NBA Live 18 News Post

The first off-screen NBA Live 18 screenshot has been revealed, via Chris Denker. By the looks of it, NBA Live 18 was shown to a select few (some of them had their face scanned into the game), so we might hear some details come from it soon.

Game: NBA Live 18Hype Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 2 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 bigsmallwood @ 05/21/17 04:37 PM
Looks damn good
# 22 akacmac911 @ 05/21/17 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by DounteOnlFranchises
What YouTube are you watching?? That's a flat out lie... COMMENT SECTIONS are praising those screens! FOH!

Wow.... Typical millennium!

Believe it... Story mode can only be done on FROSTBITE.. There's still a possibility that it won't be but I doubt it!

Yeah, you can forget it then... NBA LIVE HAS RETURNED!!! Lego men? Let me shut up before I TRY TO GET BANNED OVER THIS COMMENT! Smh..

Oh, like the SPURS are gonna win a game this series? We understand

Yeah, it's a couple of blasphemous comments. This photo is beautiful.

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# 23 Ronoko @ 05/21/17 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by ssportsgamer2010
EA should drop the LIVE series and shift it's focus to Fight Night.
EA goes where the money is. They are not about to spend resources on a dying sport.
# 24 FerdBrown @ 05/21/17 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS

The first off-screen NBA Live 18 screenshot has been revealed, via Chris Denker. By the looks of it, NBA Live 18 was shown to a select few (some of them had their face scanned into the game), so we might hear some details come from it soon.

LeBron looks like Kratos in this angle. But one pic may not say it all. Looking forward to the next teasers.

Live has had good graphics in the early years. Hope they bring in forward that legacy.
# 25 FerdBrown @ 05/21/17 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by DounteOnlFranchises
Man, get your lame, hating, goofy arse some where and sit down!

Here's a comparison from THALIVEKING that shows IMPROVEMENT from 16:


Who are you???!!!

What are you talking about?

Don't take too much whatever you're it is you're high on as I'm no *****.

My comment is only to say I cannot judge with just one pic, to give justice to NBA LIVE series as a whole. I have been a longtime LIVE fan and player since LIVE '98 and has respect for this franchise.
# 26 TreJayMMA @ 05/21/17 09:44 PM
His chest....is off to say the least

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# 27 Retropyro @ 05/21/17 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Ronoko
EA goes where the money is. They are not about to spend resources on a dying sport.
Yet they could make a killing with bringing back MVP Baseball.
# 28 Guapo516 @ 05/21/17 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by DounteOnlFranchises
Man, get your lame, hating, goofy arse some where and sit down!

Here's a comparison from THALIVEKING that shows IMPROVEMENT from 16:
You gotta chill bro they've already warned you. There's plenty of reasons to be excited and enthusiastic, but please stop getting so carried away and emotional. It's ok if people don't see things the way you do, just say you disagree, back your reasoning and be comfortable with having cordial discourse. People aren't even being critical in some instances and your lashing out. Stop being so hostile towards any and everyone that isn't sniffing Lives butt lol.

I don't mean to be trying to police the room that's literally what someone gets paid to do, and I don't mean to tell those people how to do their job, but I hope they can let you rock and not ban you.
# 29 Guapo516 @ 05/21/17 11:24 PM
If you saw Lebron up close like that he'll probably look like that, but the way the arms hang makes me think the players stance will look kinda typical live stance since 07. Bradley arms are kinda hanging the same way like they had a push-up contest and they can't help but bend like that lol.

And I think for out of focus Bradley looks good. The graphics are gonna be where they need to be clearly, it's now time to show and prove on the gameplay department.
# 30 The 24th Letter @ 05/22/17 12:51 AM
As far as off screen pics go, its cool....looking forward to seeing more.

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# 31 swac07 @ 05/22/17 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by TreJayMMA
His chest....is off to say the least

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Thats what's. throwing me off as well, other than that it looks good. I can't wait to see the game in motion.
# 32 renome @ 05/22/17 05:26 AM
Live graphics/art has always been dope... so they're pretty much playing to their strengths by teasing this pic. if you're gonna look at just stills, it's arguable that Live 16 looks better than even 2K17 -- that's how good their art is... movement and gameplay-wise, we all know Live is slacking. hopefully they prove us all otherwise: competition breeds improvement.
# 33 Majik_JoKerr @ 05/22/17 06:27 AM
I haven't owned a basketball game from EA Sports since NBA Live 2005 for the PS2. I've been a huge fan of EA Sports since the late 90's. Once EA Sports lost the license to the NBA, and they bought out the license to the NFL. To make a long story short, I've always been a fan of 2K Sports as well...but mainly for NFL games. I started playing NFL 2K dating back to the Sega Dreamcast days.

When I first heard about, EA Sports a d Madden buying out the license to the NFL. I was kinda bummed out at first, because let's face it ESPN NFL 2K5 was better than Madden NFL 2005 was. Yes I still enjoyed playing Madden, but not being able to switch it up and play NFL 2K whenever ​I wanted was really upsetting during those times.

Now in regards to basketball, I can't say I felt the same way about the NBA 2K games. Me personally, I've always been more of an NBA Live fan when it comes to playing a basketball game. So with that being said, I'm really excited to get back to playing some basketball once NBA Live 18 is released. I just hope EA Sports puts, a good amount an effort into their NBA games like they do for Madden NFL.

So all in all...the screenshot shown of a sneak peek of NBA Live 18 looks absolutely beautiful. I haven't been this excited about playing basketball again since like 2005-2006. As I was saying before, I just hope EA Sports puts a lot of effort into NBA Live 18 because I'm really considering on buying it once it's released.

Kind regards,
# 34 knick9 @ 05/22/17 11:27 AM
2k has a lot of soldiers who will call everything related to Live trash. Still, the main problem with Live has been gameplay, their last attempts have been really clunky. Graphics look fine, 2k hasn't really improved significantly as far as accurate bodies but the gameplay remains solid. I think they know that so hoping for a real alternative, I'm done with 2K.
# 35 RoyalBoyle78 @ 05/22/17 11:44 AM
Man for most who don't know, I'm a big Live fan and supporter, I can't wait. I'm hoping they put all we have been wanting in the game. I'm getting excited.
# 36 Bolt957 @ 05/22/17 12:52 PM
This screenshot is solid, although LeBron's stance kinda portrays him like an action figure lol. Bradley seems to look like himself, and I notice the crowd wearing the "All In" shirts.
# 37 TecmoZack @ 05/22/17 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Bolt957
This screenshot is solid, although LeBron's stance kinda portrays him like an action figure lol. Bradley seems to look like himself, and I notice the crowd wearing the "All In" shirts.
I thought that was a nice touch as well.
# 38 TalenT @ 05/22/17 01:39 PM
Please be good! Please be good! Please be good!
# 39 poloelite @ 05/22/17 03:27 PM
I haven't been a fan of Live in a long time, but I'm not a ***** either. Their screenshots usually always look good when EA releases them, my main gripe has been how it looks and animates when I play it. I'll reserve critique for the first actual gameplay video.
# 40 Kazin @ 05/22/17 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
They did not skip a year by choose, the game was not ready to be released last year, from this photo lighting looks good, sweat looks good and the crowd look great. Player models was always live strenght, and with players getting scanned for a few years now as long as they are not created players they will look fine. It all comes down to gameplay.
They did choose to skip the year. There was never an NBA Live 17 game that just "wasn't ready". They knew they needed a long development cycle to compete with 2K and EA as a corporation gave it to them. Back in 2015.

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