NBA 2K17 News Post

NBA 2K17 patch 1.03 was released last night for PlayStation 4 users. Here are the official patch notes. The patch is coming soon for Xbox One users, but no date has been given.

UPDATE: (10-3) Xbox One patch is available now, weighing in at 4.7GB.

  • Updated court floors for both the New York Knicks and the Milwaukee Bucks.
  • Uniform improvements including the addition of a number of patches (e.g. Pacers 50th anniversary patch) and changes to more accurately represent uniforms for a number of teams.
  • Addressed an issue where some pre-order users were unable to see the ’92 Dream Team on the Play Now team select menu.
  • Substitutions made during a timeout will now immediately apply, rather than waiting for the next dead ball.
  • Reduced the frequency of lob passes and increased pass speeds across the board.
  • Fixed the 5-Second Closely Guarded rule in Euroleague-rules games such that the violation is only called when the ball carrier is holding the ball (as opposed to dribbling the ball).
  • Voice chatting has been added to the Pro-Am Team Arena.
  • As your Pro-Am Team levels up, you will now begin to see your Sponsors’ logos appearing on your custom arena walls!
  • Pro-Am teams of Elite 4 (and higher) will now see big heads in the crowd of their players during games.
  • The “On The Rise” and “Get Your Feet Wet” achievements should now unlock when the proper criteria has been met.
  • Injuries in MyCAREER will no longer carry over into MyPARK/Pro-Am games. Regardless of your injury status in your career, your player will now always be fully healthy in MyPARK/Pro-Am.
  • The Turbo meter will now flash red when depleted in MyPARK/Pro-Am games.
  • Travelling as a team to Parks and Pro-Am games should now be a lot smoother and more reliable.
  • Once earned, Grand Badges should now properly appear on your player in Pro-Am & MyPARK games.
  • A large number of improvements to the camera system used during Pro-Am games. The entire experience should now look and feel much cleaner.
  • Custom Wall progress will no longer disappear when changing basket types while editing a Pro-Am Team arena.
  • Made a change such that the only whistles you will hear in MyPARK are those from your current game (unless you are walking around).
  • Your Gamertag/Online ID will now correctly show on the back of your team’s Pro-Am jersey.
  • More reliable search capabilities when searching for players in the Free Agency feature of Pro-Am.
  • Corrected a number of animation upgrades for Pro-Am that had incorrect team level requirements.
  • Fixed an issue where the overall rating of another player would display as 55 when viewing their player card during a shootaround.
  • MyPARK intro animations will now be shown with a greater variety when more than one is equipped.
  • Corrected a case where users would have an optional practice and a game overlapping on a single day, resulting in the user being forced to simulate to the next game.
  • Proper controls for “Orange Juice” are now shown in the Controls menu in the in-game pause menu.
  • The Ankle Breaker badge should now properly unlock when the appropriate conditions are met.
  • Attributes earned exclusively through off-court events (e.g. free throw shooting, stamina, etc.) should now properly be saved to your MyPLAYER once earned.
  • Coach Brubaker will no longer critique you for missing team practices while you are injured.
  • When playing as a Point Guard, the playcalling menu will no longer be brought up on-screen when attempting to use “Orange Juice” controls with the d-pad.
  • Fixed an issue where your MyPLAYER would sometimes appear out of focus during a post-game interview with the studio crew.
  • Removed an errant dialog during MyGM setup that prevented more than one custom-built team from being added to the league at time of league creation.
  • Fixed an issue in MyLEAGUE Online where loaded custom draft classes were not being preserved.
  • User vetoes are now respected in MyGM when your owner approaches you regarding the proposed rule changes for the upcoming season. If you don’t want a rule enacted, say no. If you are interested in the rule, say yes and it will go up for vote with the league.
  • When using a downloaded Team Design, the commentators will no longer refer to the team by an incorrect name.
  • Team Cards will now list team stats for the last 24 years, rather than the current and last season it showed previously. The more information, the better!
  • Fixed an issue where the Advanced Rotations menu was not properly updating following a trade, which could lead to a hang in some cases.
  • Players should now sign for normal contract values when the salary cap rule is turned off.
  • Commentary and crowd sounds will now be heard when jumping into a game that was initiated with SimCast.
  • Playoff stats will now be used in the Team Comparison and Player Comparison menus during the Playoffs (previously used regular season stats).
Many other small bug fixes and adjustments were also made, game-wide.

NOTE: All patch fixes will work in your existing game mode saves.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 BA2929 @ 09/27/16 04:45 PM
Players should now sign for normal contract values when the salary cap rule is turned off.
This is an underrated fix. When I turned them off for fun in a MyLeague LeBron wanted $320 million a season and Durant wanted $280 million. So it essentially made turning off the salary cap pointless.

Glad to see this is in there as I like to use Classic players in MyLeague and some of them are expensive so playing with a salary cap is very hard.
# 42 GuwopGeezus @ 09/27/16 04:46 PM
On topic question: If you earned an off-court upgrade before and it didn't go through (FT shooting for example), will it be retroactively applied or do you have to earn it again?

