FIFA 17 News Post

The FIFA 17 demo is scheduled to arrive on September 13 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Check out the full details below.

For the first time ever in FIFA, live your story on and off the pitch as the Premier League’s next rising star, Alex Hunter. You'll have the opportunity to play a select experience in The Journey which will be limited to playing as one of the world's top clubs Manchester United.


Own Every Moment in FIFA 17 gameplay to experience complete innovation in the way players think and move, physically interact with opponents, and execute in attack to put you in complete control of every moment on the pitch.

Skill Games

As the Kick-Off matches are loading, play brand new Skill Games that are included in the FIFA 17 Demo. You'll be able to enjoy 4 Single Player Skill Games and 3 of the brand new Multiplayer Skill Games that will be available in FIFA 17.

12 clubs included that you'll be able to play as in Kick-Off.
  • Manchester United
  • Manchester City
  • Chelsea
  • Real Madrid
  • Juventus
  • Inter
  • Paris Saint-Germain
  • Olympique Lyonnais
  • Seattle Sounders
  • Bayern München
  • Tigres U.A.N.L. (MX)
  • Gamba Osaka
3 authentic stadiums available to play in Kick-Off.
  • CenturyLink
  • Stamford Bridge
  • Suita City Football Stadium
The FIFA 17 demo will also be available for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but the full details haven't been revealed.

Game: FIFA 17Reader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 KennyJ1976 @ 09/10/16 09:40 AM
I'll be too busy playing the full version of PES 2017 to be worried about this demo. Might get to it a couple of days later.
# 2 KingTocco @ 09/10/16 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by KennyJ1976
I'll be too busy playing the full version of PES 2017 to be worried about this demo. Might get to it a couple of days later.
? What's the point of this post...

Anyway, demo looks awesome, can't wait to try it out.
# 3 R9NALD9 @ 09/12/16 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by KennyJ1976
I'll be too busy playing the full version of PES 2017 to be worried about this demo. Might get to it a couple of days later.
Same here
# 4 wordtobigbird @ 09/12/16 04:15 AM
I wonder what these multiplayer skill games are
# 5 Honome @ 09/12/16 06:29 AM
I will only download if they gave us full 5 minutes half matches, less than that is useless to try the gameplay.
# 6 hunterdawgs10 @ 09/12/16 06:39 AM
Usually the half lengths are 6 mins.

I'm really excited to see if custom tactics work this year, very crucial aspect.
# 7 Honome @ 09/12/16 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by hunterdawgs10
Usually the half lengths are 6 mins.

I'm really excited to see if custom tactics work this year, very crucial aspect.
Yes, but not on demos! It was 2 minutes some years ago and they increased to 3 and than 4 minutes, i was expecting at least 5 minutes on this year demo for it worth something...
# 8 DBMcGee3 @ 09/12/16 08:56 AM
Very, very anxious to try this out. I pretty much had myself talked into PES this weekend, but then I was doing some option file research and it sounds like the upload process is going to be really cumbersome, not just one transfer of the cumulative edit data like in years past. I know that probably sounds really petty, but damn, I barely get 2 or 3 hours of gaming time a week, I'm definitely not looking to spend it transferring option file data one team at a time.

For me, the FIFA demo comes down to CPU play styles, plain and simple. I know that I can have tons of fun with the ball, but if the CPU effort is repetitive and boring, then it's a no for me. I want to see different teams play different ways, and I want to see a wide variety of attempts on goal from the CPU.
# 9 JHedges2 @ 09/12/16 09:21 AM
Really solid list of clubs.

Can't wait to play this...
# 10 SilverChaosVII @ 09/12/16 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
Very, very anxious to try this out. I pretty much had myself talked into PES this weekend, but then I was doing some option file research and it sounds like the upload process is going to be really cumbersome, not just one transfer of the cumulative edit data like in years past. I know that probably sounds really petty, but damn, I barely get 2 or 3 hours of gaming time a week, I'm definitely not looking to spend it transferring option file data one team at a time.

