two minutes left on the game, and we were down by one, and it was third and seven. They had scored on a long pass, beating all our secondary.

I ran onto the field, telling Jermaine to get out of the field.

“Ace Shotgun, Slants”

“On one, break”

I lined beside the quarterback. What the **** was the coach doing, I had never caught the ball in my life, and he was putting me on a critical situation. Michael snapped the ball and

“Gomez is in again, but this time it is a more critical situation. The Tigers are lined up in the shotgun. Jenkins snaps the ball, Gomez is running an outside slant, and he is wide open. Jenkins passes it to Gomez, and there is open field for Gomez.”

“He jukes one, five more yards to go, he spins another and dives for the first down…And he got it!”

“This kid has impressed me, his first game, and he has made two clutch plays!”

I ran to the right of the field, I was wide open. I turned around, and saw the ball ricocheting towards me. I lifted my hands…And caught it. I saw a defender coming at me, I juked him. I did a spin to evade the next one, but there was one behind me, that was ready to tackle me. I was going to be just short. I dived for it, and got it!

My heart was pounding on my chest as I left the field. I had never felt so exited in my life.

I was received by high fives in the sidelines.

A couple plays later, it was fourth and 1, with three seconds to go, in their 30 yard-line. Our kicker went on the field to decide the fate of the team.

“Johnson is up to kick the ball, and it is…just wide. The Tigers lose this one in a thriller.”

“It could have been a last second come back, but it wasn’t. Well, the Tigers will practice more field goals now I guess?”

I felt broken. It was my first game, and we had lost. I knew I couldn’t have done much, I only had two touches for 12 yards, and I wasn’t the kicker. I was fighting back tears. There is nothing in the world that I hate more than losing. I put on my headphones, changed quickly and left the stadium.

“You, in the blue shirt! Where are you going?”
Posted on June 21, 2010 at 09:03 PM.
Chapter IV - First Day
Saturday 9, December 10 and Monday 11, Septeember, 2010 - Greenwich, Connecticut

****. I my body was shaking, my heart was pounding, and I didn’t know what to do. Even though I know they taught me what to do in case you meet a robber in the street in middle school, but in the only moment that I actually need it, I can’t remember worth **** of what the teacher said.

The dude was wearing black pants and a black long sleeved shirt, but I could tell he was white. He pointed the gun at us while he moved closer to the sidewalk. I pivoted to make sure I could always see him in case of anything, and put Isabella behind me, to make sure she was safe, even though I wasn’t.

All of a sudden, we heard sirens; a cop car was going to the party. And on that instant, the robber flinched, he turned around, lost the aim of the gun, and I ran. I ran toward the dude a speed I had never reached before, and before he knew what was going on, I tackled him and had him in the ground. Luckily, during the tackle, he lost grip of the handgun, which fell from his hand and landed a couple feet away. I stood up, grabbed the handgun, and aimed at his leg.

“Don’t move mother****er, Isabella, call the cops right now.”

Isabella was shaking. As if she did not know what was going on. She tried to grab her cell phone from her pocket, but she fumbled it and it landed on the ground. She then picked it up, and after various attempts finally managed to dial 9-1-1.

“Sir, sir, it is an emergency. We just caught a robber, at, uh, what is the street, uh, Baker, 1456. Please come, it’s an emergency!!!”

Luckily for us, it was over. Just seconds later there was a cop car parked in front of the house with the broken window, the robber was being taken somewhere where he couldn’t harm anybody.

My dad arrived the almost seconds after the cop car, and after I told him the story, not including the events of the party of course, he seemed amused, and finally told me he was proud of me for being a man.

The drive home was awkward, I didn’t want to give it away to my dad that I was into Isabella, and she didn’t want to give it away that she was into me, or at least I hope she is. We dropped her off at her place, and when I got home I went directly to bed.

The rest of the weekend was very uneventful. I texted Isabella, she texted me back, but we never did anything apart from that. I did most of my homework, watched a movie with my dad, and then finally went to sleep rather early. Sunday was pretty much the same.

It was finally Monday morning, the day I had been so anxious about. I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, found a cool shirt to wear to school and ate my warm oatmeal. I love oatmeal by the way. Once again I decided to walk to school, and got received by a bunch of people I didn’t know, congratulating me on catching the thief.

