NBA Live 18 News Post
Member Comments
# 2
Rockie_Fresh88 @ 05/24/17 01:34 PM
The graphics look crazy . Very lifelike . But the game seems stiff in The torso /core area.
Looks like they finally fixed the jerseys being all loose around the shoulders. Bodies look pretty good, everyone's faces look on point except for Kyrie and Steph. Good job.
# 5
fidelityny @ 05/24/17 01:43 PM
The game looks gorgeous, I see John Wall doesn't look like a Zombie in the trailer.
Player movement and animations still look weird though, they appear stiff to me. I'm hoping and praying that layups and shots taken while facing away from the basket don't look like horrible, stiff, circus shots.
Player movement and animations still look weird though, they appear stiff to me. I'm hoping and praying that layups and shots taken while facing away from the basket don't look like horrible, stiff, circus shots.
The screen shots look good. But kyrie looks like he got socked in the jaw
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And idk how I feel about zaza though
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You can def see the same ole live as far as movement in that short clip is concerned. the stiffness, semi floatiness is still there. Hardens crossover, and Kyries layup are good examples of Live legacy issues. I do see improvements. Its doesn't jump at me enough to say its on a level that 2K is at, or something we haven't seen from that distinguishes itself from 2K's movement. Better but still "Live"..
# 10
Playmakers @ 05/24/17 03:13 PM
No one has questioned EA's eye candy
But as you mentioned it time for them finally get the damn movement and animations right
Here we are in 2017 on high powered gamming systems and players aren't animating any better than something we saw 10 years ago that's been the biggest down fall.
Majority look spot on except for Kyrie Irving and James Harden, but they still have time to fix it. Arena lighting look's too dark they need to brighten it some. They had it correct in the 2nd Lebron leaked picture I don't know why they changed it.
Derozan looks like he has on a ton of foundation. I'm sure they're looking to fix that right?
Anyway their biggest issue is movement and animations. That's always going to be a downfall of this game until they improve it.
I'll get to play June 10th to see for myself though.
A few of those animations were bad bad.Lebron being one of them. You can't showcase the best player in the game like that to your audience man.
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I wish they would just use the nba live 15 Kyrie. That was the best one
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I'm impressed. I don't care. I am itching for a real alternative. Picking this up day 1. We need to support this no matter what. We need competition.
Screens look nice but my question is will it still be the same issue where it looks good close up but when you pan out to a gameplay camera the players take a hit graphically.
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# 18
RoyalBoyle78 @ 05/24/17 04:15 PM
Wow!!! Can't wait
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