FIFA 16 News Post

As reported a couple of weeks ago, EA Sports has just pushed another FIFA 16 title update for the inconsistencies in chemistry and fitness in FUT. The title update is available now on PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Playstation 3 with Xbox 360 to follow soon.

We will be sharing information on some of the deeper mechanics of Ultimate Team as we move towards the launch of FIFA 17. We will let you know as soon as we have confirmation of the release on other platforms.

Source - EA Sports

Game: FIFA 16Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 2 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 DBMcGee3 @ 07/13/16 09:59 AM
God I hate that this FUT mode is so popular.
# 2 PhillyPhanatic14 @ 07/13/16 10:31 AM
Impressive that they care enough to put a fix out when they are so close to the release of 17. Very cool.
# 3 3oh2 @ 07/13/16 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by PhillyPhanatic14
Impressive that they care enough to put a fix out when they are so close to the release of 17. Very cool.
Power of money. People will be spending money on this mode even after the new release.
# 4 JayD @ 07/13/16 01:22 PM
Hey, there is still a lot of things wrong with career mode so why don't you go ahead and push another patch through? NO? That's right, EA doesn't care about it.
# 5 Zac @ 07/13/16 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by 3oh2
Power of money. People will be spending money on this mode even after the new release.
Exactly. People are still playing FUT on 12, 13, 14 and 15. And probably still spending money. So of course they are going to patch this. If they didn't, a lot of people would stop playing FUT on 16. And they would lose out on some potential points buyers.

So maybe for us career mode players, we need to embrace the VC style of 2k, and be okay with EA adding currency to career. Maybe then they would care about patching things in that after release.
# 6 Bixer @ 07/14/16 04:49 AM
Anyone else feel like this patch has changed the gameplay slightly too? Or is it just me?
# 7 Matt10 @ 07/14/16 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by Bixer
Anyone else feel like this patch has changed the gameplay slightly too? Or is it just me?
It has, i'm working on a video to go over it. I gave my impressions in the previous update thread too. Much more direct in kick-off, less direct in CM. Basically the opposite of what we experienced in FIFA 15 lol.
# 8 Bixer @ 07/14/16 06:21 AM
Frustratingly I'm also finding the big fullback issue has come back too - where they seem to want to act like CDMs.

For ****'s sake EA, just when I manage to get the game to my liking, you ruin it again.
# 9 3oh2 @ 07/14/16 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by ZO
Exactly. People are still playing FUT on 12, 13, 14 and 15. And probably still spending money. So of course they are going to patch this. If they didn't, a lot of people would stop playing FUT on 16. And they would lose out on some potential points buyers.

So maybe for us career mode players, we need to embrace the VC style of 2k, and be okay with EA adding currency to career. Maybe then they would care about patching things in that after release.
I'd even be okay with them adding a one time paid DLC for like $10 it we can get what we want. Like a new league or two, more tournaments, and/or more countries in the qualifying process, etc. after release. I fully support the "they should have it in the release" argument, but it wouldn't be horrible to have the option after release.
# 10 buckeyezombie @ 07/15/16 02:17 PM
This game played awesome after this update, the ball seemed looser, i saw new animations and world class seemed more balanced. From just a few games played

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# 11 PPerfect_CJ @ 07/15/16 02:41 PM
The CPU definitely seems to be attacking more. I gave up 3 goals to Aston Villa with De Gea, last night. They were being really aggressive.
# 12 buckeyezombie @ 07/15/16 06:18 PM
Well that was placebo effect. Back to getting beaten badly by crap teams

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# 13 ajs41072 @ 07/16/16 12:04 AM
after the update, the game seems to play like the FUT Draft games I've had before the update. I give up 4+ goals a game as the ball continues to pinball right to my opponents boot, or the opposing player jostles my player and comes out with the ball and two steps ahead of the defender he just won the ball from. Then they can dribble right in on goal.
# 14 bad_philanthropy @ 07/19/16 12:50 AM
Could be placebo, but I feel like the fullback play after this patch is all jacked up. No tactical adjustment keeps them from playing like wingers with no interest in tracking anything defensively.
# 15 papinho81 @ 07/19/16 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
Could be placebo, but I feel like the fullback play after this patch is all jacked up. No tactical adjustment keeps them from playing like wingers with no interest in tracking anything defensively.
I think the last patch has changed drastically how the defensive lines shapes and how all players behaves off ball. The 4 back line is much narrower. When defending they are literally forming a wall once in the last third of the pitch. I think this is very good because you can have that solidity feeling that the cpu will not go through your defense like a knife inside butter. Then it is the job of the winger to help providing defensive width and blocking space on the wing. I think (after the few games I played, may be I will change my mind later) the game with the last patch does that pretty decently.
When attacking it seems that fullback have a riskier behavior they are making more runs to ask for the ball and sometimes inside the pitch (and I have my FB slider at 1/1). I don't find this as annoying yet as it used to be under I can't remember which patch. The thing you need to avoid is using this high up on the pitch FB to press the CPU otherwise you will give space that the cpu will exploit.

Of course these are early thoughts (feelings) and with more games I might notice new/more issue but so far I think this last patch is a good improvement to the game.
# 16 Bixer @ 07/19/16 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by papinho81
I think the last patch has changed drastically how the defensive lines shapes and how all players behaves off ball. The 4 back line is much narrower. When defending they are literally forming a wall once in the last third of the pitch. I think this is very good because you can have that solidity feeling that the cpu will not go through your defense like a knife inside butter.
But the thing is though, it's not realistic. There's no need for 4 defenders to be marking 1 or 2 strikers.

They should work on the CPU not being able to cut through your defense like a knife in the first place - not unrealistically change your defensive line to suit their broken game.
# 17 papinho81 @ 07/19/16 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Bixer
But the thing is though, it's not realistic. There's no need for 4 defenders to be marking 1 or 2 strikers.

They should work on the CPU not being able to cut through your defense like a knife in the first place - not unrealistically change your defensive line to suit their broken game.
I don't think it is unrealistic. If you pay attention to it IRL games full backs very often (always?) behave like that. If you have a look at the Euro 16 final highlights (for example there: http://www.fullmatchesandshows.com/2...-full-match-2/) you will see that FB are very close to the CB when their opponent have the ball in the last third of the pitch (at 3:41 for example Evra is very close from the two CB). Of course if the ball is on a side the concerned FB will go close to the ball carrier but the FB from the other side will be very close to the CBs and I think the game do it quite well.
# 18 Matt10 @ 07/19/16 11:03 AM
The importance is that the defensive players/line need to stay goal-side. They have accomplished that. Did they tuck the FBs too far? Yes. But this has been that way since December. It's nothing new.

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