NHL 18 News Post

Mike Lowe checks in again today with the top 5 changes needed for NHL 18 Franchise mode. Check it out and let us know what changes you would like to see.

Game: NHL 18Hype Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 babman @ 09/03/17 04:41 PM
Bring back legends like in 2015. I dont play the modes with the cards and all that annoying nonsense. I want legends available for all modes.

Have classic teams like NBA 2K does. it is time EA starts listening to its fans and stops shoving crap we dont want into the games.
How fun would it be to play with those great Edmonton teams or Pittsburg teams?

Stop complication deke controls, make it simple so we can actually use them in game play. 2 Button combo is the max we should have to do ofr a deke.

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