Retro Winter Sports 1986 News Post

Even though we are experiencing one of the most active periods on the sports calendar, it’s the doldrums for sports video games. While we are waiting for the next big release (MLB 17: The Show), here are a few mobile sports games that might make the time go more quickly.

Retro Winter Sports 1986

This title is a pure nostalgia trip; taking that into account, it’s a fun little game that offers a lot for a small price.

Basically, this is an updated, yet intentionally retro version of the old Epyx published Winter Games title that was available on multiple consoles in the late 80s. In this one, you have access to six Winter Olympics-style events: Slalom (skiing) races, speed skating, ski jumping, bobsled curling and the biathlon.

Read More - Retro Winter Sports 1986 Impressions (iOS/Android)

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