VideoBall News Post

Videoball is truly unique, and you wouldn't be blamed for failing to grasp the idea after laying eyes on it for the first time. However, the control scheme is ingeniously basic, meaning anyone can pick up a controller and get involved.

The objective is simple: send balls into the opponent’s goal. This is achieved by maneuvering your player with the analog stick, while any other button on the controller allows you to unleash mini-triangle attacks. If a triangle comes into contact with the ball, the ball will move. It might not sound like it, but there’s a lot of depth to this system. You can hold the button longer to unleash more powerful triangular strikes, or set up blocks in front of your goal. You can also attack other players and unleash deadly rebounds all with the same button.

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Game: VideoBallReader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Trackball @ 07/20/16 05:34 PM
I'm surprised you never mentioned that this game was designed by the notorious Tim Rogers, who is known for his extremely lengthy diatribes on game design whenever reviewing something, as well as the apparent supremacy of the Japanese language over English.

That said, games such as this (and iOS game Ziggurat, which he also did) show he can not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. He backs up his words.
# 2 CM Hooe @ 07/21/16 11:32 PM
One of my friends worked on this game! I'll be sure to pass along the kind words.
# 3 underdog13 @ 07/24/16 08:23 PM
Just downloaded it and first game was a blast! Although nobody plays online. If anyone on OS wants to play on pc lemme know.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
# 4 ZoneBlitz @ 07/25/16 11:43 PM
How much is it?
# 5 Fraser G. @ 07/26/16 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by ZoneBlitz
How much is it?
It's $9.99 on Steam, PS4 & Xbox One.

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