FIFA 17 News Post

EA has posted an interview with Sam Rivera, lead gameplay producer for FIFA 17, as he goes over the different attacking techniques in the game this year. Make sure to check out the new trailer here, going over more details.

Tell us about the new ways players can attack in FIFA 17.

We've introduced new attacking options that fans have asked for and we're excited for them to use - starting with two new driven shots. The first is the low shot. You power it up like a normal shot but you press the shoot button a second time before making contact with the ball. This results in a ball that is low to the ground and great for when you’re aiming at the bottom corners of the goal. These types of shots also have a new variety of ball error.

The other is the low finesse shot. This time, you press the RB/R1 shot modifier while pressing the shoot button a second time before making contact. When done correctly, this results in a low and swerving ground shot that is usually aimed towards the bottom corner of the goal.

What about headers, anything new there?

We’re now making it possible to direct your headers downwards, again meant to make it more difficult for the keeper to reach.

How do you do that?

As with the driven shots, you press the corresponding button a second time to have your player push the ball downwards and not upwards. You can also do this same action on volleys, a second button press will give you the ability to keep your volleys lower.

The through pass is a very effective mechanic in the game, anything new added there?

We now have it that you can place a through pass further into space by pressing RB/R1 + Y/Triangle. When performed in the right situation your attackers should have a better chance on goal.

You mentioned driven finishing shots, do keepers have anything similar to get the ball back into play?

Yes, we’ve introduced two options for keepers. They can now do driven drop kicks or driven throws.

Do you need to press the button a second time to do this?

No. This time, you hold the RB/R1 to do driven kicks or throws. RB/R1 + X/Square or B/Circle will have the keeper kick the ball with a lower but faster trajectory while RB/R1 + A/Cross will see the keeper throw the ball with a similar lower trajectory but with much more power. When done correctly this will result in more fast break counter-attacking opportunities.

Game: FIFA 17Reader Score: Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 1 Entiae @ 07/12/16 03:10 PM
"Drive low hard shots..." - Yes please!
# 2 Zac @ 07/12/16 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Entiae
"Drive low hard shots..." - Yes please!
It sounds so dirty when you say it.
# 3 JHedges2 @ 07/12/16 03:49 PM
Video looks good. Hope they update that BPL ball tho
# 4 Matt10 @ 07/12/16 04:06 PM
This can be done on FIFA 16 with shot speed higher and shot error higher. Have scored, and been scored on, some beauties as a result.

Eitherway, I am very glad to see some emphasis on ball physics and shot variety as a result.
# 5 Steve_OS @ 07/12/16 06:59 PM
Just added an interview in the OP.
# 6 talucchesi @ 07/12/16 09:34 PM
So I don't want to take full credit for this but ahh...... http://www.operationsports.com/forum...low-shots.html
# 7 KTBFFH @ 07/12/16 09:55 PM
Yesss. So many goals like these every weekend in the Prem. A very welcome addition. I hope to see some more defensive awareness as far as blocks and tackles go, though.
# 8 wordtobigbird @ 07/13/16 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by talucchesi
So I don't want to take full credit for this but ahh...... http://www.operationsports.com/forum...low-shots.html
My first thought was that thread.

Good stuff EA!
# 9 integer @ 07/13/16 04:43 AM
All these "new" features, please don't be over powered.
# 10 nunogomes @ 07/13/16 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Matt10
This can be done on FIFA 16 with shot speed higher and shot error higher. Have scored, and been scored on, some beauties as a result.

Eitherway, I am very glad to see some emphasis on ball physics and shot variety as a result.
I don´t know if there is a difference in ball physics, a couple of days ago saw a video of E3 i believe, and 3 things from past Fifaá all happened:

the ball hitting the post a lot.

the ball hitting the post and coming back straight to the attackers feet to score.

the ball hitting the bar and then the back of the keeper

If the ball physics were really different, these 3 things probably would stop happening so frequently...
# 11 KG @ 07/13/16 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by KTBFFH
Yesss. So many goals like these every weekend in the Prem. A very welcome addition. I hope to see some more defensive awareness as far as blocks and tackles go, though.

Eder just won the Euros for Portugal with a low driven shot

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# 12 Matt10 @ 07/14/16 06:02 AM
I kind of gave my thoughts on the Gameplay Features in this thread earlier, but I decided to just compile it into a video.

# 13 nunogomes @ 07/14/16 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Matt10
I kind of gave my thoughts on the Gameplay Features in this thread earlier, but I decided to just compile it into a video.

You are spot on about the ball trajectory and speed, although, about the speed, i don´t know if it´s the ball going slowly or the fact that it misses that blur we are used to see in the real world.

Anyway, i can live with the speed issue, but the trajectory thing kills the imersion a bit. I remember seeing the same issue in past FIFA´s (much less in 16, but very present before that), in crosses specially. If we cross from the right side for example, with the right foot, the ball usually does this trajectory ) yes, this is parenthesis, just to exemplify what the ball does in the situation describe. But sometimes in FIFA, at the midway point of that trajectory, the ball goes to the other side, like, if the wind caught it!

