NBA 2K17 News Post

In celebration of the upcoming release of NBA 2K17, 2K today released its annual Momentous Trailer featuring some of the NBA’s top talent, including NBA 2K17 cover athlete Paul George, Legend Edition cover Kobe Bryant, and Team 2K athletes Kevin Durant, Draymond Green, Jimmy Butler, and Kyrie Irving.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 The 24th Letter @ 09/14/16 11:59 AM
Good stuff ..I personally just looked at it for what it was though....a trailer. The signature stuff is important to me and it kind of feels like they are getting back to that this time around compared to the last couple of years...so I enjoyed it..
# 42 Tunechid @ 09/14/16 12:00 PM
Not what I expected, more emotions than gameplay, another note the way the jersey fit looks fat and horrible

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# 43 ogbigant @ 09/14/16 12:01 PM
Art team slipping this year....geeeesh!!!!
# 44 WTF @ 09/14/16 12:03 PM
Wiggins face is not Andrew Wiggins. I don't care about the skinny arms, but that "scan" is terrible. Please 2k, get him a new scan.

Trailer like 23 said, wasn't classic MO. Ah well, still ready for release.
# 45 MontanaMan @ 09/14/16 12:03 PM
This is cool I guess.

I'm just kind of burnt out on how they market this game and just want my copy in my hands at this point.

There isn't anything that can move me at this point except actually playing the game.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
# 46 23 @ 09/14/16 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by MontanaMan
This is cool I guess.

I'm just kind of burnt out on how they market this game and just want my copy in my hands at this point.

There isn't anything that can move me at this point except actually playing the game.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
Funny cause ronnie on twitter with his chest out about the job they did.

One more day man you'll have your game lol
# 47 magiclakers32 @ 09/14/16 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by RNS1hunnid
You gotta be trolling right????

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Not at all...

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# 48 MontanaMan @ 09/14/16 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Funny cause ronnie on twitter with his chest out about the job they did.

One more day man you'll have your game lol
I feel like everybody will loosen up a bit around here once we all actually have the game, lol.
# 49 Rob. D @ 09/14/16 12:13 PM
It was a trailer, I liked it. Just ready for the game to drop.
# 50 aholbert32 @ 09/14/16 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by MontanaMan
I feel like everybody will loosen up a bit around here once we all actually have the game, lol.

No ****ing way. Looking at the history of OS if anything it will be worse. Much worse. Once people have the game, there is more stuff to examine, legitimately complain about and/or nitpick.

Thursday-Friday 80-90% of the people will be praising the game.

Saturday through Friday: That number will drop as people will dig into the game and the backlash will appear.

2 weeks from now: The backlash to the backlash will occur and the forums will level off.
# 51 coachcolbert @ 09/14/16 12:16 PM
not bad - but i liked the friction trialer better lol.

maaaaaaaan we have a LOOOOONG 36hrs fellas lmao!
# 52 MontanaMan @ 09/14/16 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32

No ****ing way. Looking at the history of OS if anything it will be worse. Much worse. Once people have the game, there is more stuff to examine, legitimately complain about and/or nitpick.

Thursday-Friday 80-90% of the people will be praising the game.

Saturday through Friday: That number will drop as people will dig into the game and the backlash will appear.

2 weeks from now: The backlash to the backlash will occur and the forums will level off.
I was trying to be optimistic lol.

*MJ Shrug*
# 53 magiclakers32 @ 09/14/16 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32

No ****ing way. Looking at the history of OS if anything it will be worse. Much worse. Once people have the game, there is more stuff to examine, legitimately complain about and/or nitpick.

Thursday-Friday 80-90% of the people will be praising the game.

Saturday through Friday: That number will drop as people will dig into the game and the backlash will appear.

2 weeks from now: The backlash to the backlash will occur and the forums will level off.

I been playing the game for a couple weeks and a member here for over 10 years and I'm being asked if I'm trolling.. I guess because my opinion differs

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# 54 aholbert32 @ 09/14/16 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by MontanaMan
I was trying to be optimistic lol.

*MJ Shrug*
I'm a grizzled OS vet. Optimism died within me years ago. LOL.
# 55 coachcolbert @ 09/14/16 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32

No ****ing way. Looking at the history of OS if anything it will be worse. Much worse. Once people have the game, there is more stuff to examine, legitimately complain about and/or nitpick.

Thursday-Friday 80-90% of the people will be praising the game.

Saturday through Friday: That number will drop as people will dig into the game and the backlash will appear.

2 weeks from now: The backlash to the backlash will occur and the forums will level off.
boy oh boy - youve been around these parts for awhile

i been meaning to say this to you for YEARS lmao! my name here on OS used to be "acolbert" but i changed it because we kept getting mixed up (not really, i forgot my login info lmao)

but youre spot on - its going to rough around here then it will mellow out
# 56 RLebron12 @ 09/14/16 12:22 PM
For those saying they really liked the ring ceremony, must of not played with the Warriors last year because they had a ring and banner ceremony for them in 2K16..so not really something new.

Overall I'm juiced for the game to come out but this didn't add any type of excitement.

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# 57 extremeskins04 @ 09/14/16 12:22 PM
With fully realizing that there are issues with player models in lack of muscle definition and a few other things, I'm not letting it deterrent me from enjoying the game.

Good trailer though.
# 58 swac07 @ 09/14/16 12:25 PM
Dope trailer....
Tough crowd sheesh lol

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# 59 aholbert32 @ 09/14/16 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by coachcolbert
boy oh boy - youve been around these parts for awhile

i been meaning to say this to you for YEARS lmao! my name here on OS used to be "acolbert" but i changed it because we kept getting mixed up (not really, i forgot my login info lmao)

but youre spot on - its going to rough around here then it will mellow out
I just realized I've been hear over 16 years (my start date says 2002 but I was here on the old forums).

Good thing you changed your name. After years of being a mod and admin, I have a pretty ****ty rep with some people around here. Wouldnt want you to get wrongfully attacked. LOL.
# 60 scottyp180 @ 09/14/16 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by ballin91
to all yall sayin wiggins body is spot on, cmon now. where dem cuts at doe??? 2k really got some beef on him dats y he playin COD they got him like he be tryin to cut weight for a 145 pound fight!!! smh!! also he got that jimmy butler 2k16 hair doe... not that mini kobe 'fro


Attachment 124554
It really comes down to a lack of muscle definition. I don't think he needs to be much bigger he just needs to be more tone.They really need a happy medium between skinny and thick.

This is just speculation but my guess is that they changed the formula for how they assign body types this year resulting in a lot of skinny looking players. When creating a my player is seems like the big areas for a body are height, weight, and wings span. My guess is that this skinny body type is being assigned do to players that are under a certain weight in combination with their height. I also thing longer wingspan play a role as well.

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