MLB The Show 17 News Post

We had our own MLB The Show 17 commentary and presentation Twitch stream, right after Sony Interactive Entertainment had theirs. Make sure you are subscribed to our Twitch channel, so you get notified when we go LIVE.

In this MLB The Show 17 commentary and presentation livestream breakdown, Millennium runs through the entire stream and points out plenty of details you might have missed. Give it a watch and post your thoughts and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 My993C2 @ 03/04/17 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by tessl

My only concern about "human AI" is they appear to have made every infielder into Brooks Robinson or Ozzie Smith and there won't be any infield hits in the mode I play - manage mode.

Maybe I'm wrong and granted we are still not seeing the final version of the game but that play in the video - if Prince Fielder gained another 50 lbs he would still beat the throw to first. True human AI would result in infielders making mistakes as they attempt to speed up their transfer and throw. I would think a fielder should be at a certain level of fielding attribute before they make that play.
We know they turned on certain development widgets during the streams to ensure the balls were always hit in the same location on the field during the stream, but we don't know if any other fielding widgets were enable to ensure they could show us what they wanted to show us. We won't know until the game is released.

I play with the Rockies and Nolan Arenado is one of baseball's best 3rd basemen and I swear he plays a lot better in the real world than he plays in MLB 16. So I welcome changes in this area. But it would also be a shame if infield hits all of a sudden became rare all because they wanted to fix other issues with the human AI. I am hoping that right balance will be found. Only time will tell.

MLB 17 will be the best baseball we have ever seen, until MLB 18 is released.
# 22 tessl @ 03/04/17 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by My993C2
We know they turned on certain development widgets during the streams to ensure the balls were always hit in the same location on the field during the stream, but we don't know if any other fielding widgets were enable to ensure they could show us what they wanted to show us. We won't know until the game is released.

I play with the Rockies and Nolan Arenado is one of baseball's best 3rd basemen and I swear he plays a lot better in the real world than he plays in MLB 16. So I welcome changes in this area. But it would also be a shame if infield hits all of a sudden became rare all because they wanted to fix other issues with the human AI. I am hoping that right balance will be found. Only time will tell.

MLB 17 will be the best baseball we have ever seen, until MLB 18 is released.
Thanks for the reply. I always enjoy discussing the game with another manage mode user. We tend to see the game from a slightly different perspective than joystick users.

One thing for sure the developers have done a lot of work on the game this year and I'm looking forward to it. There is an old military maxim - no plan survives contact with the enemy. With that stipulation my tentative plan based upon what I think the game will be like is to get fast middle infielders and sinker ball/2 seam FB pitchers. It looks like the new animation equates to an out if the infielder gets to a ground ball regardless of runner speed. If that's true the key will be fast infielders who can get to the ball. After that the "human AI" takes over.

As millennium discussed in an earlier stream the new ball spin dynamic could result in sinker ball and 2 seam fastball pitchers becoming more valuable as they generate more ground balls. Ground ball pitchers + fast infielders = vacuum those ground balls.
# 23 My993C2 @ 03/04/17 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Thanks for the reply. I always enjoy discussing the game with another manage mode user. We tend to see the game from a slightly different perspective than joystick users.

One thing for sure the developers have done a lot of work on the game this year and I'm looking forward to it. There is an old military maxim - no plan survives contact with the enemy. With that stipulation my tentative plan based upon what I think the game will be like is to get fast middle infielders and sinker ball/2 seam FB pitchers. It looks like the new animation equates to an out if the infielder gets to a ground ball regardless of runner speed. If that's true the key will be fast infielders who can get to the ball. After that the "human AI" takes over.

As millennium discussed in an earlier stream the new ball spin dynamic could result in sinker ball and 2 seam fastball pitchers becoming more valuable as they generate more ground balls. Ground ball pitchers + fast infielders = vacuum those ground balls.
The thing about us weirdo "why would anyone ever want to play the game like this" MoM players is we have completely removed ourselves from the hitting and fielding equation and relying instead on the AI and player ratings to influence much but not all the outcomes of our games. So we'll have to start a new MoM thread soon, or resurrect an old one. I am definitely anticipating MLB 17 to play different from 16 and yeah for sure sinker and low 2 seam fastball pitches will result in more ground balls and this could lead to more infield outs because of the new AI throwing changes. But on the flip side there could be more doubles and triples than we have seen in the past.

My plan is to keep all the hitting related sliders at default for a while and try to not only play a number of my own MoM games before I begin tweaking sliders. But I also plan on doing some CPU vs CPU games to see how the default slider settings work there as well. A lot is unknown at this time. But this is outside the scope of presentations which is what this thread is supposed to be about.

Regarding presentations, I do like to play in full broadcast mode with the 4 second MoM mode pitch delay (I can always button mash if I don't want to wait the 4 seconds). So my MLB 16 MoM games tend to run a good two hours in length when I am not button mashing between pitches. The actual length of the game depends of course on if it is a low scoring quicker game, or a high scoring long drawn out affair. So the presentation changes are another aspect of MLB 17 I am looking forward to experience. For me my MoM games are about the experience of being at the game, watching game, having some influence on the decisions made in the game which do influence the outcome, but in the end still relying on the skills of the players and the luck of the draw to determine the final result.

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