I went around the lockers, looking for Isabella, but she wasn’t there. Maybe she was sick or something. I went to math first period, were the teacher embarrassed me by telling everyone about my “awesome accomplishment”. The rest of the day was mostly like this, and it was finally lunch. I left the science class and saw that blonde hair and nice curves that I knew I liked. I ran and hugged her.

“Hey baby, I missed you.”

Isabella turned around and kissed my cheek.

“I missed you too.”

“But why are you here, like in this area of the school?”

“I’m a sophomore dummy; you are the only lucky freshman that is with an older girl.”

“So, it is a we now?”

“Yes it is”

We walked to the lunch area, were we had even more small talk, until the bell finally rang.

“Hey, are you playing tennis today?”

“No, I don’t think so. Why?”

“The thing is, I have my first football training, and I wanted to know it you were going to stay to walk home together, but well.”

I don’t know how I survived the next two periods before the end of the day, and my first football training. The bell rang, and I went to the coach’s office.

“Hey coach, I’m here. What should I wear?”

“Oh, so you did decide to show up. Well look, take these. They will be useful for now.”

I put on everything the coach gave me, and went to the field. I had to wait for a while, because clearly, most seniors and juniors were not really focused on football, but on the latest social gossip. I wanted to say something, but keep in mind that I am just 5’7” and barely 140 pounds. They were like 6 inches taller and fifty pounds heavier.

Practice finally started, and I was putting all my effort in it. I was running the hardest, sweating the most and working the strongest. Everyone was kind of complaining on how I had such an easy way into the team, and how other people were better than me, but I knew, deep down, that someday I would prove them wrong.

During the end of the practice coach called me to the sidelines.

“Hey kid, how much do you know about football?”

“Nothing, sir.”

“Not even basic running routes? The HB dive? The stretch? “

“No sir, absolutely nothing.”

“Well, you have to know that if you plan on getting into the team. Look, take this home. Study it more than what you study for any other subject. I’ll make sure that you don’t get in trouble.”

I looked at the pages; it was full of different diagrams, which I definitely didn’t understand.

“Hahaha, I know the look in your face. You don’t understand anything of that playbook right. Look, the only thing you have to do is look at the things this guy, the runningback, has to do in this, the Shotgun Ace formation, in the different routes.”

“Oh, ah, heh, ok, I guess.”

Practice ended five minutes later, after in a drill I beat two defenders and ran out of bounds after ten yard.

I got back home and immediately took a warm shower. I picked up my back packm thinking of doing homework.

“**** homework.”

I grabbed the playbook, and started studying.
Posted on June 21, 2010 at 09:03 PM.
Chapter III - Party Like a Rockstar
Friday, September 8, 2006, Greenwich, Connecticut

As soon as I got home I took a warm shower for like 20 minutes. I had to reflect on the happenings of the day. This could not be happening. On my first week of school I had managed to do everything that I hadn’t accomplished at home, to get on a sports team and to have a girl talk to me.

I threw on my favorite Volcom shirt, after spraying myself with Old Spice Swagger, its ****ing good I tell you; try it out, and an Abercrombie jean. I checked the time to make sure I was not too late or early, it was about ten minutes before, so I left, but as soon as I left I remembered the cologne. I ran upstairs and put some Jean Paul Gaultier cologne on my hair and my neck. I was now ready to go.

I got to Isabella’s house at 7:31, about a minute late. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, but I noticed she hadn’t inserted her number. ****, I would have to go through the awkwardness of knocking the door, and possibly having her father opening the door.

I rang the bell, and luckily she opened almost immediately. She was using a very short and tight jean short and a tight tank top, which let me appreciate her, while not fully developed, great curves. I looked at her directly in her piercing bright blue eyes, and she looked back. Was I in love? I don’t know; what I do know is that she was smoking hot.

“Hello beautiful”

“Aw, you are so sweet”

“So, where are we going?”

“There is this party, to celebrate the first loss of the football season, and my friends say they are huge”

“They are celebrating a loss?”

“Yeah, the seniors at school don’t take football very seriously, but they do take partying seriously.”

“Aren’t freshmen boys not allowed at these parties?”

“Don’t worry, you’re with me.”

“And, uh, how the hell are we going?”

“My friends will pick us up”

We kept on with small talk for a while, until a blue Range Rover, with the speakers blaring Lil’ Jon parked in front of the house. A pretty brunette opened the trunk of the car, it was full, I mean, it was a seven person car, and with us, there were thirteen people in it.

We climbed on the trunk, and sat down next to a dude and a chick that were making out. They stopped when they noticed we got in.

