Madden NFL 17 News Post

Let's face it, Madden is a passer's game for a variety of reasons. Thus, formations like the 4-4, which feature only 3 DBs -- oftentimes get overlooked.

Madden Moneyshot on YouTube
has a new video talking about the 4-4 and the situations you might find it useful with three play recommendations.

Obviously, the 4-4 is the type of defense you'd want to run when your opponents are playing some rather run-heavy offense. With formations that don't spread the field, like double tight or I-formation type of formations, the 4-4 is a formidable defense to have called.

Obviously, the 4-4 falls apart if your opponent is bringing more spread formations like a four or five wide set -- as it should. But if you have an opponent which is insisting on trying to run the ball out of heavier formation sets, the 4-4 oftentimes is a good counter.

Are you running the 4-4 and if so, are you finding any success with it?

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 DerkontheOS @ 10/18/16 12:06 PM
I'm having good luck stopping runs with the 46 formation, never tried the 4-4 yet.

In draft champion that is.
# 2 Agent89 @ 10/18/16 10:12 PM
I use the 5-2 against formations with 1 WR
# 3 Josiphos @ 10/19/16 07:18 PM
I have a special place in my heart for the 4-4, since that's what we ran on my high school team.

As far as Madden, I use it when the offense goes less than 3 WR, especially to 2TE, 2RB types of sets, or if I am really trying to jam the run.

My typical defense is a 4/3, where I like to bring my SS into the box....so that's not too far from a natural 4-4

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