NBA 2K17 News Post

NBA All-Star Weekend is just around the corner, and you know what that means: time to debate the validity of the all-star rosters! And this year is no different, with the added wrinkle that there is a legitimate argument to be made that the reigning, back-to-back MVP should come off the bench this year because half-human half-cyborg Russell Westbrook could average a triple double for the entire season.

But that’s part of what makes this season so fun. Even if All-Star Weekend isn’t your cup of tea -- even if you think the game itself is nothing more than a real-life NBA Jam -- the event itself gives us time to reflect on the season so far while taking stock of the current state of the league.

Read More - Alternate NBA All-Star Game Lineups

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 tarek @ 02/08/17 07:11 PM
I would like to go a step further, and look at alternate All-Star teams based on something a little more than ratings. For example,

European All-Stars vs USA All-Stars
Over 30s All-Stars vs Under 30s All-Stars
Drafted All-Stars (best players still playing for team who drafted them) vs Traded/Free-agent All-Stars (best players playing for team different to the one who drafted them)

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