NBA 2K17 News Post

Member Comments
# 21
Optimus James @ 12/01/16 01:06 PM
Its called balance man.. if you take team mates into consideration then you'll understand why some players are already effective enough with the ratings they have.
Kevin Durant is putting 28 ppg on 57% shooting, the pick your poison aspect of his team allows him to do that. It doesnt mean he should be a 99 ovr.
career high from 3 ? Kyrie already can shoot 60% from 3 in game, why would he need a bump ?
Klay... I think probably should dropped no less then 87-88 from 3. It's still very early in the season.
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# 27
HolyStroke3 @ 12/01/16 08:50 PM
Did the roster update change sock colors in old rosters?
A MyLeague I started a month ago now has the Warriors wearing white socks at home
A MyLeague I started a month ago now has the Warriors wearing white socks at home
# 28
kingmobz23 @ 12/02/16 02:15 AM
love the updates but seeing im a heat fan i see these things but James Johnson been having great games, he should atleast be rated a 75-77 hes been doing thins Deng was doing for miami but yet hes a 73 still
Wayne ellington just got back and has already had 2 great games dropping 22 + 17, so a raise in rating wud be great he has also been playing great defense on guys bigger than him so atleast a 75ovr
willie reed shud be a 72 atleast
Tyler Johnson shud be a 77-78 by now as well he hasnt gotten an increase all season but has been playing great off the bench
thats all. not crazy upgrade but right ones.
Kyrie shud be raised to a 90 but 2K dont wana have an extra 90 to go with Lebron
Idk how Varejou is a 73 that guy shud be a 68
Wayne ellington just got back and has already had 2 great games dropping 22 + 17, so a raise in rating wud be great he has also been playing great defense on guys bigger than him so atleast a 75ovr
willie reed shud be a 72 atleast
Tyler Johnson shud be a 77-78 by now as well he hasnt gotten an increase all season but has been playing great off the bench
thats all. not crazy upgrade but right ones.
Kyrie shud be raised to a 90 but 2K dont wana have an extra 90 to go with Lebron
Idk how Varejou is a 73 that guy shud be a 68
First off Kyrie can't boosted up anymore then he already is. All his offense ratings are as high as they can be. 96 from med range, 85 from 3, 97 layup and 98 ball handling. You can't boost it anymore. And you definitely can't boost anything of his defensive ratings.
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# 30
Crossover1 @ 12/02/16 11:03 AM
And how in the world does Klay have a gold defensive stopper badge but Iguodala a silver? Iggy and Draymond should be the only ones on that team with the gold defensive stopper badge. Klay is apparently a better defender than LeBron too lol.
# 31
Optimus James @ 12/02/16 11:54 AM
Its was well known that 78 ovr bench players can still outperform a prime Rondo (90+ ovr)
2K ok. Warriors are beasts but I don't accept that Pachulia make 2/3 or even 4/4 contrasted stepback from the middle every game I play against them.
# 33
trusaleen1 @ 12/06/16 07:47 PM
Guys i know this is time consuming, but what i did is go to the roster creator under the options, download the new roster and then review all the attributes. Then I take a photo with my phone of those and make any changes necessary to my current league
# 34
ClevelandFan @ 12/09/16 09:55 PM
So, when is Kyrie going to get that 90 he deserves? And Love should be about the same the way he's been playing.
All-NBA level.
All-NBA level.
Does anybody know whether 2k make changes to things other than attributes? I.e. animations, gear, badges, playtypes, tendencies, etc?
# 36
MoneyOvaHuds @ 12/14/16 08:54 AM
All I know is KD finally admitted he's 7 feet tall now
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