MLB The Show 17 News Post

The franchise mode Twitch stream has started for MLB The Show 17. Once the stream has finished, we will post an archive link.

HDR mode has been confirmed, as seen in the screenshot below. More details on that, along with all of the graphical improvements will be shown on the Twitch stream on March 23.

For those of you asking "What is HDR"? Read this.

Make sure to post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the archive link.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 361 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/14/17 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Arty23
I love playing the actual games, but I have played in franchise mode exclusively as its always been the only mode that appealed to me. My point in making the post is that franchise hasn't made any meaningful steps to incorporate international players (Asian or Latin America), provide more realistic contract options (multiple option years, extensions, front load/back load, Can't trade an arb player unless they have a contract), the coaches section is laughably bad (No minor league coaches, almost half of the ones in the game are fake and each staff only contains half the real life coaches), and other things that are off like non-roster invitees, Super 2's, minor league players with service time and stats, etc.. I realize many of those features would be lost on a typical player and I understand that. If I played DD or RttS I'd probably still play buy the game. Its just the lack of any meaningful improvement to the realism of GM-type features doesn't make me feel like buying the game this year.
I co-sign every part of this post except the not buying the game part. Even with none of the additional franchise depth wanted (when do we get our "foundation year"?), this new version is still loaded with improvements. I can see myself watching the flight of the ball for about 5-10 games just to behold round-on-round ball physics. And the HDR + better player faces could make it appear like an enitirely new game.

# 362 tessl @ 03/14/17 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
What’s mind boggling is no one has played the game yet......the sheer amount of gameplay improvements are going to blow most long time veterans away. The videos I have seen simply look "next gen" gameplay to me with the new fielding animations and humanity AI improvements I have seen. Gameplay looks like it clearly got the most attention which to me is a great thing. Because you know 98% of my time with the game is actually you know....playing baseball on the field.

I seriously can’t wait for 17.
For me - speaking only for myself - the biggest area of need was gameplay and that appears to have gotten the most attention. Since I'm in the show me state I'll wait until the disc is in the ps4 before I reach a conclusion about how the game plays but clearly they took a big swing at gameplay.

That said I understand the disappointment about what they chose to focus on in franchise. It seems a bit odd to focus on the sim aspect of franchise while at the same time spending so much programmer time on gameplay.
# 363 Factzzz @ 03/15/17 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
This so much. People get so caught up in aesthetics that they sometimes forget what the core of this game really is. Playing the great game of baseball.

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Yeah but the game already plays a great game of baseball. It has for like a decade now. This game's gameplay is the best representation of any sports game in my opinion.

So it's the other things that i pay attention too now that get me excited. The "aesthetics."
# 364 Caulfield @ 03/15/17 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear


I am prepared to be blown out of the water this summer, over bawl fizzicks.
that just sounds good. looks good. and, hopefully, plays great lol
# 365 Blzer @ 03/15/17 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Caulfield
\I am prepared to be blown out of the water this summer, over bawl fizzicks.
that just sounds good. looks good. and, hopefully, plays great lol
I don't know why, but when read out of context, this sounds so wrong.
# 366 RLB @ 03/15/17 06:56 PM
It sounded perfectly normal until you pointed it out. Now excuse me while I head home to get my bawl fizzicks blown out of the water. I'm sorry guardians of the forums.....but you know you laughed too.
# 367 Blzer @ 03/15/17 09:53 PM
How nicely does the import franchise work when it comes to new features being added in the mode(s)? Obviously this year's items won't affect much, but even when it comes to you being in Year 12 of your franchise, and the game has possibly replaced certain skin tones, facial hair, etc. How much does this affect the players in your franchise? Or if they add more historical stats in the future, would it be able to go back and find some things that weren't in the game previously?

Originally Posted by RLB
It sounded perfectly normal until you pointed it out.
Haha that's because I must have clicked on the thread, something came up and I left my computer (or that tab), and when I went back to it I read it with no context whatsoever.

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