“Hey, dude, what's up? I’ve never seen you before, I guess you are new?”

“Haha, yeah bro, I’m Martin Gomez, freshmen.”

“Whoa dude, I bet your friend here got you in, there aren’t many frosh at these parties”

“Yeah I guess”

****, I knew very few people at school, and now I was going to a senior and junior party. This was going to be very awkward; I already felt out of place in the trunk of a car with a couple in an intense make out session, how would it be with a bunch of older dudes?

We arrived at this home in the suburbs of the city; I knew we were there because of the booming Ludacris music coming from the house.

We got down, and, bracing myself, went inside the house.

It was awesome, and worse, than anything that I had expected. There was free booze, and when I mean booze I mean Coronas and Jack Daniels, everywhere around the house. The music was blaring, and there were hot chicks all around the place.

Immediately as we got in, Isabella pulled me to where there were a bunch of guys and girls dancing, and started doing all these sexy moves only girls do. The problem was, I had never danced before, and I was scared like ****.

“Hahahaha, this dude is scared of dancing, but not of running at a–****ing-million miles an hour against me, hahaha!”

I turned around and saw Mike, the dude from the football drill.

“Yo, bro, what’s up?”

I got nervous at that point, would they not like it that a freshmen at their parties. I bet they could smell my fear; they were ****ing lions, ready to eat me and tear my flesh apart.

“Uh, cool bro, the party is ****ing awesome.”

“Dude, you don’t even have a drink, look, take this cup, it has barely any rum in it. Try it.”

He gave it to me, and I took it directly to my mouth. I drank the whole thing at one shot; I tried to not even think about it. It burnt a lot, but it was kind of nice.

“Look dude, it looks like you have a nice girl waiting for you, so I won't distract you. Take care.”

It was finally over; he was so drunk he hadn’t thought of hitting me, or just doing bad stuff to me. He had been pretty cool.

“Hey sexy, I’m waiting for you.”

I turned around and saw Isabella; she pulled me to a sofa, and put her lips on mine. It was the best thing in the world. I kissed her back, tasting her strawberry lip gloss. I didn’t want it to stop.

We spent about an hour there in the sofa, kissing, making out, whatever you want to call it. As we kissed we each let go a little more, my hands went down from her head, to her neck, to her back, to her waist. You know where this is going. I was in ****ing heaven when…


My phone gods damn it.

“Wait a second babe.”

I left the house, trying to get some quiet to talk with my dad.

“Hey dad.”

“Martin, were the hell are you?”

“At a party”

“I want you home right now, it is 2:30 in the morning, and you are not even 15.”

“Oh, ah, well. I’m kind of, like, far away from home, so I can’t walk. My friend’s could give me a ride, but, like, later.”

My father finally decided to come pick me up. I gave him another address, so he would not see the mess I was in. I ran inside the house, and found Isabella on the same couch.

“Are you ready for some more?”

“Sorry babe, I got to leave, you want a ride?”

“Oh, uh, sure.”

We walked to the adress I had given my dad. We were talking when I saw this dude run out of a house breaking a window, with a gun in his hand, and a bag in the other. He looked at me, then at Isabella, and then pointed the gun at us…
Posted on June 21, 2010 at 09:02 PM.
Chapter II - Football?
Early September, 2006, Greenwich, Connecticut

After a month and a half of hating my life and not doing anything other than dribbling around my house and kicking against the wooden fence in my back yard it was time for the first day of school in Rivers Creek High School.

I woke up, took a shower and put on a classic Abercrombie shirt and a pair of jeans and headed to grab a toast or something to eat. As I went downstairs I heard my brother and my sister arguing about something, I think it was pancakes or waffles. The orange juice was amazing, and I left with my siblings to the bus stop.

I don’t know what hit my mind, but I knew were the school was, and I didn’t feel like being the new guy on the bus, so I started walking towards school. It wasn’t that far away actually, and I managed to learn about some of the streets that were near my place. I got to school in about twenty minutes and headed to my homeroom class, with a teacher called Ms. Robinson, who also taught me Math.

I caught my first sign of my classmates inside the class. There were a bunch of good looking blondes on the back, but nothing else. I sat down in an empty chair in the middle of the room and noticed some people staring at me, probably because I was new.

