MLB The Show 16 News Post

MLB The Show 16 is currently on sale for $39.88 at Amazon.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BA2929 @ 07/06/16 08:52 PM
I sort of want to get this.

I have a $25 Amazon Gift card burning a hole in my account, so I could get this for $15.

However, I only played last years game for about a month then got rid of it, so I'm not sure this is worth it even for $15.

# 2 FamousAtticus @ 07/06/16 09:21 PM
If only this game was available on XBOX One. Maybe one day...
# 3 RocketsFan1993 @ 07/06/16 11:50 PM
Any word on how long it will be on sale? I won't have money until next Wednesday.
Also, is there any reason why it went on sale?
# 4 BSchwartz07 @ 07/07/16 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by BA2929
I sort of want to get this.

I have a $25 Amazon Gift card burning a hole in my account, so I could get this for $15.

However, I only played last years game for about a month then got rid of it, so I'm not sure this is worth it even for $15.

It's really similar to last year's game, but for some reason I really like this year's version quite a bit more. The ability to play an entire series without loading on Road to the Show is a game changer.
# 5 TheBleedingRed21 @ 07/07/16 12:37 PM
If only this could be the new retail price!

But this is a great deal for those who don't have it. Amazing game.
# 6 Scary Larry @ 07/11/16 05:31 PM
This worth getting if I still have 15' and been playing it still? I'm tempted at this price. I'm mostly a RTTS and DD guy. Thanks in advance.
# 7 Ghost Of The Year @ 07/11/16 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by FamousAtticus
If only this game was available on XBOX One. Maybe one day...
Don't hold your breath. The only way the Show ever makes it's way to the XBox is if Sony gets out of the console business.
# 8 countryboy @ 07/12/16 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Scary Larry
This worth getting if I still have 15' and been playing it still? I'm tempted at this price. I'm mostly a RTTS and DD guy. Thanks in advance.
I would say in terms of gameplay yes its worth the upgrade. However I do not play RTTS or DD so I can't speak in terms of those game modes.
# 9 BA2929 @ 07/12/16 03:51 PM
Looks like MLB The Show 16 goes on sale on Prime Day at 7:45pm Central time.

It's already $35 for Prime members, so who knows how low it'll go.
# 10 Scary Larry @ 07/12/16 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by BA2929
Looks like MLB The Show 16 goes on sale on Prime Day at 7:45pm Central time.

It's already $35 for Prime members, so who knows how low it'll go.

Good thing I've held out the past 24hrs. Think I'll be all over this. Thanks for the heads up buddy!
# 11 BA2929 @ 07/12/16 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Scary Larry
Good thing I've held out the past 24hrs. Think I'll be all over this. Thanks for the heads up buddy!
Yea I NEARLY picked it up last night for $35 since I have a $25 gift card in my account.

I'll definitely get it tonight no matter how low it gets.

You might go check yourself to see the time though. It says 7:45pm for me, but I'm not sure if Amazon updates for your time zone or what. I set a watch alert so my phone will beep when it goes up for sale.
# 12 BA2929 @ 07/12/16 08:47 PM
It's live and the game is $15.

Yes. FIFTEEN dollars for Prime members. $20 for everyone else, it's a lightning deal.

Jump on it if you want it! 40% claimed as of my post and only 10 min left.
# 13 bucknup @ 07/12/16 09:07 PM
I ended up getting it Sunday when I broke down and got the PS4 finally. Just my luck...
# 14 charter04 @ 07/12/16 09:32 PM
I got it for $7.51 with my reward points

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 15 Scary Larry @ 07/12/16 09:50 PM
Snagged it on the lightning deal! Was at 84% taken when I pulled the trigger. What an absolute steal of a deal. Total came to $5.47 after a $10 Audible Promo I stacked on it. Amazon can't be beat.

Edit: Anyone get a funky shipping date on theirs? Mine says shipping from July 29th-August 26th.
# 16 CC @ 07/12/16 09:56 PM
Great deal, though the estimated delivery for mine is July 28th-August 25th. So no two-day (at least for me, when I grabbed around 90%).
# 17 BA2929 @ 07/12/16 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by CC
Great deal, though the estimated delivery for mine is July 28th-August 25th. So no two-day (at least for me, when I grabbed around 90%).
Mine says coming Friday, but I got mine at less than 20% taken. Actually got it for free thanks to a gift card.
# 18 Scary Larry @ 07/14/16 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
An alright deal lol. Nothing special. 16 doesn't have enough for me anyway. I'm full tilt toward 17 at this point. Twins suck too, although they been crushing Texas for some reason.

Ahahaha! SBD fart in your direction, bub!

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