Madden NFL 18 News Post
Member Comments
That's the frostbite for you hopefully everything is that good looking!
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Sent from my F3111 using Operation Sports mobile app
# 2
DeuceDouglas @ 05/12/17 06:26 PM
Looks good. Reminds me of the initial Ignite trailer for Next Gen. Hopefully they'll bring back those stadium shots in presentation, they looked great on the 360, they'd only look better now. I want to see some weather shots now too.
# 3
marshallfever @ 05/12/17 07:03 PM
Lighting looks superb!!!! Finally. Maybe now a night game will look like it's supposed to
# 4
SageInfinite @ 05/12/17 07:10 PM
Looks incredible. So glad they brought back the exterior shots from Madden 12.
I am really excited about revamped weather as well. Should be pretty amazing with Frostbite.
# 7
TheBleedingRed21 @ 05/12/17 08:12 PM
# 8
DeuceDouglas @ 05/12/17 08:15 PM
Problem with stadium shots is the generic feel to them due to no traffic or people scattered around, looks too uniformed and unimmersive like past madden, they need to make them look more alive
I mean it looks amazing. But I guess if you wanna nit-pick..
# 12
SageInfinite @ 05/12/17 09:45 PM
# 13
HealyMonster @ 05/12/17 10:38 PM
That stadium shot looks pretty impressive man. If that field lighting is what it looks like in game, they nailed it. If its just a picture that they doctored up, then well, thats lame, but if that is what the lighting looks like for night games, its a massive upgrade.
# 15
DeuceDouglas @ 05/12/17 11:01 PM
Looks nice and i love the Frosbite Engine but
1- player models will they improve on that
2- i have both systems (Xbox one Ps4 Pro) but will this be Native 4k for Ps4 Pro
Or will it only be Native 4k to boost up Xbox Scorpio?
1- player models will they improve on that
2- i have both systems (Xbox one Ps4 Pro) but will this be Native 4k for Ps4 Pro
Or will it only be Native 4k to boost up Xbox Scorpio?
I hope they give us options to choose the weather before each game in franchise mode like we can in play now mode.
# 18
ShaiLeGran @ 05/13/17 02:53 PM
If the stadiums resamble what we have seen in FIFA 17, I for one will be more then happy. Dito for the grass.
Hopefully they FINALLY allow us to choose open or closed roofs in CFM. You can in other game modes so why not in CFM?
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