For me, the FIFA demo comes down to CPU play styles, plain and simple. I know that I can have tons of fun with the ball, but if the CPU effort is repetitive and boring, then it's a no for me. I want to see different teams play different ways, and I want to see a wide variety of attempts on goal from the CPU.
PES has batch upload. You download all the files as one batch and upload it. Should take you 10 minutes max.

That said, looking forward to trying the FIFA demo out. As always, I'll get both games. Hopefully FIFA finally made some steps in the right direction after going downhill the last few years.
# 11 DBMcGee3 @ 09/12/16 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by SilverChaosVII
PES has batch upload. You download all the files as one batch and upload it. Should take you 10 minutes max.

That said, looking forward to trying the FIFA demo out. As always, I'll get both games. Hopefully FIFA finally made some steps in the right direction after going downhill the last few years.
I don't think that's correct man. The guys at PES Universe were saying that you had to do them 1 team at a time, so I looked on Konami's site and sure enough.....

"Import all your edited kits and player data in a batch on your USB flash memory. Select your team and apply the data you choose."

I hope you're right man, seems insane to me that this process would get more difficult on newer technology. I don't even mind doing a few hours of work initially, it's having to do it all over again every time there's an update to the file, or a data pack from Konami.....that scares me.
# 12 RoyceDa59 @ 09/12/16 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I don't think that's correct man. The guys at PES Universe were saying that you had to do them 1 team at a time, so I looked on Konami's site and sure enough.....

"Import all your edited kits and player data in a batch on your USB flash memory. Select your team and apply the data you choose."

I hope you're right man, seems insane to me that this process would get more difficult on newer technology. I don't even mind doing a few hours of work initially, it's having to do it all over again every time there's an update to the file, or a data pack from Konami.....that scares me.
This video should help ease your worries, might have to spend some time editing League names and competitions though.

but.. to not turn this into a PES thread I can't wait to try the Fifa demo, I looking forward to see how the shielding feature works in game, hopefully it isn't overpowered.
# 13 BenVenom @ 09/12/16 11:04 AM
I just checked the Austrailin and New Zealand Xbox store. No Fifa 17 demo yet. I'm the past I have gotten it a day early from there. I'm not exactly sure if the time difference. I will check back later and if it's there I will post it here.
# 14 DBMcGee3 @ 09/12/16 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by RoyceDa59
This video should help ease your worries, might have to spend some time editing League names and competitions though.

but.. to not turn this into a PES thread I can't wait to try the Fifa demo, I looking forward to see how the shielding feature works in game, hopefully it isn't overpowered.
You have just made $60 for Konami, good sir.

But yeah, I agree about the shielding in FIFA. I love that they have a more defined means to protect the ball, it just comes down to whether the appropriate players will be the ones able to do it effectively. I know Hazard is a strong little guy, but I don't want to see him backing down CBs. If they get it right though, it's a really nice addition.
# 15 buckeyezombie @ 09/12/16 12:23 PM
Getting kits for PES is really easy to do. It can take some time if you want to do 3rd or 4th kits, and edit the # fonts etc. But download onto usb is quick and easy

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
# 16 jvalverde88 @ 09/12/16 02:37 PM
Guys keep the thread about the demo please.
# 17 ezio @ 09/12/16 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by BenVenom
I just checked the Austrailin and New Zealand Xbox store. No Fifa 17 demo yet. I'm the past I have gotten it a day early from there. I'm not exactly sure if the time difference. I will check back later and if it's there I will post it here.
I was going to check tonight too. Let us know if is shows up.


# 18 RIFRIG @ 09/13/16 09:46 AM
Demo should be up at 18:00 BST for anyone interested.
# 19 Chalupajuana @ 09/13/16 11:22 AM
I'm amused hearing that people in the UK took off from school and work to play the demo for it to not be out. Either way looking forward to seeing how the game plays. Heard some good things from people that had the Career Mode beta.
# 20 wordtobigbird @ 09/13/16 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Chalupajuana
I'm amused hearing that people in the UK took off from school and work to play the demo for it to not be out. Either way looking forward to seeing how the game plays. Heard some good things from people that had the Career Mode beta.
Lol. Yeah for only a demo, with no concrete release time? Cmon.
Originally Posted by RIFRIG
Demo should be up at 18:00 BST for anyone interested.

Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk

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