F1 2016 News Post

F1 2016 is one of the best simulation racing titles of all time. I know that’s a bold statement, but the gameplay is there to support the claim, as well as so much more. The job of simulating the sport of F1 racing for the masses is always going to be a tough one, but I firmly believe Codemasters has walked the fine line of accessibility, simulation and fun, and wrapped it all into one deep package.

While the sport is revered and beloved in other parts of the world, here in the US it is still a bit of an enigma, and while slowly gaining popularity, it has a long way to go before it matches the popularity of the American-based NASCAR series. So does that make F1 2016 a hard sell here in the US? It may for some, but those who choose to pass, they will be missing out on an exceptionally well made racing simulation that has the ability to draw in even the most casual of fan -- if given the chance.

Read More - F1 2016 Review (PS4)

Game: F1 2016Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 4 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 extremeskins04 @ 08/20/16 05:28 PM
One of the issues I have with the game is the car engine sounds are nothing like the real F1 cars. How could you go for realism and not have the engine sounds right?
# 2 CujoMatty @ 08/20/16 09:32 PM
After reading this review I went and picked it up this afternoon. Haven't had a chance to play yet but I'm excited.
# 3 Lieutenant Dan @ 08/21/16 01:29 AM
I'd say that review and score is spot-on, based on my game time so far. Amazing racing game.
# 4 ps3veron @ 08/21/16 05:14 AM
Darn it I'm getting tempted to pick this up now..
# 5 WDaniel @ 08/21/16 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
One of the issues I have with the game is the car engine sounds are nothing like the real F1 cars. How could you go for realism and not have the engine sounds right?
Sir, the sounds are 100% authentic. The days of screaming V8 engines in F1 went out the window with the introduction of the turbo V6's.

The engines sound very muted compared to (what I think) you are expecting.
# 6 JMD @ 08/22/16 08:27 AM
I'm still playing F1 2015, is 16 that much better?
# 7 Yantropov @ 08/22/16 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by JMD
I'm still playing F1 2015, is 16 that much better?
Yes it is!
# 8 Suvorov @ 08/22/16 11:08 PM
This is one of the best racing games I have ever played. I usually run races at 25% and occasionally. will go 50% length. So far I have run 2 races at 100% and I have never had so much fun. The strategies at 100% race length is fantastic! I am really loving this game.

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