NBA Playgrounds News Post

Check out the latest NBA Playgrounds gameplay trailer, along with new details and post your thoughts.

NBA Playgrounds is scheduled to arrive on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch and PC in May for $20.

Shooting and Dunking
Whether you’re shooting 3-pointers, pulling off major dunks, showing off your finger-roll game, or defying analytics and winning with long 2-pointers – timing is key. Letting go of the shoot button at the peak of your shooting motion will not only increase your shot percentage, it will actually give you bonus points if the timing is perfect. The same goes for layups and dunks. This brings an added layer to NBA Playgrounds, where advanced players can be rewarded for learning the animations.

Lottery Pick System
Pour in enough buckets, and your team will get to spin the Lottery Pick wheel for a short term bonus. Bonuses include super speed shoes, 12 inches of extra height on dunks, a glowing blue ball that increases your shot percentage, and a 2x 3-pointer. Another cool aspect of the Lottery Pick system is that it makes you think twice about pushing down your opponent on defense, as you lose your lottery bar momentum. It’s playground rules, but playing a cleaner game can bring you some good karma.

Defense wins championships – it also wins a ton of games in NBA Playgrounds, whether it’s against the AI, your friend on the couch, or online competition. Timing your swipes to get steals is key. On the other side of the coin, if you see a defender going in for a steal, that’s the perfect time to pull off a crossover and sprint towards the basket or the 3-point line. A good player will also experiment with and learn the perfect time to jump to block a dunk or a jump shot. Key moments – like when a player is about to shoot a 6-pointer during the Lottery Pick 3-pointer bonus – also call for you to push your opponent down – it’s playground rules after all!

Upgrade your Players
NBA Playgrounds rewards winning by giving the player new card packs that unlock new current and retired players. Sticking with a team for a while and focusing on unlocking their XP by playing through games will give those players new moves. Lots of players also have signature moves, so be sure to keep progressing in the game!

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Game: NBA PlaygroundsHype Score: 9.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 2 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 GruffyMcGuiness @ 04/12/17 02:22 PM
Looks like a lot of fun, I'll be sure to pick it up. I played a ton of the NBA Jam reboot so I'm sure to get a lot of playtime out of this.
# 2 baconbits11 @ 04/12/17 02:27 PM
Looks like a breath of fresh air. I will pick this up for $20. I wish a lot more companies would make these type of arcade experiences. This could have been called SuperMega Basketball!

Could you imagine SuperMega Baseball with the NBA license and unlockables like this? It would wipe out RBI.
# 3 scottyp180 @ 04/12/17 04:22 PM
Would have preferred more of an nba street style of gameplay but this very much looks like a modern take on NBA Jam. Might give this a purchase at some point.
# 4 TheBadazz @ 04/12/17 04:44 PM
This would be perfect for Handheld too. Vita, Ds, Switch.
# 5 ChrisBurnette68 @ 04/12/17 05:15 PM
This actually looks pretty cool. I wish there were more non-sim sports games like there were in the 2000s
# 6 slipkid75 @ 04/13/17 09:26 AM
Will be getting this for sure. Seems like just the thing needed after 2K this year.

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# 7 frostbyt @ 04/13/17 09:52 AM
Look forward to playing something a little less serious again Especailly with my daughter
# 8 jpollack34 @ 04/13/17 10:30 AM
This is great. Finally, something that my kids can play other than Super Mega Baseball. All these accessible games emerging are coming from smaller indy developers and it's great !!

Big companies are so focused on short term profits they are missing a huge opportunity: The next generation. Another problem is this absurd obsession with copyright law nowadays. To my mind, a lot of leagues should be paying developers if anything, not the other way around. They will get the next generation involved, who will then spend ten fold when they are adults as fans of the league. Now a lot of kids are just not interested in sports.. I see it every day.. Too busy playing minecraft etc..
# 9 SeaTownGamer @ 04/14/17 12:36 AM
I wonder if this will have co-op for multiplayer

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# 10 ZoneSix @ 04/14/17 01:00 AM
can't wait for this to drop.
# 11 SeaTownGamer @ 04/14/17 07:17 AM
I know it's next month but what day?

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# 12 TecmoZack @ 04/14/17 09:55 AM
All this feels.

Can't wait for this.
# 13 Bull_Dozer @ 04/15/17 12:22 AM
This looks awesome =)
# 14 Shadymamba @ 04/15/17 12:24 PM
cool looking pick up and play - nice to have a good ol "fun" game to mess around with
# 15 exposedaking @ 04/19/17 03:44 PM
I'm definitely getting this on Nintendo Switch.

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# 16 jjnyg24 @ 04/19/17 09:40 PM
They need 2 player local coop for the main campaign/challenge mode like the last NBA Jam On Fire Edition had... and this game will be a day 1 buy for me... if not, I will probably pass.

We desperately need a revival in the fun arcade style sports games on the market, the genre is pretty much dead. RIP Midway Games.
# 17 TreJayMMA @ 04/20/17 03:55 PM
Will different players have different releases?
# 18 ch46647 @ 04/23/17 04:12 PM
This looks awesome. Hopefully they have player specific animations and release points.
# 19 ch46647 @ 04/26/17 11:20 PM
Will this game have couch co-op online play?

That will make this a must buy for me.

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