NASCAR Heat Evolution News Post

It’s not an exaggeration to say NASCAR fans have been waiting for over a decade for the next great stock car simulation, and while patience is a virtue, it also has its limitations. So, fair or not, the amount of pressure that has been thrust upon the newest licensed NASCAR video game and its developer is already incredibly high because of the years of disappointment that fans of the sport have been forced to endure.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is that the developer that has taken on the somewhat monumental feat of creating the next great NASCAR game has been here before. Monster Games, the former developer of NASCAR Heat and NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona has thrown its hat into the ring again, this time with NASCAR Heat Evolution. Do they succeed in capturing the authenticity and excitement that their previous attempts did? Read on to find out.

Read More - NASCAR Heat Evolution Review

Game: NASCAR Heat EvolutionReader Score: 4.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 3 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 Turbojugend @ 09/15/16 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by themetallikid
Is there something in the settings that can be turned off to improve the framerate issues? I would rather have a smooth experience than whatever bell or whistle is causing the slow down.

I know sometimes you can turn something off to fix that. My copy shows up today or tomorrow...so just thinking out loud...well...thinking via typing.
There's nothing you can do about the framerate, no visual filters or effects to remove. And this usually isn't something that can easily be fixed with a patch, although Assetto Corsa just announced a patch that will smooth out that game's framerate, so fingers crossed.

The frustrating thing about it is you can see they were sooo close. Race a few practice laps at Kansas and you'll see a game that wants to be 60fps, it looks really good. But throw a full pack on the track, or -- God forbid -- hit a wall, and things get nasty real quick. A few more months of production time and they might have nailed 60fps on consoles, it's hard to say at this point.

The good news is that the overall racing experience is actually pretty good once you get things dialed in to your liking. A couple of days in and I'm okay with this game.
# 22 jway44 @ 09/15/16 01:44 PM
I'm really guessing that we will get a patch soon. The game is too good not to get some upgraded support.

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# 23 NYJin2011tm @ 09/15/16 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by jway44
I tried one room of online racing yesterday. It was at Martinsville, and there were 15 people competing. As soon as the green flag dropped, guys were running into each other, turning around and driving the wrong way, etc. It was ridiculous. I only tried that one time, and immediately went back to my season mode.
That being said, I have had some real fun in season mode. I've been running with the AI at +2%, and I've qualified for both races in mid pack. Ran 81 laps at Atlanta and loved every second of it. I also run at gas/tire wear at +3%, so in an 81 lap race I had to stop 3 times for fuel and came up one 1/4 lap short and ran out of gas. Was running 7th and coasted to a 12th place finish. I wasn't even mad. It was that good. And, there were 3 cautions during the race all caused by the AI. This game has SO much potential. Hopefully they will continue to support it going forward. I really have been waiting all generation of this console to get some NASCAR racing going, and I'd like for it to continue with solid support.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

I remember doing that as a kid when I just wanted to mess around by myself but don't do it anymore and certainly wouldn't do that online. Gotta be frustrating. That's why I never play online anymore.
# 24 dodger1010 @ 09/15/16 11:26 PM
I play project cars f1 dirt rally and when put this game in holy buzz kill the motor sounds like crap.With all the problems this game has what do you think are patchable?
# 25 Turbojugend @ 09/16/16 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by dodger1010
With all the problems this game has what do you think are patchable?
It's hard to say, it probably depends on the dev team and the resources they have allocated to post-release support. We could get a couple of small patches addressing the most critical bugs and glitches, or we could get all-new modes and features.

As I said in another thread, my hope is that NASCAR Heat Evolution is something like UFC or Rory McIlroy, not an annual release but one that is constantly improved and updated throughout the game's shelf cycle. The fact that it doesn't have a year attached to the title gives me hope for this, not to mention DMi just released new paint schemes for a two-year-old game (NASCAR 15).
# 26 jway44 @ 09/16/16 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
It's hard to say, it probably depends on the dev team and the resources they have allocated to post-release support. We could get a couple of small patches addressing the most critical bugs and glitches, or we could get all-new modes and features.

As I said in another thread, my hope is that NASCAR Heat Evolution is something like UFC or Rory McIlroy, not an annual release but one that is constantly improved and updated throughout the game's shelf cycle. The fact that it doesn't have a year attached to the title gives me hope for this, not to mention DMi just released new paint schemes for a two-year-old game (NASCAR 15).
I agree 100%.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
# 27 Turbojugend @ 09/16/16 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by SECElit3
Looks like a patch just dropped 5GB on PS4 1.02
Wow, 5gb?!? The entire game is only around 8gb.

Can someone please provide patch notes if they get it downloaded? I'm at work and won't be able to check for awhile.

EDIT: Nm, answered in the other thread.
# 28 bravesfan1984 @ 09/16/16 04:46 PM
# 29 Turbojugend @ 09/16/16 04:56 PM
That is an impressive first patch. I'm starting to have faith in this dev team and this game.
# 30 ILuvMN81 @ 09/16/16 07:40 PM
Really appreciate this review and the impressions thread. I've seen all the complaining on social media but I take it with a grain of salt. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy with some people...they expect the worst so they have a bad experience.

I do hope DMI/Monster is eschewing the yearly release cash grab and treating this as a WIP.

I'm thinking this will be a future pick up. I'll scouer eBay for a cheap, used copy or the Amazon warehouse deals. It may end up being a Black Friday buy or possibly a post-holiday gift card purchase.
# 31 SIR924 @ 09/20/16 10:22 AM
I play on PS4 and have yet to experience any freezing. The gameplay is good and challenging, but it does lack depth. I notice when all the cars are on the track the frame rate suffers. I think the review score is about right.
# 32 Floridaheat99 @ 10/17/16 10:19 PM
# 33 ELMO56 @ 02/11/18 01:58 PM
i have this game for x-box one and i like it really well but there are some tracks that...after qualifing the game goes back to the start screen when the race starts.....its been like this for over a year with no mention of a patch to fix this.....which makes me not want to buy the new nascar game out.
# 34 BurghFan @ 02/11/18 10:37 PM
With NASCAR Heat 2 being out since September, they would've stopped working on and patching Evolution well before that.

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