Madden NFL 17 News Post

Another Madden NFL 17 tuning update is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, check out the details below.
  • Tuned down aggressive catch win chances in 2 man catch interactions.
  • Tuned down aggressive catch win chances vs swat in 2 man catch interactions.
  • RAC catch penalty from trailing defender proximity reduced.
  • Strip ball mechanic tuned down.
  • Increased risk of broken tackles when attempting strips.

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 howboutdat @ 10/28/16 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Millennium
Just out of curiosity - how many fumbles were you averaging a game before the tuner, and how many have you averaged after?

Yes, it's an overreaction to say it was nerfed too much when your statement does not include numbers to back it up. "I'm seeing less fumbles" is invalid when the statement can be quantified with numbers. "I feel like it's not powerful enough" - well yeah, but I feel like it's fine. We all fee different, but when you can bring numbers it's no longer a feeling, it's a discussion on facts.

Ok, fair enough. I dont have numbers because im at work, have 0 access to the numbers right now.

But if we want to go that route, then in order to get true facts in numbers for it, then it should have numerous variables should it not?

Like - runners carry attribute,if defenders strip trait or not, # of attempts of strips per game vs how many actually caused a fumble . I mean to me , just to say , oh well the NFL averages 1.4 per game , and you got 2 doesnt really prove this point, when not taking into account the above info as well. Lets say in the NFL a strip is only attempted 20 times per game average, but i attempt 35 .... would that not possibly increase how many i see?

I agreed, at launch it was slightly high, but after they tuned it down, just seems like , not only to myself it seems, that its lowered a bit much.
# 22 fistofrage @ 10/28/16 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Millennium
Just out of curiosity - how many fumbles were you averaging a game before the tuner, and how many have you averaged after?

Yes, it's an overreaction to say it was nerfed too much when your statement does not include numbers to back it up. "I'm seeing less fumbles" is invalid when the statement can be quantified with numbers. "I feel like it's not powerful enough" - well yeah, but I feel like it's fine. We all fee different, but when you can bring numbers it's no longer a feeling, it's a discussion on facts.
I was seeing less than 1 non-qb fumble per game with slider at 0-20 occasionally that fumble would accompany a strip animation. I am trying to get more fumbles so anything that tones fumbles down isn't going to help my situation. I just need a working slider. I probably won't even notice the effects of this tuner because fumbles were narginal at best before.
# 23 Millennium @ 10/28/16 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
I was seeing less than 1 non-qb fumble per game with slider at 0-20 occasionally that fumble would accompany a strip animation. I am trying to get more fumbles so anything that tones fumbles down isn't going to help my situation. I just need a working slider. I probably won't even notice the effects of this tuner because fumbles were narginal at best before.
1, like exactly 1? Come on FOR - as a slider maker I know you put more weight into stats than that.

Prior to this update I was seeing an average in my Bucs franchise (of which I am in Week 8 on default All Madden except Fatigue at 60 and penalties all at 51) of 2.3 a game (for both teams). According to current stats, that is just about in line:

# 24 fistofrage @ 10/28/16 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Millennium
1, like exactly 1? Come on FOR - as a slider maker I know you put more weight into stats than that.

Prior to this update I was seeing an average in my Bucs franchise (of which I am in Week 8 on default All Madden except Fatigue at 60 and penalties all at 51) of 2.3 a game (for both teams). According to current stats, that is just about in line:

I'm not sure that you read my post correctly. I get less than 1 non-qb fumble per game on average. I really only play play now. Rarely see the strip animation part of that fumble. It's usually by a big hit.
# 25 Millennium @ 10/28/16 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
I'm not sure that you read my post correctly. I get less than 1 non-qb fumble per game on average. I really only play play now. Rarely see the strip animation part of that fumble. It's usually by a big hit.
I read it correctly, but I was expecting an exact stat. That's the issue here: You're telling me "I get less than 1" but it sounds like that is what you feel like you're getting, not what you've recorded.

I'd love to see what you get over a 10 game period.
# 26 Sturzinator @ 10/28/16 01:33 PM
Ok, I'll bite, since the defense is already in full court press.

Last 8 games, 6 non QB fumbles. That's .75 per game. This is without anything applied (patches or tuners) since title update #2 (big patch).

All Madden fumble 28 tackle 35 fatigue 63.

Not enough, and it won't be helped with the recent patches/tuners.
# 27 underdog13 @ 10/28/16 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sturzinator
Ok, I'll bite, since the defense is already in full court press.

Last 8 games, 6 non QB fumbles. That's .75 per game. This is without anything applied (patches or tuners) since title update #2 (big patch).

All Madden fumble 28 tackle 35 fatigue 63.

Not enough, and it won't be helped with the recent patches/tuners.
Maybe cause tackle is so low?
# 28 RogueHominid @ 10/28/16 01:50 PM
What does the bit about RAC catches mean?
# 29 Sturzinator @ 10/28/16 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
Maybe cause tackle is so low?
Maybe, but then I want to play football not WWE.

It begs the question of why we have a fumble slider if it does nothing to affect the number of fumbles we get (from players other than QB).
# 30 Devildog Frank @ 10/28/16 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sturzinator
Maybe, but then I want to play football not WWE.

