I like that DB's can no longer tackle big backs in the open field as easy as before, the running game overall looks really good and fun, but the pass rush remains a lot to be desired.
I realize they are good QB's but the ability to make accurate throws all over the field from any part of the pocket is concerning. Vision come would solve all of this.
whats up with the tackling. still has that inorganic and pin ball look/feel.
at this point in time I just dont like EA player movement. its improved over the years, but still is slightly off.
ill most likely eventually get Madden cause it does look like a very good game.
Sound effects of the players/pads/grunts is remarkable.....hate to go there but it reminds of that game that had a number 5 & the letter K in its title....great work on the audio EA[emoji1360]✔️✔️[emoji1360]
The game looks really wonky. The locomotion just doesn't look right at all. The animations just transition strangely. Look at 2:30 when they throw to screen to White. His turn up the field looks fine, but the transition to the actual running animation is not smooth and the running is just a different pace altogether.
The ball carriers still stay too upright when cutting. Their legs look pretty good and they cut well, there's a little ice skating, but it is so much better, but their upper bodies don't reflect that of someone making the cuts they are doing with their lower half.
I also still hate how contact almost always means the ball carriers legs stop moving. Guys like AP don't just collapse when two guys touch him. WR's don't just stop moving when they get hit with the ball. Pump the legs, make WR's dive under tackles for an extra yard or two.
QB pressure doesn't exist.
The terrible hunched over strafe is still there.
QB pocket AI is just bad.
Still, the game looks better than any other Madden just about. I focused only on the negatives with the above for the most part, but there are some good things in the video too. Zone looks much better and it's nice to see guys trailing up field and not allowing a man to run free because their zone ended.
Surprised this hasn't been mentioned already, at least not that I've seen: When WRs end their assigned routes in the game (curl and hook are most obvious) they just sit there and chop their feet until either the QB gets sacked or throws the ball away. I noticed this most in the GB vs AZ gameplay.
A lot of Aaron Rodgers' most exciting plays in real life happen after the assigned play has broken, he goes on the run, and the WRs attempt to get open despite having already run their assigned routes.
Run blocking looks good, a lot better than past iterations that I've played.
That said...maybe it's me...I am a little concerned about the pass blocking; I feel like it's still allowing users just to backpedal 15 yards as the end rushers aren't able to establish that contain or even speed rush.
Commentary, presentation, graphics, sound...all of it looks incredible.
Maurice Jones-Drew trucked plenty of people in his prime. including OLB Sean Merriman (6'4 260lbs). and he was 5'7 200lbs.
MJD was maybe 200 lbs as a college freshman. He was a tank in the NFL. He was shaped like a square. He had to be bigger than whatever weight they listed. I refuse to believe he was only 200. Walter Payton was a small guy that trucked people though.
I've been begging for a horizontal all-22/Tecmo cam the last couple years. They need to add that!
They do have it. It's broadcast view. Unfortunately some of the fields are upside down though. That's all I play in, (besides field goals). Every year I keep hoping they fix that, never happens though.
They do have it. It's broadcast view. Unfortunately some of the fields are upside down though. That's all I play in, (besides field goals). Every year I keep hoping they fix that, never happens though.
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Broadcast isn't a good angle for me. It's too zoomed in, too low and way too hard to see downfield to pass imo. Tecmo was always a zoomed out and more top down angle that I would love to have.