The teacher immediately shut the class up and went on to give the typical first day speech, as she was turning around to sit down and let us leave she said:

“Oh, yes, I just remembered, signups for sport tryouts are in Mr. James’ office”

I immediately lighted up, maybe they had a soccer team, and I would finally find someplace I was accepted. When the bell rang I jumped off the chair and ran directly to Mr. James, the sport co-coordinator, office. I looked around at the sports being shown, Basketball, Football, Volleyball, and Baseball. Where was soccer? I looked around for someone, and I saw Mr. James himself.

“Sir, excuse me. Where is the soccer tryouts sheet?”

“Soccer, oh after an incident a couple years back we were forced to cancel the soccer team, we still have an activity for it, but we don’t compete.”

My heat broke that instant, but I still went the following Friday to the field.


It was the first time in a month and a half, but I could still play soccer. I was using my old Nikes and my Germany soccer shirt, given to me by my grandfather back home. Some kids were already there, playing around with the ball. They were clearly amateurs. I ran to the field from the locker rooms, and after a bad kick the ball rolled to me. I stopped it with my left foot, and put it in a perfect place for me to kick it directly at the goal with my right foot, and that is what I did. The ball flew over the kid in front of me, and hit the top post.


As more people came we started a pickup game, we were roughly 16 dudes and 4 girls, which was pretty good, as we played with ten people per team.

The game started, and a kid who had seen me passed the ball to me. I dribbled over to the left of the field, quickly cut to the right and stopped dead in my tracks. Four guys were coming directly towards me. I waited for them to get around me and lifted the ball over their heads and pushed them aside. I had open space in front of me and kicked from way out, the goalie tried to reach it, but the ball hit the top corner. 1-0 for us.

They started from the center, they tried to dribble past me, but I quickly stole the ball from the ball carrier, and juked the next defender. I then fainted to the right and went to the left. I started running at my maximum speed when I felt someone’s cleat against my calf. He crashed against me. I jumped and fell to the ground, clinching my left ankle. It hurt like hell!

“What the **** man!”

I walked towards the guy, who had his back turned to me.

“It was an accident”

“**** you, it wasn’t an accident, you don’t hit someone from behind and call it an accident”

By that time I was all in the dudes face. I pushed him once, I pushed him twice. I had never been that type of guy that gets in fights, but I was seriously pissed. He tried to push him, but I quickly juked left, grabbed him by the shirt collar and pushed him against the chain fence that separated the soccer field to the baseball field.

I was ready to throw a punch, but I felt a hand grab my shirt from behind and pulled me away.

“Relax dude, this kid isn’t worth it.”

I turned around and saw a tanned, almost black dude.

“**** it, but if he messes with me again, and I will **** him up.”

“Plus, you got some viewers right there.”

He pointed towards a man, about forty-five years old, with a decreasing hair line and black hair with some gray. He was looking at me with another dude, a senior I think, who was at least 6’3 and 225 pounds. They seemed to be talking, and then looking at me, and then talking again.

I backed off and went to take the free kick, on the perfect spot for me, about 10 feet to the right of the penalty spot, and 15 feet behind the area. I stood up just like Cristiano Ronaldo, grabbing my hips and opening my legs. The wall stood up, they looked nervous as hell. I looked at the goal, and behind the fence were two girls, a blonde and a brunette who were holding tennis rackets. I looked at the blonde, who was as hot as hell, directly in the eyes, and kicked the ball, directly over the wall, and directly on the top right corner. I looked at the girl again; she smiled and looked at me.

“Martin Gomez?”

I turned around and saw the old dude with the 225 pound guy behind me.

“Yes sir”

“Look, I’ve been looking at you, and you seem to be great at soccer. Have you ever played football?”

“No, sir, where I come from nobody does.”

“Look, we are not know for being a great team, but I was wandering if you would mind coming to the training on Monday, we are a little short on players, and your speed would be a great asset for the team, and you can sure break and juke. Would you mind doing a little drill for me, right now? You have to go to the penalty sport over there, and you Mike, go to the center spot.”

Apparently Mike was the 225 lb guy from before.

“What you have to do is run against each other, without the ball, and you have to try to get past him by any means possible. Mike, you already know the drill.”

I stood on the penalty spot, and, when he blew the whistle, I did my trademark 40 yard sprint, he clearly was a lot slower, but instead of moving to the left like some would have, I wanted to take him head on, juking him at the last second and making him miss. We were already at twenty feet from each other, and he started to slow down, embracing for the hit. I stayed at full speed and as soon as I felt him right in front of me I spinned and left him tackling the air.

“Coach, I think you were correct”

“You bet I was Mike, well Martin, will I see you on the field on Monday?”

