The Nerdist Channel has posted quite a few NBA Playgrounds beta gameplay videos. Check them out and post your thoughts. The game is scheduled to released later this month.
Definitely obvious the guys playing didn't know how to play. But I see alot of potential in the game. Picking up day 1. They have my full support. I wish it was a little more NBA Street than NBA Jam though.
Definitely obvious the guys playing didn't know how to play. But I see alot of potential in the game. Picking up day 1. They have my full support. I wish it was a little more NBA Street than NBA Jam though.
Looks like a poor man's NBA Jam...but sometimes those can be the best games. I remember having fun with Pure Futbol, even thought most thought it was the orphaned step child to Fifa Street (and it was).
Really. Really. Looks like the movement in NBA street vol 2. And I love that
Ball physics also remind me of NBA street VIP 2 as well
I was worried the big heads and body sizes would be a strange mix but after seeing the movement of players and how it reminds me of NBA street vol 2 I'm at ease
Depending on how many courts this could be a indie sleeper hit we haven't seen the likes of since rocket league
Looks more like something I would considering getting for the portable Nintendo Switch (... if I had the switch). And apparently it's coming out for the Switch on May 9, 2017 ($19.99), along with PS4, XBOX and PC.
The gameplay looks a bit deeper then I expected, noticing 'early' for when you released the ball too early and such. I do feel however, to keep playing, the developers need to give tons of stuff to unlock: jerseys, balls, courts, players, sneakers, etc. Otherwise I personally feel that this is something that won't be played for a very long time. Perhaps also include the ability to typ in your initials - like the first NBA Jam - and different initials give you diffirent abilities or unlocks Benny the Bull etc?
I'm super excited for this as well. I think it looks awesome. If players have some uniqueness to them in how they play (sig crossovers, layups, dunks, etc) I will play this a TON!
As a poster mentioned above, I hope there is some depth as far as accessories, leveling up, courts, etc.
The gameplay looks a bit deeper then I expected, noticing 'early' for when you released the ball too early and such. I do feel however, to keep playing, the developers need to give tons of stuff to unlock: jerseys, balls, courts, players, sneakers, etc. Otherwise I personally feel that this is something that won't be played for a very long time. Perhaps also include the ability to typ in your initials - like the first NBA Jam - and different initials give you diffirent abilities or unlocks Benny the Bull etc?
I counted like 9 courts. NBA Street Vol 2 had 11 i think...