It begs the question of why we have a fumble slider if it does nothing to affect the number of fumbles we get (from players other than QB).
I have to completely agree with you Sturz. I want tackling to look like and play like tackling, not some off the top rope hit in the WWE. Its not easy to bring down most of the RB's and TE's in the NFL with a one on one tackle, especially by a smaller LB, OR 170 lb DB, unless there is a good wrap around the lower leg tackle used.
# 31 Sturzinator @ 10/28/16 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Devildog Frank
I have to completely agree with you Sturz. I want tackling to look like and play like tackling, not some off the top rope hit in the WWE. Its not easy to bring down most of the RB's and TE's in the NFL with a one on one tackle, especially by a smaller LB, OR 170 lb DB, unless there is a good wrap around the lower leg tackle used.


The problem with further reducing the fumble side of the equation is that instead of procuring more non QB fumbles:

1. It causes an increase to the already obnoxious amount of QB fumbles and strip sacks.

2. It indirectly causes RBs to run less effectively, utilizing fewer of their special moves (jukes, spins, etc)
# 32 booker21 @ 10/28/16 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Devildog Frank
I have to completely agree with you Sturz. I want tackling to look like and play like tackling, not some off the top rope hit in the WWE. Its not easy to bring down most of the RB's and TE's in the NFL with a one on one tackle, especially by a smaller LB, OR 170 lb DB, unless there is a good wrap around the lower leg tackle used.

Tackling in my opinion it was 10000x better pre patched/tuner.

They reduce brake tackle chance but I saw more big hits and less momentoum. If you can try with the release version and tell me what you think.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 33 Millennium @ 10/28/16 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Sturzinator
Ok, I'll bite, since the defense is already in full court press.

Last 8 games, 6 non QB fumbles. That's .75 per game. This is without anything applied (patches or tuners) since title update #2 (big patch).

All Madden fumble 28 tackle 35 fatigue 63.

Not enough, and it won't be helped with the recent patches/tuners.
There is no biting. I wish everyone would give the impressions like you have. THIS is what is needed to show issues.

Thank you for posting this.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
# 34 howboutdat @ 10/28/16 04:30 PM
So in 8 games in this season we are in, i have had a total of 5 fumbles by non-QBs and 2 by Qb for a total of 7 in 8 game which is a .875 average.

All madden, Fumble 50, tackle 50 ,fatigue 50. 8 minute quarters , no accel clock. Our games average about 50-60 plays per game for each team which is in line with the real NFL -https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/sta...ate=2004-02-02

A funny note here, our slider is at 50 , Sturz is at 28 , yet i have a slightly higher amount of fumbles,eventhough im pretty sure , the slider is said to work , the more you turn it down the more fumbles you see.

So first it seems Fumbles themselves are low, and that still doesnt show if the strip feature is OP before this second tuning down.All my stats above are before recent tuner today.

Im just curious here, since what is in question here is the tuning of the strip feature and how effective it causes a fumble .

How does saying there are so many fumbles being averaged per game give any proof either way , that the strip feature is OP,UP or just right?

Unless im missing it in stats in game, there is no way to track it . Because that is the only true number to see how effective it is or isnt.The number of times using the strip causes a fumble vs the number of attempts.And even then , it should be taken into the equation of slider setting, players who do fumble carry attribute , players causing fumble if they have strip trait, etc.

Im just confused at how saying , if you average 1.5-2 per game , it is about right when stripping the ball is not the only way a fumble occurs .Just asking for clarification here so i can understand.
# 35 gman2774 @ 10/28/16 04:47 PM
Away from my PS4 for a while. Has anyone actually played the game with the new tuner and have impressions to share? Seeing any differences?
# 36 tyler28 @ 10/28/16 05:09 PM
Do you guys think they keep nerfing the strip fumble to try to fix the qb fumble issue? Thats the only thing i can think of as to why they would keep messing with it.

To me thats the only thing fumble wise i have an issue with. I'm just throwing this out there, it may not be connected at all. It just seems weird they would address the strip fumble but not the qb fumble issue.

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# 37 toneloc129 @ 10/28/16 05:10 PM
Can someone report back on if CPU Punting was addressed?

If it was ignored the game is getting traded in immediately. Game breaking flaws.
# 38 underdog13 @ 10/28/16 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by gcoons22
Away from my PS4 for a while. Has anyone actually played the game with the new tuner and have impressions to share? Seeing any differences?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
# 39 roadman @ 10/28/16 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by toneloc129
Can someone report back on if CPU Punting was addressed?

If it was ignored the game is getting traded in immediately. Game breaking flaws.
As was reported earlier this week in one of these threads, the punting issue is fixed, but it isn't live, yet.

I am not sure if that means it will appear in a tuning update or a patch in the near future.

I have heard that a game play patch is coming soon, but don't know how soon and don't know if the punting fix is included in that patch.
# 40 NINJAK2 @ 10/28/16 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Trojan Man
What does the bit about RAC catches mean?
Ditto on this. Does this refer to the huge cushions WRs would get on DBs off the line of scrimmage? I hope so.

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