FIFA 17 News Post

If you're a keen FIFA fan, you've probably started to notice the FIFA 17 reviews trickling in. I've had a lot of time with the game so far, but we're going to hold back on our review temporarily for a couple of reasons. First, a patch has just been released containing a number of pre-release fixes. Also, I want to get more time in an online setting before summing up my thoughts.

We'll be unveiling our review as soon as we can, but in the meantime, I'm going to take this chance to sum up my initial impressions of this year's game.

Read More - FIFA 17: Reviewer First Impressions

Game: FIFA 17Reader Score: Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 21 Moose Factory @ 09/23/16 02:15 PM
Some quick impressions of things that stood out to me:

These are from playing a few FUT matches. Since this is the mode I play mostly I decided to spend my trial time on FUT and dive into the Journey and Career once I get the full release. Although I noticed NO GAMEFACE THIS YEAR in career! Grrrrr

Gameplay / Difficulty:
I'm noticing some subtle tweaks though not an overhaul. Kind of like how this years Madden feels different to people who play hundreds & thousands of games each year. If you play a ton of FIFA every year you will notice the subtle stuff, which is nice (passing, animations, headers, long range balls). AI defending does feel deeper and difficulty has been increased, though a little strange when a bronze team on amateur difficulty (starter tournament) passing like Barcelona, WTF? What I found interesting is that the first half of the match would be scoreless and then possibly fatigue would set in during the second half and I would score a handful of goals. I don't recall if FIFA introduced a new fatigue system this year or was that NBA2k17? My team was gold 85 OVR versus a bronze 65 OVR on amateur and they held there own for the first half, which was fun. Second half I destroyed them. This was curious because it either means fatigue actually matters this year or something in the AI just has the better team get the upper hand in the second half. Either way I liked it. Of course my 85 team should beat a 65!

Graphics / Likeness:
The players that have had new scans this year (Juventus, Bayern, Man U, Liverpool) look amazing. My strikers have been Dybala, Rashford + Firmino at CF and the detail is awesome, plus that trio is fun to play with. I usually play matches with rain turned on it and the weather atmosphere was beautiful. Also having cutaways to the Premier league managers is a great addition, especially with this years iconoclasts (Pep, Mou, Klopp, Conte). It's spaced out nicely too so you don't see them too often as opposed to Madden where you see the damn coach after every play (settle down Chip Kelly). I hope they turn their attention to the crowd next year because it's really the only immersion breaker at this point.

FUT Pack Pulls:
Seem worse this year. "Rare" gold packs full of one "rare" gold player and rare contracts or fitness items, ugh. Honestly miss the days where you could just buy coins (sorry, not sorry).

Loan Players:
Seems like a lot more loan players are available in FUT this year, right out of the gate I have like 10 already. I like being able to test out some of these players before looking for them in the auction house.

These are just things that stood out to me.
# 22 DBMcGee3 @ 09/23/16 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by RoyceN17
Nope, only the 1v1 area mode exists again, no ability yet again to properly practice.
Dayumn......wtf EA??? Got that nice little soundtrack every year and no practice mode to take advantage of it. Drag.
# 23 cadalyst17 @ 09/23/16 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Moose Factory
Some quick impressions of things that stood out to me:

These are from playing a few FUT matches. Since this is the mode I play mostly I decided to spend my trial time on FUT and dive into the Journey and Career once I get the full release. Although I noticed NO GAMEFACE THIS YEAR in career! Grrrrr

Gameplay / Difficulty:
I'm noticing some subtle tweaks though not an overhaul. Kind of like how this years Madden feels different to people who play hundreds & thousands of games each year. If you play a ton of FIFA every year you will notice the subtle stuff, which is nice (passing, animations, headers, long range balls). AI defending does feel deeper and difficulty has been increased, though a little strange when a bronze team on amateur difficulty (starter tournament) passing like Barcelona, WTF? What I found interesting is that the first half of the match would be scoreless and then possibly fatigue would set in during the second half and I would score a handful of goals. I don't recall if FIFA introduced a new fatigue system this year or was that NBA2k17? My team was gold 85 OVR versus a bronze 65 OVR on amateur and they held there own for the first half, which was fun. Second half I destroyed them. This was curious because it either means fatigue actually matters this year or something in the AI just has the better team get the upper hand in the second half. Either way I liked it. Of course my 85 team should beat a 65!

Graphics / Likeness:
The players that have had new scans this year (Juventus, Bayern, Man U, Liverpool) look amazing. My strikers have been Dybala, Rashford + Firmino at CF and the detail is awesome, plus that trio is fun to play with. I usually play matches with rain turned on it and the weather atmosphere was beautiful. Also having cutaways to the Premier league managers is a great addition, especially with this years iconoclasts (Pep, Mou, Klopp, Conte). It's spaced out nicely too so you don't see them too often as opposed to Madden where you see the damn coach after every play (settle down Chip Kelly). I hope they turn their attention to the crowd next year because it's really the only immersion breaker at this point.

FUT Pack Pulls:
Seem worse this year. "Rare" gold packs full of one "rare" gold player and rare contracts or fitness items, ugh. Honestly miss the days where you could just buy coins (sorry, not sorry).

Loan Players:
Seems like a lot more loan players are available in FUT this year, right out of the gate I have like 10 already. I like being able to test out some of these players before looking for them in the auction house.

These are just things that stood out to me.
Appreciate the feedback! :-)

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