NHL 17 News Post

EA has just released NHL 17 patch 3.1, which fixes a few issues from patch 3, released last week.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Be A Pro and Franchise Modes to crash at the end of the season
  • Fixed an issue that prevented HUT Contracts from refreshing in Competitive Seasons
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in negative points for a win in HUT Competitive Seasons
  • Fixed an issue with Willie Mitchell's Outdoor Classic Set Master item. It is now back to it's original art and will refresh.
  • Fixed CCM Extreme Flex Pro 3 Blocker.

Game: NHL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 5 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 jeebs9 @ 01/26/17 02:01 PM
Wait is this a new one? I played last night (around 12).
# 2 Steve_OS @ 01/26/17 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
Wait is this a new one? I played last night (around 12).
Yup, just released this morning.
# 3 Nickflyers @ 01/26/17 03:56 PM
Sweet!!!! 10ch
# 4 jeebs9 @ 01/27/17 11:46 AM
I don't know about anyone else. But I have been LOVING THE PATCH.

Played this great game last night. Every goal I've given up since the patch has felt like it was my fault. And I love that! My opponent in the video below used a slap pass to take the lead. I can live with goals like those. Especially if I wasn't checking the player. I haven't seen any stupid goals. But we'll see.


Sorry for no highlights. Didn't have time.
# 5 ARMORALLL @ 01/27/17 03:57 PM
Still no fix for the nets being bolted to the ice
# 6 BSDShoes @ 01/29/17 12:33 PM
Played with my neighbor last night and this happened after that patch.

# 7 MizzouRah @ 01/29/17 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by BSDShoes
Played with my neighbor last night and this happened after that patch.

You should have bumped into him from the front.. maybe that would have sprung him loose.
# 8 MizzouRah @ 01/29/17 03:58 PM
Anyone noticing higher scoring games with latest patch and tuner?

Had a 7-5 game and now 8-6. I thought the goalies were supposed to be better?
# 9 Fiddy @ 01/29/17 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by MizzouRah
Anyone noticing higher scoring games with latest patch and tuner?

Had a 7-5 game and now 8-6. I thought the goalies were supposed to be better?
I forget, you on default sliders or not? I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary, yet.. LOL
# 10 MizzouRah @ 01/29/17 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
I forget, you on default sliders or not? I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary, yet.. LOL
For the most part.. made some changes and I'm feeling much better.
# 11 kt-od @ 01/30/17 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by MizzouRah
Anyone noticing higher scoring games with latest patch and tuner?

Had a 7-5 game and now 8-6. I thought the goalies were supposed to be better?
Not me. I think the goalies play much better. I've only had time to play a couple games since the patch. But I had a 4-3 game, won in a shootout, and a 2-1 game. It was fun because it stayed 1-0 until mid 3rd and then I got a breakaway because of a poke check and picked it up for a break away.

Both games, the goals weren't cheap at all.
# 12 MizzouRah @ 01/30/17 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by kt-od
Not me. I think the goalies play much better. I've only had time to play a couple games since the patch. But I had a 4-3 game, won in a shootout, and a 2-1 game. It was fun because it stayed 1-0 until mid 3rd and then I got a breakaway because of a poke check and picked it up for a break away.

Both games, the goals weren't cheap at all.
I changed the goalie sliders and my scores have been about average now. I still don't think the patch/tuner did much in the way of improving goalies.. maybe I'm seeing the real Jake Allen. :P
# 13 jake19ny @ 01/30/17 09:03 PM
I'm not liking the patch. It's not terrible but my games were better before it and I won't download tuner. I'm now noticing super rebounds, odd jerky animations in front of the net, too many goals hitting the back boards and going in off goalies backs, and deflections off skates and own players and into the net. Higher scores too.
# 14 Splitter77 @ 01/31/17 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by jake19ny
I'm not liking the patch. It's not terrible but my games were better before it and I won't download tuner. I'm now noticing super rebounds, odd jerky animations in front of the net, too many goals hitting the back boards and going in off goalies backs, and deflections off skates and own players and into the net. Higher scores too.
you gotta download the gameplay tuner.
# 15 jake19ny @ 01/31/17 01:26 PM
Just tried with the tuner and it's even worse. I quit after 3 goals all put in by own players 2 the CPU put into their own net and 1 my CPU teammate put in ours.
# 16 jeebs9 @ 01/31/17 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by BSDShoes
Played with my neighbor last night and this happened after that patch.

hahahaha that funny.

Mines isn't as funny.... But when could did players jump out of the way of the puck like this.....

Drove me crazy to see that smh
# 17 MizzouRah @ 01/31/17 06:34 PM
Yeah I had to up the goalie sliders due to many high scoring games, that seemed to fix the goals going in by the defensemen and other odd goals.
# 18 BSDShoes @ 02/06/17 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
hahahaha that funny.

Mines isn't as funny.... But when could did players jump out of the way of the puck like this.....

Drove me crazy to see that smh
That's hilarious, looks similar to this
(I was at that game)
# 19 jeebs9 @ 02/06/17 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by BSDShoes
That's hilarious, looks similar to this
(I was at that game)
Haha I saw that the other night.

But watching the computer break game physic is ugly.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
# 20 jake19ny @ 02/06/17 08:52 PM
This patch has totally ruined the game for me. I posted often what a great season I had going but I was waiting fir the shoe to drop. It not only dropped but EA put it on and kicked me square in the you know what....it's beyond bad. Skaters that don't move, bizarre ricochet pucks, constant own goals, goalies who have no idea where the puck is, super insane hits, low shot totals. It's as if EA released a whole new game, and a bad one. I'm quite sure my slider set is not meshing with the new patch but I simply don't have it in me to tweak all over again. Pretty disappointed. I was really enjoying the game this year but looks like my season is over. So sick of these patches and tuners and their horrific unintended consequences

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