MLB The Show 17 News Post

Ken Griffey Jr. is the cover athlete for MLB The Show 17, scheduled to release on March 28, 2017.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 redsox4evur @ 10/28/16 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by mrCPUgeek
Getting rights to put him in there may not be so easy. I would imagine he is no longer part of the players association.

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He isn't. He will be treated the same as any legend. So they have to go his widow and get permission and possibly pay her for him to show up in the game in ANY form.

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# 62 inkcil @ 10/28/16 07:32 PM
So there is a song Ice Cube did in the 90's dedicated to KGJ called "In the Zone." I have always used the custom soundtrack feature to have this song play in the game menu.

If the SCEA people don't know about the song, I hope the community lets them know becasue it should be the main menu song. Also the song has no cursing.

While I'm at it, another great baseball theme song (that I know would never make the soundtrack) is 'Tie Goes to the Runner" by Public Enemy.
# 63 Smallville102001 @ 10/29/16 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by RandyBass
Just saw one of those replays of seasons they do on the MLB Network, this one for 1995, and it was remarkable to see again just how dominant of a player he was: His skill, power, speed, and quite frankly even just his presence were all dominant. Always one to come up big, he hit 5 HRs in that 5 game series against the Yanks, while also scoring that memorable series winning run from first. Few players like him in any sport.

Guy hit over 600 HR even though he couldn't stay health for like 8 years and had 10 gold gloves to. If he stayed health he may have had 800 HR and like 14 gold gloves lol.
# 64 SuicideSqueeze @ 10/29/16 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
Guy hit over 600 HR even though he couldn't stay health for like 8 years and had 10 gold gloves to. If he stayed health he may have had 800 HR and like 14 gold gloves lol.
If he had jumped on the steroid wagon like so many others of that era he would have stayed "healthier" but that wasn't his style.
# 65 nemesis04 @ 10/29/16 01:58 PM
Nice refreshing approach. Really like the gold embossing!
# 66 Smallville102001 @ 10/29/16 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by SuicideSqueeze
If he had jumped on the steroid wagon like so many others of that era he would have stayed "healthier" but that wasn't his style.

Just bad luck we don't know who all was or where was not using steroids and you don't have to use steroids to stay health. Some guys are just more lucky with not having big injures. Griffey got hurt several times just running bases and pulling and or tearing his hamstring .
# 67 Caulfield @ 10/29/16 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by SuicideSqueeze
If he had jumped on the steroid wagon like so many others of that era he would have stayed "healthier" but that wasn't his style.
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
Just bad luck we don't know who all was or where was not using steroids and you don't have to use steroids to stay health. Some guys are just more lucky with not having big injures. Griffey got hurt several times just running bases and pulling and or tearing his hamstring .
I think the point is that there are countless verified amounts of players who did in fact use peds to combat injuries and Junior could have done the same and taken the easy way back to playing but that wasnt the person he wanted to be . I dont think anyone is saying all the players who stayed off the dl for extended periods used peds to do so . As an aside , if Griffey had used peds in the six season between 2001-2006 when he was age 31-36 and could have played fuller seasons , instead of hitting the 125 homers he did in those six years , he could have projected out to hitting 212 homers instead . Raising his career total from 630 to 717 . There was also the 1995 season steroids could have benefited his health and played more , when he was 25 and he could have added another 21 homers. In addition to losing part of the 1994 season to the Owner-Player War could have cost him an additional 18 homers which speculating, brings him to an astounding total of 756 homers . Edging out all-time homerun king Hank Aaron by one homerun (Sorry not sorry Barry) . But Griffey doesnt need that false inflation to know that he is a legend in just being the "Natural" that he was , all on his own . He chose the correct path for himself wisely IMO .
# 68 Money99 @ 10/29/16 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by NYG88
I hope us Canadians get this cover as well.

#10 Characters.
# 69 Money99 @ 10/29/16 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
Just bad luck we don't know who all was or where was not using steroids and you don't have to use steroids to stay health. Some guys are just more lucky with not having big injures. Griffey got hurt several times just running bases and pulling and or tearing his hamstring .
My father is friendly with Mark Wooden, a former teammate of Griffey's.
He told my Dad that Griffey was an absolute physical freak who never touched weights or did any off-season training, but could do things 99.9999% of the population couldn't do.

