Madden NFL 17 News Post

There are a lot of new features in Connected Franchise this year, if you've noticed.

Madden 17 brings a more in-depth franchise experience to the table this year. It forces you to think more like an actual NFL coach or general manager in order to preserve your franchise on a long-term basis.

If you're new to Madden's CFM, or are curious how to make the most out of your franchise experience, I'll attempt to help you as best I can. In all honesty, it takes a lot to screw this up...

Read More - Madden NFL 17: Five Connected Franchise Tips

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Member Comments
# 1 Head420chico @ 08/30/16 12:54 PM
I have an offline franchise going with a friend,but can't figure out how to sim games from league schedule page allowing each of us to see weekly results simultaneously.any help would be great
# 2 Semipro91 @ 08/30/16 01:10 PM
I am in a 12 man league at work, we do this thing where we all pick a team and let the AI fantasy draft our rosters. It makes the game pretty fun.
# 3 kariya05 @ 08/30/16 01:12 PM
One clarification with #2. I found out it is acceptable to skip training. In doing so, it randomizes the outcome for your players. Of course based on the drill the CPU determined was most useful for that week. Was very glad to see this as I really didn't want to have to deal with tedious training.
# 4 ggsimmonds @ 08/30/16 01:24 PM
Unless I am missing something, the practice squad seems to be rather useless. How do they develop? Do they receive some kind of fixed amount of xp or something?
# 5 trey2k198003 @ 08/30/16 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
In the practice stuff, I think you can choose 3 players to specifically progress and they can be PS members. Also, I think the drills SP includes positions highlighted by the drill, including PS squad members at those positions. So I think it is possible to gain XP for PS, but the overall XP system is unrealistic and greatly reduces the the realism of a PS. If I am wrong, then maybe someone else can give you a better answer.

I would have to disagree with Chris and his view that M17 forces you to think more like a Coach or GM. It really forces you to think more like an arcade game like Fallout, Skyrim, Might & Magic or any other RPG. For this reason I have disliked CCM/CFM from it's conception.
It's perfect In that way imo when coaching you have to put time in (xp) to individual players to see them accell they either have to play or practice to do this. If I'm a dline coach that's my specialty iand the dline that I'm coaching will benefit from this... That to me is like coaching. Either way you don't have to do any of that stuff you could sim it and let the cpu do and work the numbers however they want and spend the xp how they want. Kinda like the old system would do this way at least we have a say in who develops or does what. Not left up the the random cpu r
# 6 Sheba2011 @ 08/30/16 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
I'm not questioning whether you should or should not like it.

It doesn't make you think like a coach. No coach in the NFL tells players they can't practice this week. Some don't get 1st team reps, but coaches don't tell specific players to not get better. You may like the arcade setup and that's fine. But it is an arcade setup that doesn't make you think like a GM or coach. It makes you think like an arcade RPG game.
This has been your viewpoint since they switched the name from Franchise to CFM. While I don't disagree I will say it is a lot better this year than it was last year. I would rather a limited PS than none at all. But I agree most of it doesn't make you think like a coach, XP and the scouting system make me think like an RPG.
# 7 Hooe @ 08/30/16 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
Unless I am missing something, the practice squad seems to be rather useless. How do they develop? Do they receive some kind of fixed amount of xp or something?
Players on your practice squad may earn XP from Training based on the drill you pick and Focus Training. So if you have some OLs on your practice squad and do the Inside Zone drill, you will earn XP for those OLs. I believe all players on your practice squad also earn XP for any drive goals achieved by your team during your regular season game regardless of position (but dependent on side of the ball; i.e. a defensive player won't earn XP for an offensive drive goal), but I have to double-check this.
# 8 drewst18 @ 08/30/16 03:32 PM
Practice Squad is "useless" it can be okay for depth but if you think theres even a remote chance someone is starter quality they should not be on your practice squad. Theres always enough crap to get rid of to keep a potential stud.
# 9 Head420chico @ 08/31/16 03:57 PM
Thank you Bruinshockey08 for the answer.and go buffalo sabres
# 10 fanlyfesportsapp @ 09/08/16 03:00 AM
# 11 TMJOHNS18 @ 09/08/16 04:18 AM
I like the practice squad addition. Not perfect, but a good place to stash young players and expand the rosters slightly. Sure these guys won't become HOF'ers, but at least now I can hold on to that raw rookie who doesn't have a role year 1 but might in the future.

Beats the risk of cutting him and them disappearing advancing to the season or getting rid of a vet backup just for that extra roster spot.
# 12 335TDC @ 09/08/16 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by TMJOHNS18
I like the practice squad addition. Not perfect, but a good place to stash young players and expand the rosters slightly. Sure these guys won't become HOF'ers, but at least now I can hold on to that raw rookie who doesn't have a role year 1 but might in the future.

Beats the risk of cutting him and them disappearing advancing to the season or getting rid of a vet backup just for that extra roster spot.
By the time anyone on your PS is good enough for a MEANINGFUL roster spot he'll be poached by another team. PS winds up being Scrub Squab. It's good that it's here, but I see it as a first step towards something that actually has an impact -- right now it's a feature without any impact.

The PS would be meaningful if lower-level rookies in the 60's could have Quick or Superstar Dev Traits, and those traits could only be known to a team that that player had spent time with. THEN PS would be meaningful. As it is now, there will NEVER be a Kurt Warner or Undrafted FA type to make an impact in Madden.

Good idea, blah execution, needs refinement next year. Glad it's here though.
# 13 Culture Rot @ 09/16/16 04:46 PM
I dont feel like its said Madden is the best ever every year. In fact, i feel this is the first time I've heard talk of that in many years

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