WWE 2K17 News Post

IGN has scheduled their WWE 2K17 roster reveal to start today, with plans to release more wrestlers for the next 4 weeks. To kick things off, they are giving you a chance to guess the wrestlers revealed this week.

Once they reveal them, we will update this post. Until then, feel free to guess.

UPDATE: Here are the WWE 2K17 wrestlers that have been revealed today, along with Brock Lesnar's full entrance, as seen in the embedded video above.
  • Aiden English
  • Booker T
  • Brian Pillman
  • Brie Bella
  • Chris Jericho
  • Diego
  • Erick Rowan
  • Fernando
  • Heath Slater
  • Jey Uso
  • Jimmy Uso
  • Jim Neidhart
  • Konnor
  • Larry Zybszko
  • Nikki Bella
  • R-Truth
  • Simon Gotch
  • Ultimate Warrior
  • Viktor

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Game: WWE 2K17Reader Score: Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 21 sportsfan8812 @ 08/02/16 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
They did. I don't remember Zybesko (sp?) being in last years game.

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I thought he was but I could be wrong. Either way, Zbyszko doesn't do much for me. Looking forward to seeing which NXT'ers made the cut
# 22 oneamongthefence @ 08/02/16 03:12 PM
Jericho finally got a decent face scan and he has his tattoos.

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# 23 SmashMan @ 08/02/16 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
They did. I don't remember Zybesko (sp?) being in last years game.

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He was in the HoF DLC.

No new additions in the first week's reveal...
# 24 Cowboy008 @ 08/02/16 03:43 PM
The models look almost just like last year. Also no surprises in the reveal this week.
# 25 snc237 @ 08/02/16 05:14 PM
Wonder if they will get the new raw and smackdowns logos in the game
# 26 King_B_Mack @ 08/02/16 06:52 PM
Jesus IGN is lame. You've got five weeks of this ****, surely there are at least 5 new additions to the game right? Becky, Sasha, Charlotte, Bayley and Alexa Bliss. That's five right there off the top of my head, so there is no damn reason that every week of this nonsense couldn't contain AT LEAST 1 new character in the reveal.
# 27 cima @ 08/02/16 06:54 PM
Diego? Fernando? Man the brand split is really gonna eff this game up, it's going to be extremely outdated. And you know to update it, they're gonna make us pay for that **** via DLC.
# 28 Mercury112491 @ 08/02/16 07:51 PM
Very excited to see the weapons out in the crowd(hopefully they can add backstage areas back as well). But not seeing the new arena is disheartening. I know it was a pipe dream that they would get the brand split into the game but I was really hoping maybe WWE would have told them about it ahead of time and sent them concept art of the new logos/arenas etc... I know they'll end up in community creations but still very disappointing.
# 29 Stormyhog @ 08/02/16 11:44 PM
I see in the vid the ropes are white. I wonder if they'll update them red for raw & blue for smackdown. Personally I was never a fan of all white ropes.
# 30 RyanFitzmagic @ 08/03/16 12:22 AM
That Lesnar entrance is so terrible. At least the stage animation. He looks the way people look when they imitate Brock Lesnar hopping around. The animation in front of the ring is so much more accurate, and that confuses me. Why one and not the other?
# 31 Hooe @ 08/03/16 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
That Lesnar entrance is so terrible. At least the stage animation.
Agreed. The stage animation is awful.

Also, Los Matadores. Ugh. Primo and Epic first appeared on WWE TV with the new Shining Stars gimmick in April.
# 32 jvalverde88 @ 08/03/16 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Agreed. The stage animation is awful.

Also, Los Matadores. Ugh. Primo and Epic first appeared on WWE TV with the new Shining Stars gimmick in April.
If Primo and Epico aren't in as The Shining Stars then don't put them in the game. So stupid to have a tag team in the game that haven't been on TV for 7 months.
# 33 Hooe @ 08/03/16 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by jvalverde88
If Primo and Epico aren't in as The Shining Stars then don't put them in the game. So stupid to have a tag team in the game that haven't been on TV for 7 months.
Agreed. It'd be different if we could reasonably count on 2K to support their game with roster updates post-launch, but I don't believe that has ever happened.

Given how this year's game has been promoted so far, I'm further going to guess it's business as usual this year, which is makes the matter even more disappointing.

Another thing - when's the last time Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler called a match together on WWE TV? No Byron Saxton, I'm guessing, even though he's been a RAW mainstay for at least a year now?
# 34 DatIsraeliGuy @ 08/03/16 03:21 AM
So I can't be the only one who saw Seth Rollins and AJ Styles t-shirts.
Also, what about fighting in the crowd possibly confirmed?
# 35 PVarck31 @ 08/03/16 03:38 AM
If this game is completely outdated again I doubt I will get it this year. No reason that stuff from April is outdated for a game that comes out in October. I don't care how many excuses they make.

If the game doesn't have the new rope colors, new sets, and some semblance of the brand split then I just can't do it again this year. It would be the first time I don't buy a WWE game in probably 15 years.
# 36 SmashMan @ 08/03/16 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Another thing - when's the last time Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler called a match together on WWE TV? No Byron Saxton, I'm guessing, even though he's been a RAW mainstay for at least a year now?
Didn't they just add JBL last year?

It'd be nice if they could work out a system to pull audio from TV broadcasts and use some as in-game commentary. If they cut down their reliance on getting the announcers to record in-studio in between all the travel they do, I'd like to think it might help keep things more up-to-date. A lot of real commentary is generic enough anyway that I think they could repurpose it.
# 37 oneamongthefence @ 08/03/16 10:05 AM
I have a feeling commentary will be awful again this year. Also the tats look way too bold. As in they're too deep looking like a brand new one would look instead of having a slightly faded been there more than a week look.

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# 38 MoneyOvaHuds @ 08/03/16 02:35 PM

# 39 MavsUCCB @ 08/03/16 05:36 PM
Anyone else really want to go grab a Snickers after watching that video or is it just me?
# 40 dmslapped @ 08/03/16 09:10 PM
What's with the tables and trash cans in the crowd at 5 seconds in the video?

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