Madden NFL 17 News Post

The color rush uniforms are here for Madden NFL 17 -- and there are a few which are clearly excellent and a few that may make your TV explode.

Listen, these rankings are entirely subjective -- but let's be honest about one thing: the color rush uniforms are nothing but a money grab from the NFL and one which probably will work.

Now that we officially agree on that, let's get to the rankings.

The Worst Color Rush Unis
  • Dolphins: There is nothing (literally nothing) good about bright orange. Not in any situation ever.
  • 49'ers: A basic style tip, if your outfits going one way you don't accessorize with something completely different that looks out of place. The helmets don't match the rest of the uni.
  • Cowboys: I'm just here to annoy Steve and point out the unis aren't all that different from previous ones worn by the Cowboys.
  • Seahawks: Your TV might just start smoking and then explode from the amount of color coming off of the screen. Then again, maybe that's the point?
The Best Color Rush Unis
  • Lions: The Lions don't do much right in football, but they nailed the look for this uni, sharp and good color tones.
  • Steelers: The black and yellow is always a classic look -- and when its more black than yellow, it just looks menacing. I'm a fan.
  • Panthers: The neon type of look works well in some shades -- particularly in Carolina Panther. The silver helmet really accents the whole look.
  • Falcons: I like a red/black color scheme a lot, and the Falcons pulled it off quite well. The red jerseys with black numbers just works.

So what about you? What is your completely subjective take on which color rush uniforms are the best and which are the worst?

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 ATLBrayden @ 09/16/16 09:14 PM
You guys are haters haha I love the neon jerseys.

These are awesome to me:
# 22 l8knight1 @ 09/16/16 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by KANE699
With the Cowboys reminding us of the 94 throwbacks which some regard highly as some of the greatest uniforms of all time, its hard to imagine people would put them in the worst, clearly hating to hate here.
Kane: I couldn't have put it better myself, but you know my thoughts on the throwback situation like the too small numbers on Cowboys' 94's and the missing bad luck blues... ok I will continue to try behave myself in this area. I use the 90s cowboys socks with color rush, and the Saints white jerseys with the gold numbers are the bomb. Mix and Match that with 70s saints pants and helmet....killer uni. Pats are classic too.
# 23 4thQtrStre5S @ 09/16/16 11:24 PM
Chargers, by far, have the best uniforms of the color rush...NOw if they would only listen to their fans and go back to their true, powder blue uniforms...
# 24 N51_rob @ 09/17/16 02:43 AM
Any best list w/o the Chargers isn't a real list.
# 25 JoshC1977 @ 09/17/16 02:53 AM
I'll take the Pats Color Rush with their classic helmet...
# 26 sheredia @ 09/17/16 10:33 AM
all powder blue for the chargers would have been sweet.....cowboys should have gone all silver or all blue with silver numbers (instead of a version of a throwback) and saints all gold (instead of all white). packers actually have an all yellow alternate set in there already and the raiders an all silver set in there too. raiders should have gone all black with silver numbers. 49ers all gold would have made more sense than all black. however, the bengals all white does make sense, at least. the bears have an all orange set, if you prefer that.
# 27 geisterhome @ 09/17/16 11:12 AM
What's the point of the uniforms? Home, away, alternate, isn't it enough, of course us fans should always get excited and be happy about those tries to squeeze even a bit more money out of our pockets, and be it with simply a few different colours.
# 28 mrCPUgeek @ 09/17/16 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by ATLBrayden
You guys are haters haha I love the neon jerseys.

These are awesome to me:


Would love to see an all black Raiders Jersey.

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# 29 4thQtrStre5S @ 09/17/16 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies67
The uniforms are free. How is this an attempt to squeeze money out of our pockets?

He may be referring to MUT...I believe the Color Rush uniforms will come out as "Elite" cards, which means they will be up on the Auction block for at least 40,000 coins or so to start, and that means it is going to push people to buy player card packs to get their favorite uniform(s)...

From what I have seen, your odds of getting better cards in MUT is when you buy player packs with real money...You can get the regular pro-player packs for $7,500 in game coins, but apparently your odds of getting a good card is less...

I compare the whole MUT card packs and their solo "moment" challenges, as like going to a casino and playing slot machines; most will play it, but the odds are greatly in favor of the House...
# 30 Frenchy180 @ 09/18/16 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Aggies67
The uniforms are free. How is this an attempt to squeeze money out of our pockets?
If I had to guess, I'd say the fact that they're available for purchase on nflshop.com is what he's referring to...
# 31 Fist Of Kings @ 09/18/16 12:27 AM
I'm disappointed in the cowboys color rush uniforms. They look pretty much like the throwback unis that they wear on thanksgiving. They should have went a more bold route and went with navy blue pants instead of playing it safe with the white.
# 32 nightRAMcometh @ 09/18/16 05:43 AM
I would've liked the Rams to have gone with the throwback blue as the primary color rush uniform, but the solid yellow has helped out my passing game tremendously. The bright yellow really makes receivers pop out on those deep routes.

Throwback blue would've looked awesome though
# 33 franch1se @ 09/18/16 06:34 PM
Best: Chargers
# 34 Sheba2011 @ 09/18/16 08:13 PM
Best: Patriots and Falcons.
Worst: Chiefs and Seahawks. The Chiefs is just so boring and looks like their normal red on red uniforms. The Seahawks looks like a highlighter exploded.
# 35 Champion8877 @ 09/18/16 09:52 PM
Most of the white ones are boring(besides New Orleans, those are sick). I wish every team had a white and colored version

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# 36 DeuceDouglas @ 09/20/16 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Aggies67
Can someone tell me how to share here a screenshot that I've uploaded to Xbox Live?
I tried and it only displays the "broken image link" icon.
If you go here and search for your GT you can find all your saved screenshots. From there you can download them to your CPU and then either upload them in a comment or upload them to a website like flickr and post them using the link from there.
# 37 TTD71 @ 09/20/16 12:21 PM
I love the Dolphins "traffic cone" uniforms...and the LA Bananas....I even dig the Neon monstrosities for the Seachickens...those uniforms against each other in practice mode is shockingly bright!
If we are going to have these gimmicky iniforms, might as well go big or not at all!!!

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# 38 sheredia @ 09/20/16 08:45 PM
you could go all silver with the patriots too (they're in there).....all gold 49ers with red numbers would have been better than all black, imo. cardinals all red would have made alot more sense too.
# 39 Irene T. Porter @ 10/20/16 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
If you go here and search for your GT you can find all your saved screenshots. From there you can download them to your CPU and then either upload them in a comment or upload them to a website like flickr and post them using the link from there.
Thanks for sharing.
# 40 Kaanyr Vhok @ 10/27/16 06:48 PM
The worst are the Jags. Baby crap color.

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