Off topic question: Does anybody know how to get more variety of play calls in MyCareer? 2K15 had a great varied play call system but the last couple years it seems like you just run the same sets over and over.
# 43 CantSt0pMe @ 09/27/16 04:46 PM
ha, this is ridiculous, they literallu addressed nothing that the community was mainly complaining about. the shot meter is still broken, the play now online is awful because not only is the custom search useless it puts you against the same teams you chose more then it doesn't. such small issues that should of been fixed like that makes me wonder if this game was released earlier than it should have been smh
# 44 Glenn2000 @ 09/27/16 04:48 PM
The guy who was always complaining about the bucks floor must be happy
# 45 zrtelford @ 09/27/16 04:55 PM
nice start. as an offline myleague guy I really want a few things addressed before I delve into game.
***Skinny body types for certain guys switched (gordon hayward)
***score bug bug, where it counts score even before the ball goes thru the hoop, it really trips me out.
***Defensive help, and rotation bugs and overall defensive switching fixed, and yes I am using Sam Phams fix, and it helps, but its annoying to have to do everytime. I would rather spend time making changes for opponents, and strategy, not to simply make defense work.

Overall great job 2k team, keep it up!

If you guys would simply switch Rodney Hoods body type with Haywards, I would be happy...
# 46 BA2929 @ 09/27/16 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by CantSt0pMe
ha, this is ridiculous, they literallu addressed nothing that the community was mainly complaining about. the shot meter is still broken, the play now online is awful because not only is the custom search useless it puts you against the same teams you chose more then it doesn't. such small issues that should of been fixed like that makes me wonder if this game was released earlier than it should have been smh
I think our definition of "they literally addressed nothing" is different.

They changed both the Bucks and Knicks court, which people have been complaining about for 2 years.

They may have fixed the Dream Team 92 bug, which we've been complaining about since the game released.

They also fixed the substitution bug.

And that's just three of the first four things in the patch notes. Just because they didn't fix what YOU wanted doesn't mean they didn't touch a ton of other stuff. They can't fix everything in one patch, that's an impossible feat.

This is a tremendous first patch.
# 47 zrtelford @ 09/27/16 05:02 PM
I apologize if this isn't a great place to ask this, but what is the shot meter bug?
# 48 jayrich751 @ 09/27/16 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Did you try that in the last hour?

Question SimBaller...

I noticed in a few threads, gamers were stating there were no pregame, halftime, and end of game presentations for many legendary teams including the 2000s and custom teams....

Is this something that may be looked into and if fixed, is it something we can expect to see implemented for 2k17?

# 49 ronyell @ 09/27/16 05:09 PM
Will the jerseys that are supposed to be updated in all roster & mode saves be applied in this patch. Can anyone confirm if they were?

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# 50 GisherJohn24 @ 09/27/16 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by jayrich751
Question SimBaller...

I noticed in a few threads, gamers were stating there were no pregame, halftime, and end of game presentations for many legendary teams including the 2000s and custom teams....

Is this something that may be looked into and if fixed, is it something we can expect to see implemented for 2k17?

They have never had pregame or halftime for legendary teams. I think its always been that way.

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# 51 mitchhl @ 09/27/16 05:14 PM
Did this patch fix the black face for your myplayer bug/glitch? I'm on Xbox One
# 52 RNS1hunna @ 09/27/16 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by kidmadison32
Anybody having problems with the pre-game show?

Yes Right here

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# 53 de_jesus @ 09/27/16 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by RNS1hunna
Yes Right here

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Thought it was just me. Was playing Yesterday and Ernie and Shaq were passing notes while Kenny was talking about the P and the P.
# 54 kolanji @ 09/27/16 05:33 PM
Am on xbox one so we guys might need a patch for MS to get NBA 2k pathes up on user end quicker cause geesh....or maybe we might need to start preorder our patches from ms store so we can have the data earlier

But so far from the ps4 guys the game seems stable enough to play while waiting on another patch to clean up some of the other remaining issues...

Hope most if not all u guys finally get ur Dream team that u were having issues with it....
# 55 jcas007 @ 09/27/16 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by HakeemDaDream
Still haven't received the Dream Team in Play Now.
Doesn't suck for 60 bucks and they can't get it right even with a big patch
# 56 RNS1hunna @ 09/27/16 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by jcas007
Doesn't suck for 60 bucks and they can't get it right even with a big patch

Did you pre order? Did you reboot your game? If not try to reboot now

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# 57 kidmadison32 @ 09/27/16 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by RNS1hunna
Yes Right here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No team stats right?
# 58 joosegoose @ 09/27/16 05:51 PM
No mention of Real Player % being fixed. REALLY hope that makes it into the next patch or I might put down the game for good.

Originally Posted by DocHolliday
Hopefully the second patch addresses more of the my league bugs, but I guess you gotta feed the money makers first.

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Yeah I got excited when I read about contract values...then saw it was only for the $300m contracts with the salary cap off, not for the $1-2m contracts (and pretty much every other contract, they're universally too low except for max players) that ruin the league.

Also see that SimCast was addressed which is huge for me, but I wonder if it fixes the absurd stamina depletion that comes from it. Can anyone verify?

Originally Posted by trekfan
Sim, any word on when the PC folks will see the patch?
I'll bet they're waiting to include some PC-specific fixes with the patch, like they did last year. Since Steam doesn't charge for patches I don't know why they like to do this rather than release this patch now and patch PC-specific issues when they're ready, but that's probably what they'll do.
# 59 jayrich751 @ 09/27/16 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
They have never had pregame or halftime for legendary teams. I think its always been that way.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

I remember. Was wondering if it was designed that way or if its something that can be fixed.
# 60 champ1997 @ 09/27/16 05:55 PM
Did they fix black face in my career

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