“Yes, sir, that would be great, but, I have no kind of equipment for football?”

“You only need your own cleats, which you already have, the rest we will give you.”

He and Mike left, leaving me alone in the center of the soccer field. Everyone else had left. I went to the locker room and changed to some more comfortable shoes. I contemplated the idea of taking a shower, but I was sure I could do that at home.
I went to my locker and picked up my backpack with my books, and started the journey home.

“Hey, you, wait!”

I turned around and saw the blonde girl from before, running towards me.

“I saw you play soccer today, you were great, by the way, I’m Isabella”

“Thanks, I’m Martin, you play tennis huh?”

“Yeah, crap, the bus left, I’m going to have to call my mom to pick me up”

“Where do you live, maybe we could walk together.”

“Walk, no, I mean, it’s far away, isn’t it?”

“No, not really, it’s even faster if you are with someone else.”

She finally agreed to go, and we were on our way. We finally got to her street, in front of her house. We said our good byes and she was walking to her door when she turned around.

“What are you doing tonight?”

“Nothing much, take a shower, chill out at home.”

“What an antisocial, look, come by at about 7:30, I’ll take you somewhere fun.”

With that she turned around, opened the door and got inside.
****, I felt like THE man, the lucky one. Finally after ****ing years of no luck with girls, one that was prettier than any in my old school was asking me to do something. With that thought in mind, I walked over to my house.
Posted on June 21, 2010 at 09:01 PM.
Chapter I - Good Bye
First Half of 2006, Lima, Peru

There I was, my body frozen, but almost shaking. My mouth was hanging wide open; my eyes were looking at my dad with disdain, genuine pain in my eyes. He had just dropped the bomb. In six months time I would be boarding a plane, leaving my life behind.

I was supposed to be happy, my dad had gotten an important job at Galdous Economics, one of the most important worldwide economics enterprises, but I wasn’t. I was finally starting to get accepted at school. I had stopped being the almost stereotypical wannabe nerd, with no perfect grades and no social life. I was finally being talked to by girls. I had actually been invited to a party, but this “opportunity” was ripping it all away from me.

I was about to leave my country, Peru, to move to the United States of America, Greenwich, Connecticut to be exact. I remember my mom telling me how she used to live there as a kid, when Peru was in a middle of a political crisis. It sounded beautiful, but right now I didn’t feel like appreciating beautiful, I just felt confused, angered, and another mix of emotions a 14 year old can’t describe.

The next couple of months were a blur. I completely lost all emotions on life. Why did it matter, if I would leave this life behind as soon as 8th grade finished in June. People seemed nicer as my last months in Peru developed, but just as the semester started, it ended, and I saw myself standing in the 8th grade Moving On Ceremony, singing the school anthem, and getting called out as one of the eight students leaving.

It sucked.

As soon as I knew it, I was getting good bye hugs from girls whose names I only knew from classes, getting waved by guys who had never talked to me before. I felt like an alien at a school where I had lived for the past 11 years of my life (I attended the EC-3 program).

The only time I felt at home on my last day was on the soccer field. My last good bye to that sacred place where I had stayed countless hours dribbling a ball past imaginary defenders and shooting at goals protected by goalies who never existed. In my whole middle school life I never had the guts to try out for the team. I feared getting rejected, or even worse, getting accepted but messing up during a critical game. But the one thing I feared the most were the other players. All the starters were the “cool guys” of my grade, the guys who hooked up with all the girls, all the time.

Soccer was my only true passion, and I was moving to a country were soccer is not as important…

I arrived at Jorge Chavez International Airport the morning of July 4, a couple days after school finished. I had just eaten at my favorite restaurant, but it wasn’t as pleasant as it used to be. I felt like a ghost of myself as I walked down the long lines that would lead me to the airplane.

I sat in the small and uncomfortable seat, grabbed my headphones and let the music take me to a different level, where I could finally relax and forget about the whirlwind that my life had become during the previous year, until I heard the following phrase in a song:

“The end is never the end. A new challenge awaits. A test no man could be prepared for. A new hell he must conquer and destroy. A new level of growth he must confront himself. The machine in the ghost within. This is the journey of the man on the moon.” (Kid Cudi, Up, Up and Away)

So yeah, I am new to the site, but I read some of these reports before creating the account, and I think it will be cool to do this. This is my first report so I hope to improve as I finish. This will be on NCAA 11 for PS3, so enjoy.

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