He had some crazy stories about things Griffey would do in practice and Spring Training.
He'd spend an entire offseason basically sitting on his butt and relaxing and then the first cut he'd take in BP would be a 450' bomb over the fence.
Wooden said it was like Griffey was playing a video game where he had all the cheat codes. He was on a different planet as anyone else.
# 70 WaitTilNextYear @ 10/29/16 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by BDrizz
While this cover is as sweet as any I have seen, part of me was quite convinced the cover was going to feature Jose Fernandez
And that would've been a big mistake, especially now that the toxicology tests have been conducted. Cocaine and 2x the legal alcohol limit. Still a tragic story, but not one worth lionizing. Thankfully, Sony didn't get swept up in the moment.
# 71 TripleCrown9 @ 10/29/16 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Rocket32
I really wish that would have happened but I doubted it would all along honestly. Hopefully they have a little something in game like maybe he can be the background of a menu like for example they had Degrom as the background for RTTS last year and maybe they could put a smallish R.I.P in the image. Another thing they could do is put a little something in the loading/trailer video that plays every time you load the game up unless you skip it. Maybe another thing they could do is add a little something into the commentary for Marlins games that you hear once in a blue moon. Just not every game of course.

Just a few ideas on things they could do. Hope they don't just do nothing. Not saying they should do all of them, maybe just one or something like one of them. And yes I know I'm probably getting off topic here.
After today they probably won't have anything about him.
# 72 Comduklakis @ 10/29/16 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by BDrizz
While this cover is as sweet as any I have seen, part of me was quite convinced the cover was going to feature Jose Fernandez
In light of the autopsy results probably wise it didn't
# 73 Smallville102001 @ 10/29/16 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Caulfield
I think the point is that there are countless verified amounts of players who did in fact use peds to combat injuries and Junior could have done the same and taken the easy way back to playing but that wasnt the person he wanted to be . I dont think anyone is saying all the players who stayed off the dl for extended periods used peds to do so . As an aside , if Griffey had used peds in the six season between 2001-2006 when he was age 31-36 and could have played fuller seasons , instead of hitting the 125 homers he did in those six years , he could have projected out to hitting 212 homers instead . Raising his career total from 630 to 717 . There was also the 1995 season steroids could have benefited his health and played more , when he was 25 and he could have added another 21 homers. In addition to losing part of the 1994 season to the Owner-Player War could have cost him an additional 18 homers which speculating, brings him to an astounding total of 756 homers . Edging out all-time homerun king Hank Aaron by one homerun (Sorry not sorry Barry) . But Griffey doesnt need that false inflation to know that he is a legend in just being the "Natural" that he was , all on his own . He chose the correct path for himself wisely IMO .

Oh ok I got you and the 756 might even be a low ball number because not only did he get hurt during those years so much that it cost him HR right there but with having so many injures it kind of aged him faster to and may have cost him being able to play a few years longer. Barry I think is one of the best players off all time and it sucks with the whole steroid thing with him because he didn't need it. The guy is the only guy with 500+ HR and stolen bases and no other player has even 400 in both and he has 8 gold gloves to and even if his numbers didn't go up he still would have been like a 600 type of HR guy.
# 74 RandyBass @ 10/29/16 10:31 PM
Just noticed, that catch in the background is the one Griffey made at Tiger Stadium. HOFer Dave Niehaus with the call:


So they're sayin' Tiger Stadium is gonna be in the game?!?!

Okay, maybe not. Would be sweet though.
# 75 RandyBass @ 10/29/16 10:51 PM
Man Griffey was fun to watch... Still is!

# 76 Ruben2424 @ 10/30/16 06:57 AM
I can't wait to find out what new features they're adding to Franchise/RTTS!!!
# 77 Seltaeb9091 @ 10/30/16 10:08 AM
In other news, it looks like I'll finally be buying a PS4 at some point before March.
I was thinking that '17 would be the year I finally upgraded anyway, now I have a rock solid reason to do so.

*now hoping beyond hope that a MLB The Show PS4 bundle suddenly materializes*
# 78 jimmy13 @ 11/05/16 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Seltaeb9091
In other news, it looks like I'll finally be buying a PS4 at some point before March.
I was thinking that '17 would be the year I finally upgraded anyway, now I have a rock solid reason to do so.

*now hoping beyond hope that a MLB The Show PS4 bundle suddenly materializes*
No better time then now, right? With the pro and slim coming out you could probably find one pretty cheap. Totally worth it.
# 79 Speedy @ 11/05/16 11:00 PM
I think an awesome easter egg would be if you choose a player with Griffey's batting stance and use him in the HR derby, he wears his hat on backwards.
# 80 sheredia @ 11/06/16 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by RyanLaFalce
While it's cool Griffey is on the cover and all, but it's tough to get excited for a game that has felt the same since '06 with minor changes here and there. This game needs MAJOR improvements or I don't plan on purchasing.

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nice touch for griffey on the cover, but of all years when the cubs finally win the world series?!?! they NEED to have bryant or rizzo on the cover...it makes sense.

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