MLB The Show 17 News Post

For those of you that missed it, we had our Operation Sports Twitch Channel, hosted by Millennium, working overtime about an hour ago, going over the new MLB The Show 17 details from the Game Informer interview and the GameStop Monday Diamond Dynasty video.

Give it a watch and post your thoughts and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube and Twitch channels, so you don't miss anything.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 tessl @ 02/13/17 11:18 PM
I'm not a DD player but one thing the stream pertained to franchise - missions. I'd prefer to see them keep that stuff out of franchise because it seems a little gimmicky for what should be the closest thing to a sim in the game.

Just my opinion.
# 2 Scott @ 02/13/17 11:22 PM
Great work as always Mill.
# 3 thekingofKC @ 02/14/17 01:26 AM
Regarding the comment in the video regarding needing 60 wins for the Wild Wild West reward -

You're right, 60 wins in head to head would be kind of insane. My guess is its across all game modes in DD and its not 60 wins for your team, but its 60 wins for any eligible player on your team. So if your entire lineup is West Coast players, you would only need to win 7 games to earn the reward. Thats my guess, at least.

EDIT: I'm back-tracking on my statement. In the video showed today the number of wins was way less than 60, so I'm thinking maybe you do have to have a full lineup of eligible players to qualify. I bet we find out more tomorrow during the stream.
# 4 piffbernd @ 02/20/17 10:48 AM
faces looking great, l like they did that pitcher are doing more fielding. I hope we will see not more Trowing errors. This was my biggest problem in 16
# 5 MetsFan16 @ 02/20/17 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by thekingofKC
Regarding the comment in the video regarding needing 60 wins for the Wild Wild West reward -

You're right, 60 wins in head to head would be kind of insane. My guess is its across all game modes in DD and its not 60 wins for your team, but its 60 wins for any eligible player on your team. So if your entire lineup is West Coast players, you would only need to win 7 games to earn the reward. Thats my guess, at least.

EDIT: I'm back-tracking on my statement. In the video showed today the number of wins was way less than 60, so I'm thinking maybe you do have to have a full lineup of eligible players to qualify. I bet we find out more tomorrow during the stream.
This confused me as well. If these Events last a week or two, 60 wins? Even if they're 3 inning games, that's a whole lot of wins in a short time frame.I'm hoping they made a typo or they last a lot longer than a week.
# 6 skrody @ 02/20/17 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
I'm not a DD player but one thing the stream pertained to franchise - missions. I'd prefer to see them keep that stuff out of franchise because it seems a little gimmicky for what should be the closest thing to a sim in the game.

Just my opinion.
it could be statistical based missions though versus the 'only play lefties in your lineup' missions.

like 'have a player win MVP/Cy Young' or 'Play 100 innings with a SP'
# 7 tessl @ 02/20/17 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by skrody
it could be statistical based missions though versus the 'only play lefties in your lineup' missions.

like 'have a player win MVP/Cy Young' or 'Play 100 innings with a SP'
Right, and then what do I get from the mission and equally important are the cpu teams getting the same missions?

In another thread I asked whether cpu teams have the sponsor income available like the user does. I don't use them because if the cpu teams don't get them then I see it as cheating.

No offense whatsoever to diamond dynasty or rtts players because the rpg stuff is popular and the more people who buy the game the better for everybody but - just my opinion - there should be one mode which is "clean" and as close to IRL as possible.

They go to great lengths to get things like uniforms, ball spin, weather effects, etc as identical as possible to real life and then introduce missions into franchise? It seems like a step in the opposite direction of everything else they are doing.
# 8 Sip_16 @ 02/20/17 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Right, and then what do I get from the mission and equally important are the cpu teams getting the same missions?

In another thread I asked whether cpu teams have the sponsor income available like the user does. I don't use them because if the cpu teams don't get them then I see it as cheating.

No offense whatsoever to diamond dynasty or rtts players because the rpg stuff is popular and the more people who buy the game the better for everybody but - just my opinion - there should be one mode which is "clean" and as close to IRL as possible.

They go to great lengths to get things like uniforms, ball spin, weather effects, etc as identical as possible to real life and then introduce missions into franchise? It seems like a step in the opposite direction of everything else they are doing.
I would think franchise missions may not actually affect your actually franchise I think you can get stubs and tickets or cards and use them however you want. I play franchise and DD so I like being able to collect while I play franchise and like most features in the show its probably completely optional I don't think it would just give you an advantage in your franchise
# 9 Russell_SCEA @ 02/20/17 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
I'm not a DD player but one thing the stream pertained to franchise - missions. I'd prefer to see them keep that stuff out of franchise because it seems a little gimmicky for what should be the closest thing to a sim in the game.

Just my opinion.
Really simple don't do them.
# 10 skrody @ 02/20/17 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Right, and then what do I get from the mission and equally important are the cpu teams getting the same missions?

In another thread I asked whether cpu teams have the sponsor income available like the user does. I don't use them because if the cpu teams don't get them then I see it as cheating.

No offense whatsoever to diamond dynasty or rtts players because the rpg stuff is popular and the more people who buy the game the better for everybody but - just my opinion - there should be one mode which is "clean" and as close to IRL as possible.

They go to great lengths to get things like uniforms, ball spin, weather effects, etc as identical as possible to real life and then introduce missions into franchise? It seems like a step in the opposite direction of everything else they are doing.
but the rewards are probably just XP and stubs and or packs or cards... i think their intention is to be able to earn rewards in all game modes.
# 11 jeffy777 @ 02/20/17 06:30 PM
Loving the UI/Menus this year in general.

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