MLB The Show 17 News Post

The OS Daily is online and ready for viewing. Make sure to take a few minutes out of your day and get caught up on the latest sports gaming news with our host Millennium. This one is a one hour special, breaking down the Little Things Twitch stream for MLB The Show 17.

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Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 p00p1 @ 02/23/17 10:01 PM
You can have multiple lineups in regular seasons/franchise without having to change your 25 man roster. Just use the same setup, lineup vs LHP, lineup vs RHP.

Bad design
# 2 BSUFAN @ 02/23/17 10:50 PM
Good breakdown as always, keep up the good work !!!
# 3 tessl @ 02/23/17 11:20 PM
As I posted in the other thread about the same video, the lineups for Padres and Twins are current. Jared Weaver just signed with the Padres 4 days ago and his in on the Padres - and I suspect those attributes are updated and will be the ones you see with the game.
# 4 p00p1 @ 02/24/17 02:32 AM
They have stated in almost every video so far, ratings are not final.
# 5 Millennium @ 02/24/17 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by p00p1
You can have multiple lineups in regular seasons/franchise without having to change your 25 man roster. Just use the same setup, lineup vs LHP, lineup vs RHP.

Bad design
You have no idea what I would or would not have taken in time or resources in game development to do this.

Bad design...Of your post.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Operation Sports mobile app
# 6 Blzer @ 02/24/17 03:21 AM
Watch the two Pablo double-plays starting at 58:20.

Remember the David Blaine Street Magic spoof videos? Millennium is pulling off that "ta-da!" face that DB does in those vids haha!

Great breakdown, as always.
# 7 jeffy777 @ 02/24/17 04:33 AM
Love the breakdown, as always.
# 8 Blzer @ 02/24/17 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by SchwarBear12
Anybody else notice that Turner Field was not listed as a Classic Stadium, despite Ramone saying it would be back as a Classic, like Metro, SunLife, Shea & Old Yankee was on PS3?

Sure hope it's just missing. I was really looking forward to Turner Field being immortalized as a Classic ballpark in The Show.
I don't think they're calling it a "classic stadium" simply because they didn't have to rebuild it. It's already hard-coded into the PS4 version of the game, so they'll simply just carry it over. These other stadiums actually had to be rebuilt.

At least, that's my assumption. I don't think they would want to spend all of that time on the artwork for that stadium just to scrap it after three years of usage on PS4.
# 9 tessl @ 02/24/17 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by p00p1
They have stated in almost every video so far, ratings are not final.
They may not be final for every player on every team but I'm currently using a Padres franchise with the final live roster update from 2016 and the attributes for the players they showed are exactly what I would expect them to be considering their 2016 stats. The only exception is the 2 rookies Margot and Renfroe but the show uses their own formula for rookies and both are shown as top 50 prospects which is in line with what they are projected to be.

Therefore at least for the Padres players they scrolled over I suspect the attributed shown in that video reflect what they will be when I put the game in my ps4.
# 10 tessl @ 02/24/17 01:26 PM

There is a new animation in that first play. Previously the first baseman would run across the bag in front of or sometimes through the base runner which obviously wasn't a good graphic. In that video he stayed in fair territory and touched the inside of the bag thus avoiding a collision with the runner - added realism.

One thing I've wondered about regarding classic stadiums. Let's say I'm using a Brewers franchise and I play a home game in what the game described as "Old Miami" ballpark. Since temperature now impacts gameplay am I getting Milwaukee weather or am I getting Miami weather?

In the category of wild speculation - they mentioned instead of 5 logo saves for create-a-team there are now 50 logo saves. Last year by this date they had already confirmed there would be no relocation, create-a-stadium or create-a-team in franchise. Not trying to get my hopes up but maybe since they haven't talked about it yet and they have allotted 50 save slots for logos - maybe create-a-team in DD is going to be allowed in franchise. It would be cool to create my own team, logo and uniforms and replace an existing MLB team with the created team. I get their roster, payroll and coaches but with my own created team. What could the extra logo spots be for? How about you create your own stadium and there are places to put a logo in various places within the stadium? Granted it's pure speculation but until they confirm or deny it we can dream.
# 11 Adam_SDS @ 02/24/17 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by SchwarBear12
Anybody else notice that Turner Field was not listed as a Classic Stadium, despite Ramone saying it would be back as a Classic, like Metro, SunLife, Shea & Old Yankee was on PS3?

Sure hope it's just missing. I was really looking forward to Turner Field being immortalized as a Classic ballpark in The Show.
I answered this question on the stream but it moves so fast! Turner Field was moved to the Classic Stadium list.
# 12 Armor and Sword @ 02/24/17 02:47 PM
As always a nice, informative breakdown Mil. Great stuff.
# 13 thaSLAB @ 02/24/17 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by tessl

One thing I've wondered about regarding classic stadiums. Let's say I'm using a Brewers franchise and I play a home game in what the game described as "Old Miami" ballpark. Since temperature now impacts gameplay am I getting Milwaukee weather or am I getting Miami weather?
Weather is tied to the stadium's location.

Sent from my htc 10 using Tapatalk
# 14 tessl @ 02/25/17 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
Weather is tied to the stadium's location.

Sent from my htc 10 using Tapatalk
Thanks for the reply. The question then becomes how much temperature will impact gameplay.
# 15 Caulfield @ 02/25/17 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Thanks for the reply. The question then becomes how much temperature will impact gameplay.
You have to think that in the back of a managers mind IRL, he has to be asking himself the same thing.
The unknown should add as much to realism as the known IMO
# 16 tessl @ 02/25/17 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Caulfield
You have to think that in the back of a managers mind IRL, he has to be asking himself the same thing.
The unknown should add as much to realism as the known IMO
I'm all in favor of the addition of temperatures impacting gameplay so long as it isn't overdone. Turner Field for example played as a pitcher friendly park factor ballpark despite being in "Hotlanta".

I guess we'll find out when we plug the disc into the ps4 in late March.

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