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This week's Throwback Thursday highlights a pioneer that set the tone of sports gaming for a number of years. While only released on PlayStation 2 and GameCube in 2001, NBA Street picked up where NBA Jam left off in 1994.

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Game: NBA StreetReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NGC / PS2 / XboxVotes for game: 4 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 TheBadazz @ 09/29/16 01:38 PM
EA should have tried to bring these back out. They still have a NBA License. Update this and NBA Jam. With online play for maybe $9.99. Continue to update rosters how hard would that be. It's not like they're making a console game now?
# 2 Gramps91 @ 09/29/16 01:58 PM
EA's crazy that they haven't released one in so long. I would definitely be interested in an updated version.
# 3 yungmeaks @ 09/29/16 02:01 PM
They need to make another one of these for the MyPark bums on 2k so 2k will stop ruining sim ball
# 4 jhawk826 @ 09/29/16 02:03 PM
It is time for EA to abandon NBA Live and bring back the Street series. They can dominate their own section of the market, while 2k has sim basketball on lock.
# 5 scottyp180 @ 09/29/16 02:22 PM
I've been thinking about purchasing a ps2 solely for this game and series. I'm just afraid it will be one of those things Ill play for a day or two and then put away and rarely, if ever, play again.

But jeez the memories of this game and series. I could swear all I did the summer this game released was either play real ball or play nba street. I remember going to the court and practicing the moves from the game. I was slip and slide in real life even though there was absolutely no point of the move (I guess it looked cool? But it was fooling anyone.) However, within the game, it was like the ultimate cross-over/fake out. It was so cool ending a game with a game breaker dunk for the first time and breaking the rim. It became my goal every single game. The game breaker concept in general was such a great Mechanic. It could change a game around if you were down or it could all but sale a game if you had the lead (points for you, points subtracted from you opponent and the amount increased on 3s). And how about the feeling of either failing to complete a game breaker or stopping your opponent from completing their game breaker?

Man I could go on and on about this game and series. Why EA hasn't returned to this series is beyond me, unless they are secretly working on a new title. Their nba live series certainly has potential to be a contender but they have already proved that they can master an arcade basketball game. I also feel we are in need of more arcade style sports games and games in general. Developers focus too much on mimicking real life these days. What happened to the days how making a game that is just pure fun?
# 6 TheBadazz @ 09/29/16 03:45 PM
I use to love EA Big. NBA and NFL Street, and SSX. And I really loved Def Jam fight for NY! My PS2 use to be on all day with those games. They really missing a opportunity if they are redone right. People still love arcade type games. Could generate good revenue.
# 7 The Senator @ 09/29/16 08:58 PM
NBA Street was a good game when it came out, and I got hours of enjoyment out of it, but it doesn't hold a candle to it's followup. Street V2 polished everything up that needed it, added so much more versatility and strategy, the graphics look so much more vibrant, the new locations are a huge upgrade, as are all the legends in it. It's one of the biggest leaps I've ever seen in a series. Street V2 is one of my favorite sports games, ever.
# 8 Pound4pound @ 09/29/16 09:34 PM
Man the nostalgia.. Im a sim gamer & I love 2k but when it comes to pure fun factor, there is no game that compares to the NBA/NFL Street games...
# 9 snc237 @ 09/29/16 09:38 PM
Great start to the series. NBA street 2 is the strongest game of he series. Wasn't a huge fan of NBA street homecourt
# 10 scottyp180 @ 09/30/16 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pound4pound
Man the nostalgia.. Im a sim gamer & I love 2k but when it comes to pure fun factor, there is no game that compares to the NBA/NFL Street games...
I don't know NBA Jam, NFL Blitz, and NHL Hitz are up there too. Id take Blitz over nfl street. Blitz was strategic chaos at its best. NHL Hitz is such a forgotten and underappreciated game. There was limitless joy in check your opponent through and over the glass at the boards.
# 11 ChaseB @ 10/01/16 10:48 PM
I'm also here to say that NBA Street V2 destroyed 14-year-old me. I played that game far too much.

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