Don´t know if im explaining this well enough...
# 14 Matt10 @ 07/14/16 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by nunogomes
You are spot on about the ball trajectory and speed, although, about the speed, i don´t know if it´s the ball going slowly or the fact that it misses that blur we are used to see in the real world.

Anyway, i can live with the speed issue, but the trajectory thing kills the imersion a bit. I remember seeing the same issue in past FIFA´s (much less in 16, but very present before that), in crosses specially. If we cross from the right side for example, with the right foot, the ball usually does this trajectory ) yes, this is parenthesis, just to exemplify what the ball does in the situation describe. But sometimes in FIFA, at the midway point of that trajectory, the ball goes to the other side, like, if the wind caught it!

Don´t know if im explaining this well enough...
Makes perfect sense actually. Love the diagrams, my friend

Yes, I think you bring up a great point about the trajectory and curvature of the ball on crosses. It's like the players haven't turned their hips enough. Which would make sense since they do cross the ball out of bounds so often.

The odd part about the velocity in the cross is that it only translates to height of the ball. So if you triple tap cross, you get a very vicious low ball, but if you do a regular cross, the ball kind of floats into the box. I think that float effect is a product of what you're talking about, where the ball is starting to spin the other way (towards the goal, when it should be going away from the goal, when crossing on the right side).

Good stuff, Nuno!
# 15 talucchesi @ 07/14/16 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Matt10
I kind of gave my thoughts on the Gameplay Features in this thread earlier, but I decided to just compile it into a video.

I actually completely disagree with what you're saying about the ball trajectories Matt. I'm trying to find a video example of James taking a FK with the outside of his foot from that camera angel but it doesn't exist.

Which brings me to my biggest gripe...

You shouldn't be able to use this technique with just anyone. The percentage of players that use the outside of their foot on FK's in world football has to be <5%
# 16 Matt10 @ 07/14/16 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by talucchesi
I actually completely disagree with what you're saying about the ball trajectories Matt. I'm trying to find a video example of James taking a FK with the outside of his foot from that camera angel but it doesn't exist.

Which brings me to my biggest gripe...

You shouldn't be able to use this technique with just anyone. The percentage of players that use the outside of their foot on FK's in world football has to be <5%
Trajectories are more of a symptom of not getting the first couple feet right. Notice the small angle diagram that pops up around 00:20 secs in the video. That does not seem to matter anymore once a free kick is in place. To perform that kind of shot you have to hit it with enough velocity, initially, and it's all about the follow through from there. These aren't the Jabulani's mind you - but FIFA's free kicks seem to have that effect. They need to use the benefits of the "promoted" shot technique, and the system that goes with it, and implement that into the free kicks.
# 17 talucchesi @ 07/15/16 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by Matt10
Trajectories are more of a symptom of not getting the first couple feet right. Notice the small angle diagram that pops up around 00:20 secs in the video. That does not seem to matter anymore once a free kick is in place. To perform that kind of shot you have to hit it with enough velocity, initially, and it's all about the follow through from there. These aren't the Jabulani's mind you - but FIFA's free kicks seem to have that effect. They need to use the benefits of the "promoted" shot technique, and the system that goes with it, and implement that into the free kicks.

Here's the best example I could find in a short amount of time. Watch the hit at around 2:32 in this video. Now it's in slow motion, but I think EA got that trajectory pretty close.

The problem is this technique is 1. hard to consistently pull off and 2. the keeper knows with 95% certainty we're you're shooting. So players will almost always use an instep technique. Including James . I can't ever recall him using this technique let alone find a highlight of him showcasing this technique
# 18 nunogomes @ 07/15/16 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Matt10
Makes perfect sense actually. Love the diagrams, my friend

Yes, I think you bring up a great point about the trajectory and curvature of the ball on crosses. It's like the players haven't turned their hips enough. Which would make sense since they do cross the ball out of bounds so often.

The odd part about the velocity in the cross is that it only translates to height of the ball. So if you triple tap cross, you get a very vicious low ball, but if you do a regular cross, the ball kind of floats into the box. I think that float effect is a product of what you're talking about, where the ball is starting to spin the other way (towards the goal, when it should be going away from the goal, when crossing on the right side).

Good stuff, Nuno!
I was wondering if i explained myself correctly, guess i did.

About the James FK, i hope that it takes at least 50 tries to actually reproduce that goal in the game... from the top of my head, the last goal i remember to see like that (outside of the foot FK) was from Roberto Carlos...
# 19 papinho81 @ 07/16/16 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by nunogomes
I was wondering if i explained myself correctly, guess i did.

About the James FK, i hope that it takes at least 50 tries to actually reproduce that goal in the game... from the top of my head, the last goal i remember to see like that (outside of the foot FK) was from Roberto Carlos...
Yeah and it was almost 10 years ago!!! But I am not sure fifa will manage to recreate Roberto Carlos ball trajectory, it was crazy. It was not only that he used the outside off the foot but the whip he gave to the ball.

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