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nickjamesm7's Blog
Someone take that Mic away from Scottie already 
Posted on May 28, 2011 at 01:34 PM.
So Scottie Pippen, after all, is like most humans; when given a microphone, he goes on to say things that are just ignorant, moronic, even stupid. Here is your chance to do the same! I'm a radio host, I say stupid things all the time, I have a mic right in front of me as I'm writing this, and I'm giving it to you! Who will go down as the greatest all time? MJ? Lebron? Kobe? Wilt? Magic?... you tell me... and tell me why you think the way you do as well, it's more intelligent that way friends. We are all allowed to have opinions, some are just better than others

# 1 nickjamesm7 @ May 28
Well of course I respect his professional opinion freind, even though I don't agree with it. (humor is implied here) I can form opinions on my own too, in a professional way, some might call it. Do you have a say on the greatest basketball player ever? Or did you just come to tell me, an Illinois bred 24 year old life long Bulls fan, that Scottie Pippen is a champion? I knew this, I witnessed all 6 of them. He played alongside the best ever, and that's what I want to know with this blog... Who do you think is the best NBA player ever?
# 2 DaggerSwagger @ May 28
there will never be a best player ever...with that being said imo i think what makes you great is a number of things like the will to win, being clutch in those (clutch moments) and winning mutiple championships and guess what guys ...there are plenty of them so there will never be a best player ever and as far as Lebron goes imo he won't be great until he's done what i mentioned earlier...which he haven't proven it over a long period of time and without a mutiple all star team!!!
# 3 patmaster7891 @ May 28
well of coarse its wilt chamberlain!
# 4 snowfish @ May 29
i dont see what the big fuss is about. he said that jordan is the greatest scorer and lebron may be the greatest player when all is said and done. that isn't such a long shot.
# 5 steinhauser34 @ May 30
Lebron couldn't hold MJ's jockstrap. Ability wise he may have had the potential to reach Jordan's level at one point in his life, but imo that opportunity has come and gone. LeBron has conduct on the court that is utterly disgraceful to the game of basketball..specifically his flopping, faking fouls (and then winking), and his persistent whining to the officials over EVERY call. LeBron is a great basketball player but he acts entitled instead of playing with a chip on his shoulder like Jordan did his entire career. MJ's greatest ever hands down not even a question
# 6 nickjamesm7 @ May 30
I'm certainly not mad. Just disagreeing and asking questions, which comes along with free thinking and being human and everything. I get mad when gas prices are costing people meals, you know, real problems. Do you have an opinion xbreezex or do you just like to throw assumptions like Jay Cutler throws picks? It's really a simple question I'm asking. I do not hate Scottie Pippen one bit, he is one of my favorite players ever. I just simply think he said something stupid, which all of us do from time to time, he just happen to say it to a million people. I realize it's hard to catch sarcasm in this day of blogging and texting and IM'ing, but I am full of it, sarcasm that is. Learn to laugh a little friends, life is short
# 7 MoutonDocile @ May 30
MJ is the greatest. That's just fact.
# 8 nickjamesm7 @ May 30
Don't forget that after the "flu" game... Scottie himself said something along the lines of not only is Michael Jordan the greatest player ever, he is also the greatest leader ever... Just say'n, he said it
# 9 grlacher @ May 31
Jordan didn't have to piggyback off other superstars to try and win a championship.Jordan hands down.
# 10 nickjamesm7 @ May 31
Nice GRRRlacher!
# 11 taqiyya @ May 31
Jordan hands down.On and off the court. Jordan has the ability not to sound stupid off the or. and SCOTTIE DON'T!!!! LoL sorry just watched Goldmember a little while ago so I had to throw that Scottie Don't in there :P
# 12 cvplaya2g @ Jun 1
Jordan will go down as the Greatest NBA Player of all time!! Why? Who else can you compare these facts with? I already checked Kobe and it wasn't even close.

30.1 PPG
6.2 RPG
5.3 APG
2.4 SPG
0.8 BPG

6 Championships
6 Final MVP
1 Defensive player of the year
1 Rookie of the year
14 All-Stat appearances
10 Scoring titles
10 All-NBA 1st team
9 All Defensive 1st
3 All-Star MVP
2 Slam Dunk Titles

Foot locker
Sports Authority

Can anyone you know come close to this?
# 13 nickjamesm7 @ Jun 1
I agree with the facts... The thing I loved about Jordan was his attitude on the court. He worked harder than anyone. Chicago has some of the hardest working, greatest athletes of all-time, that luckily, I saw i.e. Walter Payton, Michael Jordan... Lebrons attitude is like the "I'm holier than thou" "I deserve everything" attitiude. He is just another one of the classic "the next Jordan" guys. Just like Kobe was. Kobe's career is winding down, and I would say on the mountain tops in California that his career is not as esteemed as Jordans was, even though he had a great career in his own right. Jordan changed the game, Lebron did not, he never will either. Jordan took a team with no championships and made them into Legends. Lebron left his hometown crying traitor to make a supergroup, three of the top ten players in the league on one team in southbeach, which already had a great team just years before. His legend is that of a follower, not a leader' that of a traitor, and that of a punk kid who has had nothing but praise thrown at him his whole life. This is like comparing the Beatles to N'SYNC. The former made music what it is today, the latter is a bunch of sissy punks who love glamour and fame, and ruined music for some. Just like Lebron is ruining the NBA for me
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